How do we fix the Battle Network-like genre?

How do we fix the Battle Network-like genre?

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It's a genre?

Yeah, action grid deck builder rpg.

By not using it

One Step From Eden is fine

Attached: one-step-from-eden-eden.gif (640x360, 3.67M)

Cool. What game is that?

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Any good mod recs for that pile of shit?

Yet another roguelite "spiritual sequel" to Battle Network that promises to be "closer to battle network" than .

jesus holy fuck how did this get past the playtesting

Attached: 1578913432033.jpg (448x327, 56.08K)

Does that mean the world and character designs are unnecessary? Does that mean the deckbuilding can be like whatever you wish? Does that mean the grid can be of any size?

Fuck off and go to hell. Such liberal thinking was what birthed the abominations that are One Step From Eden, Phantom Rift, Card Witch, and Endcycle VS.

I played eden without knowing that this was a genre and thought it was decent, what don't you like about it?

One Step From Eden didn't scratch the Battle Network itch for me
I feel like the creator simply didn't "get it"
Shanghai.exe... Now that was soulful as hell
Best game I've played in years


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ask me how i know that you were raised by a single mother.

>Does that mean the world and character designs are unnecessary?

My bad, I should've posted this:
>*Does that mean the charming, idealistic pre-net 2.0 ultramodern world and clean and joyful character designs are unnecessary?
Or are you fine with generic cyberfuck trite like Isotope Ash?

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Indie developers still can't do much more than rip off 20 year old Japanese games huh

It's either that or depression sim vol #9001/unique but mediocre sandbox that gets bought by AAA studios

it's not uncommon for social outcasts to not understand subjectivity

It's not uncommon for retards to not understand objectivity.

Attached: Mega-Man-Battle-Network.jpg (640x360, 47.65K)

Why are they always roguelites? Roguelites in this style are shit.

>It's a deck builder
>but you can't actually build your deck the way you want you just hope RNG gives you what you need
>also you can't grind
>Also there's no real purpose to the fights
>Also there's no dungeons or over world to explore
What's the point of saying it's a spritual successor when it's missing 90% of the series' identity?

Capcom should just do a re-release of the whole series with online battles.

>Red is bad
>Blue is good
Dr. Wily is the good guy

It's a way to cheap out on development costs, apparently.
He did say he intends to expand it into an actual RPG, if given the ability.

Rage-kun, why do you hate one step from eden?

Never heard people use those points to bitch about StS. Why use them on this game?

Did Slay the Spire ever claim to be a spiritual sequel to a beloved franchise?

Those missing is what puts me off MMBN clones.
I liked being able to grind for chips, find shit to jack into some of which were hidden, have post game dungeons to explore, find and make the Program Advances.

If it's not on the internet it makes no sense for battles to happen on a grid with chips and a custom meter.

Isn't StS just turn based with no actual real time component or grid movement? Never played it, just saying that I never associated it with BN in any capacity since BN did not invent "get cards and use them".

Reminder to play MMBN 4.5

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>he likes grinding

Attached: red-flag.png (300x300, 31.95K)

>even more grinding and timewasting

Attached: red-flag-emoji-viral-twitter-trend.jpg (1400x928, 233.62K)

>no arguement

Slay the Spire isn't Battle Network inspired so I don't see why those points would come into it.

Do you even know what a genre is, you complete and utter moron?

I was praying we got a collection after the zero one but capcom went right back to not giving a shit about megaman.


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Grinding is just there for tedium and bloat + gameplay loop bs

It's literally optional. Gameplay loop implies it's mandatory and you have to do it.

Its still bs even if its optional
Seriously just let the player get shit through cool challenges instead of hoping to git lucky & find a rare virus & get a proper rank to get the proper code
>but muh programs
You need to grind zeeny for that shit, fuck off & go back to square 1

It's still based somewhat on hearthstone, a deck-construction game where much of the same logic can be applied.

>Seriously just let the player get shit through cool challenges
Strange you're saying this when you're defending roguelite faggotry.
As for your retarded points
>Get lucky
build a proper folder instead of your alphabet soup folder dumbass
>find a rare virus
user, you just need to remember where you fought those enemies before. The only encounters you need to find are the powered up bosses after you've beaten them once before so you can get their stronger chips
>get a proper rank
Build a proper folder and get good.

You said it's the gameplay loop, it's not.


No, not in the slightest because Hearthstone isn't based off of BN either. The only similarity they share is that they let you build a deck and fight using it. The entire rest of what makes a BN game is not even remotely similar to either game. Hell the battle system is Active with turns not purely turnbased.

>You need to grind zeeny for that shit
>He needs to grind for money in a BN game
lol how shit are you?

The one complaint I'm guessing that user was going to make was "it looks too busy/has too much going on at the same time", but that would've betrayed his less than stellar gaming skills in a thread dedicated to a series of games targeted almost exclusively towards literal children and fueled primarily by nostalgia, and his weak ego wouldn't be able to handle being called out for this, hence he hesitated and struggled to even come up with an answer.
I do hope OSFE gets a sequel that corrects some of the minutia. It's a really good game, but balance could be better and deck building could definitely use some more intent. Still a really good fucking game, though.

>rip off is better than the original

>Strange you're saying this when you're defending roguelite faggotry.
I think rogueshit is as dilation worthy as you user
Git gud in the reading comprehension department
>build a proper folder instead of your alphabet soup folder dumbass
Give me a starter deck with actual consistent synergy instead of the luckbased cannon ab + areagrab s + sword s shit you ꜱοyboys love to slurp up without critical thinking
>user, you just need to remember where you fought those enemies before. The only encounters you need to find are the powered up bosses after you've beaten them once before so you can get their stronger chips
You diddling retard
Even in bn6 some viruses are placed in weird places alongside more common encounters that interfere with the chippool
& navi grinding is also bs even if its for fun
Just make the ghosts stay in place & be visible like sf2 waves
>Build a proper folder and get good.
Noth without grinding so go back to square 1 again

Jesus christ, get a life.

I ended up 100%ing Eden and think it's a lovely game but I think the hectic pace of the battle system favored certain builds over others. In my experience the best builds were always the ones where you stack opportunities for passive damage so you don't have to split your attention between attacking and dodging at the same time. Riskier play doesn't necessarily lead to higher damage either, poison is extremely safe but also does a heinous amount of damage without you having to keep a line of sight on the enemy.

How many battle network clones actually feature out-of-combat sections?


Hero.EXE has one, and Phantom Rift does so as well. Shanghai is a no-brainer.

>Give me a starter deck with actual consistent synergy instead of the luckbased cannon ab + areagrab s + sword s shit you ꜱοyboys love to slurp up without critical thinking
Are you actually bitching about the starter folder which you should already have plenty of chips to replace before even entering the first dungeon without any grinding?
Are you really that bad a children's game that you're getting filtered by fucking Mettaurs?

One Step from Eden is fucking excellent. Everyone who hates it just sucks at it. This isn't your grandpa's BN

Attached: osfe_selicy_gate2.webm (480x270, 2.49M)

>if you don't like what i like you are bad!
Now THAT is some grade A cope.

It's true. I was here when the game first game out. Literally every single criticism was that the game was too fast and they couldn't beat it

Now user, be nice. He's a retard that got filtered by BN's folder building and was stuck with an Alphabet soup folder.
He can't help being a faggot.

Not a fan of the art and designs. A furry cathirl an against a fortress with an unidentifiable pixl mess on it. Explain

My faggoy in hiroshima shockwave/guard doesnt doubledelete & reflrct1 comes in acp not l or s

some of the base sprites were awkward but they recently got updated and now they're all god-tier. The battlefield gets chaotic but that's because there's a lot of shit going on, the enemies throw out a lot more attacks than MMBN

Attached: osfe_sprites.gif (540x330, 1.06M)

You conveniently ignored the parts where people bashed the lack of a custom screen, lamented the absence of a proper world to explore and slandered the serviceable but basic pixel art.

So you just paint everybody with the same brush.
The game doesn't do what I want from a fucking MMBN clone. You're starting to sound like a fucking shill.