How come Wario doesn't attract autism and anger like Shadow does? They both are evil counterparts to the main lead.
How come Wario doesn't attract autism and anger like Shadow does? They both are evil counterparts to the main lead
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ones goofy and ones anime. but you knew that already, and you just wanted to make a stealth Wario thread, which I support
Because wario is supposed to be funny, shadow is incidentally funny
for some reason Yea Forums has a boner for fat male characters with a repulsive personality, imagine if the genders were switched
Shadow is Self-conscious while Wario is fat and Self-centered.
Wario is LITERALLY to egomaniacal to attract essence of autism.
Meanwhile, Shadow is brimming with fidgety self-conscious insecurity in his aesthetic and his personality being bold is counter to that persona he gives off, which they aspire to be contrary to what they are.
Voreio attracts autism indirectly.
Wario still gets his own games, when was the last time Shadow had his own game? Over 15 years ago now
Imagine if they made a Mario character that wears black clothes and uses a gun and kills humans. Do Sonic fags even realize how stupid it would be if any other kid's games did stuff like that?
Sonic already had a wario-like character but SEGA refuses to use him for some reason.
Rouge the Bat is a way better version of the villainous thief trope, because she's a lot more charming and stylish. Fang is kinda bland by comparison.
Wario is not necessarily "evil" so much as he's the opposite of Mario and that makes him funny.
you only like rouge because she makes your penis hard
you only like fang because your parents didn't love you enough and got you a game gear as a kid
Lol, is that your best comeback? Rouge the Bat frankly fits the role of a thief/spy much better, has better chemistry with other characters, and is more unique and charismatic over-all. If you're allergic to the fact that they made a flirty girl character (god forbid) and consider that a huge net negative, maybe that's a personal problem.
Wario = Funny
Shadow = Cringe
Basically, yeah. Sonic already had a perfectly funny villain from the start. It's Dr. Eggman. Wario and Eggman even used to have the same voice in Japanese.
>not even relevant enough to appear in Sonic R
>attract autism and anger
That would be Waluigi user. Guy is a showboating egoist with some of the best animations in the spin-off games and people absolutely loath him to an irrational degree.
he's still never ever showing up in smash as a character or in a mainline mario game
Wario is a fat funny jew who is unapologetically himself. He also has fantastic games to his name, arguably some of the best platformers of all time. Shadow comes from a franchise known for its excessive autism. If Sonic represents Chris-chan autism, Shadow represents the next evolution of that autism, where Timmy stops talking like a cartoon character and thinks being edgy makes him cool. He also has only one game to his name and opinions on that game are mixed at best.
>he's still never ever showing up in smash as a character or in a mainline mario game
Yes, people will say things exactly like this in an angry manner and autistically start talking about "Mario canon" so......what I just said.
Wario attracts a different, more 'Melvin' like autism
>Wario and Eggman even used to have the same voice in Japanese.
Shit nigga that's a cool fact.
There's something about playing a fat overweight gross big nose fuck that appeals to me, I always choose him in Mario Kart and in other Mario games.
I assume other games also has this, where one of the fan-favourites is the weirdo /strange character on the roster.
>imagine if the genders were switched
Never played it but don't people love the fat guy from overwatch
Yeah, Waluigi is the one that attracts autistics. Even if they're being facetious or "ironic", Waluigi fans generate genuine, industrial grade autism and autistic content like songs, comics, fan-fics.
Wario isn't meant to be cool.
Paradoxically, this is exactly why he IS cooler than Shadow, but this is the reason why he doesn't attract autism.
who does this OC belong to and why does he look so irrelevant
Wario isn't made by a board of directors to represent what they think kids find cool, he's just a greedy fatstrong man. That's why Wario is cool.
rouge the bat
They are nothing alike
>he doesn't attract autism
Do you doubt the power of my higher-functioning brethren, user?
Was Wario ever associated with farting before Brawl anyway? Naturally this has enormously increased his stock with autists, who still find toilet humour funny well into their teenage years.
shadow isn't an evil counterpart?
>mogs every character posted ITT
A cursory google search reveals that it was a thing starting with Wario Land 2?
That being said, 'tism netizens don't know shit about that, so you're probably still right
metalCHADS win again
nothing personnel kid
Because Mario is full of boring and safe mascots, so picking the weirdest or stupidest character possible is a way to break up the monotony. Wario and Waluigi exist as shitpost options basically.
BASED mecha poster
>dies and never shows up again
heh... nothin personnel...
He knew he was too good for 3D sanicshit and decided to stay dead.
Unironcally a way better boss fight than anything with Metal Sonic (I'm talking about the Knuckles version btw).
The only downer was they used Doomsday Zone for the track, it got me hype as fuck and then he just puttered back and forth on the top of the screen like a faggot for 2 minutes.
Go back
>Im not going to finish this because I got a job at Bioware
Why must they kill all that is good
Wario is a goofy stereotypical villain.
Shadow is an Edgelord designed specifically for moody teenagers.
>Imagine if they made a Mario character that wears black clothes and uses a gun and kills humans
I'd combine these answers.
Waluigi and Ashley directly flank Wario, and they're autism lightning rods. Waluigi for meme, crazy theories about Mario canon, and rosterfagging for WarioWare; Ashley for weird coomers, hot topic appeal, and rosterfagging for Mario Kart. And inversely, part of Shadow's huge autism factor is classic purists who hate him - and hardcore fans of Wario Land or Captain Syrup simps hate both Waluigi and Ashley. There's really no audience that hates Wario as a character, thus fewer petty fights.
It's a careful balance that keeps people from getting too involved with Wario except purely on gameplay terms. You still see some obsession leaking in. I've absolutely got in slapfights over Wario Land canon, the evolution of his personality, and which the best in the series is. But by virtue of having mostly lower-profile games, way more hits than misses, and a healthy presence in sports games, the discussions are a lot calmer.
I'm legit surprised he didn't show up for the final act of the Sonic 2 movie. He even has the "one eye" motif that Movie Eggman has for his robots, and could easily have had a fitting design.
Also because they are the meta
Has there been a Mario platformer where Warriors was the lead villain? I think it would be a good aesthetic and content change.
super mario land 2
pretty much is a given in almost any fighting game.
Sonic autism hasn't been a thing since like 2013 my man
Even the FRICK kid is banging one of the hottest girls in the world
I like both
>Even the FRICK kid is banging one of the hottest girls in the world