How come there is not a single good videogame about christianity?

how come there is not a single good videogame about christianity?

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Most game developers are degenerate llberals/atheists.

This picture is herecy remove it immideately

A lot of game devs are run by investment groups run by a certain tribe


you gotta wonder about the irony of drawing something like this to begin with

the opposite but yeah

Is this supposed to be Mary or female Jesus

Isaac is pretty good

Zelda 1 link is Christian. Most grand strategy games have Christians.


Most game developers are moloch worshippers

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Someone could make a Samson Action game.


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There isn't a single good book about Christianity either LOL

It exists and it's called Crusader Kings, you mongoloid.

Would the Romans have raped femsus?

Ex-CIA, actually, if Actiblizzard is anything to go by. And usually as a money-laundering scheme; again if Actiblizzard is anything to go by, they're great at raking in money a company they've been planted in was already generating, they're absolute dogshit at actually generating money on their own.

You will probably just complain that they're juice no matter what, but even so, a lot of game devs are run by glowies, not juice.

The best book out of all books is about Christianity. Your entire civilization is built on it.

I would buy a game based on Jewish Kabbalah or Orthodox Mysticism in an instant.

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God imagine a degenerate h-game where you play as femsus and you get raped by the romans, then the kikes get you into slavery and they sell you off
muh dick

>implying they didnt rape jesus
romans were homos, they definitely raped him to humiliate him, bible just dont mention it

Video games is a hobby of passion, injecting Christianity into a game is normally an ideological thing that creates a cringe veneer, it's like social justice being injected into a game, but that's cringe and bad for your soul.

Catholicism is a cult

Literally how do you make a good game about Christianity? The entire idea behind Christianity is that the Bible already is the best, Christ already the best character. How do you make a game about that? Just retell the stories, but make you move a character around? At that point, just fucking the book.

A saintly woman would be so naive and good that she would have no apprehension about making people joyous by showing her body to them.

Build on lies yeah and said civilization is collapsing fast right now

To be fair, Bobby Kotick is actually a jew.

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If you take the Bible at its most literal you could probably get a jammin' JRPG out of the initial Garden of Eden and Tower of Babil concepts, since there's a recurring theme in the good book that God is not actually all-powerful and is terrified of Man approaching divinity.

>At that point, just fucking the book.
Can't say I've ever tried THAT before but if you say so

Kingdom Come Deliverance
>Jesus Christ be praised!

Damn he got fat. Hit the threadmil, Bobby.


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Henry has come to tell you you're wrong

then again, it wasn't about christianity per se, it was just a part of a theme

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I'd almost say Binding of Isaac but it's not really about Christianity, it just uses a shit ton of the symbolism.

I wish Christians were as based today as they were during the crusades, then whoever drew this image would be crucified.


No you dumb fuck.
Make a game set during ancient times with angels and demons and dealing with christian theological questions through the actionsof them and the choices of the player.

New game idea

Jesus using a crucifix crossbow that shoots silver bolts

>not degenerate
>forgetting how god punished Lot's wife by turning her to a pillar of salt for daring to look at her home being destroyed
>but god was completely fine with his daughters then deciding to get Lot blackout drunk and raping him to get pregnant while he was passed out

>incestuous impregnation and rape
>not degenerate

the bible is such a mess that it's ridiculous you people worship it even though you willingly ignore parts of it that you don't agree with


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why did they make their hero onions?
One of the reasons their game wasnt as good as it could have been.
That and the fact the story was badly paced and made the player take a passive role in the story.


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For what it's worth the game's "true" ending has you fight a personification of the televangelism that drove Mom nuts, and The Beast as a harbinger of the apocalypse and a source of false worship is another version of Mom

>forgetting how god punished Lot's wife by turning her to a pillar of salt for daring to look at her home being destroyed
I always took this to mean she was vaporized by whatever it was that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. As in she was literally reduced to Ash

>even though you willingly ignore parts of it that you don't agree with
What is all of Catholicism

Who is the artist?

All religions are

Sure at the end of the day but people overlook just how much pagan stuff got absorbed into Catholicism to keep smellier indigenous types from getting too uppity
We keep the bones of figureheads as relics and perform rituals to drive away evil spirits

I'd like to make Christian game where hell invades earth, earth is able to beat them back with intervention from god but at a great cost and then they regroup to invade hell, you play as a small group of infiltrators, one of 7 who infiltrated hell by comitting a sin, your class determines your sin which creates a very serious character weakness, by overcoming this weakness and holding true the game gets harder, a lot harder, neutral characters become enemies, enemies can spot you from farther away and are more zealous in their attacks against you, even the levels will start to close off doors that were previously open and rearrange rooms to make them harder to navigate.

The problem is that anytime you make a game centered around a theme you have to explore that theme to at least some degree. But God is supposed to be perfect. Not just perfect but also unchanging. The things that are good are the things that God likes and the things that are evil are the things that God dislikes with no wiggle room for interpretation. Any sort of examination of God's a law that painted in a negative light is literally blasphemy. I know most people in the United States don't give a fuck about Christianity but they're still not going to commit brazen sacrilege in a AAA title. So the only alternative is the use the themes of Christianity without using the actual names similar to Final Fantasy Tactics

The first three Assassin's Creed?

>no but *this* one is REALLY bad
Nevermind how much modern atheists exclusively piss their pants over christcucks.
Your bias glows. Fuck all religions, especially jewdaism, christcucks and mudslimes.

>who infiltrated hell by comitting a sin

Why do I kind of want this? People found the means to destroy demons and so they infiltrate places of torment by intentionally sinning. Is this a thing? Because I'll be angry if it isn't

I prefer the game where Hell invades earth, but one marine with a shotgun turns the tide against the demonic hordes.

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You can't be serious

The best thing Japan did was kill all the christcuck converts and missionaires. The based Shoguns refused to let that (((abrahamic))) semitic cancer infect the country like a plague and pozz it from the inside. Kudos to them for defending their country, culture and religion from that dogshit. No wonder the Nazis considered them honorary aryans. Japan is 98.5% Japanese, and they kept their based warrior Shinto religion that extols loyalty and honor above all.

Meanwhile whites are becoming a minority in the west thanks to christcuck churches and ngos (who import a shitton of refugees) and kikes.

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>is REALLY bad
Said fucking nobody, quit tipping your own fedora pal

The point is, people should believe in what makes most sense and pick the probabilisticly more true choice.

If we have to pick between the bible being sent by the creator of the universe to people versus it just being an attempt of ancient people to make sense of the world and add in some poetry and law making into one book, then this second option is much much more probably as the reason for the bible's(and other ancient religious texts) origin.
The first notion is unreasonable since its chances of being true are much smaller and thus should not be believed.

you will never be aryan nor japanese

Mainstream churches from the beginning have understood that the old testament is not literal. Why do athiests insist that this isn't the case?

>based ethnocentrist japan! rejected all foreign ideas!
>absolutely no stinky buddhists here!

Except their collectivist shinto bullshit it just as bad.

The first one is way more about Islam.

>but people overlook just how much pagan stuff got absorbed into Catholicism

Because Chrisitanity isn't big in Japan.
Maybe South Korea will make a show like that because it's a Christian country.

Kind of annoying that Sypha went from an agent of the Church in Castlevania 3 to enemy of God in Netflixvania. The whole thing was that the church were supposed to be the enemies of Dracula and the primary defense against him. Since... you know... the whole reason Dracula became Dracula was to spite God? In Aria of Sorrow no one immediately suspected Graham of being evil purely because he was an agent of the church.

Bro your "that's bad"? Where in the post? I can't find it

keep triggering the christcucks

shinto doesn't tell you how to live your life, they just make pretty shrines where you can pray to find a qt gf or to pass your exams
christcucks are absolutely insufferable

I have no idea, it was just the only thing that made sense.

It's a completely different game, but I guess you could argue Doom is da best Christian game, you do beat the shit out of demons.

That's straight-up not true though

And if you're looking for Christian themes in video games there are plenty of good examples like the Fallout New Vegas Honest Hearts and the Halo trilogy.

>pretends he wasn't doing whataboutism and latches onto hyperbole to avoid being called out

No it's just the jews you bunkernigger. Go back.

Oh you're a /pol/ack, nevermind then

>shinto doesn't tell you how to live your life
you are fucking retarded

Because it is literal you retard, the translations are just shit. Use Strong's Exhaustive Bible Concordance you fedora nigger faggot.

Castlevania itself waffles on whether the church is completely good or completely bad, see Order of Ecclesia. Hell, see Castlevania 3, part of Trevor/Ralph's backstory is that the Belmont family was excommunicated when they started manifesting powers. Or much later on in Aria of Sorrow, Yoko Belnades is a church agent and an officiated witch, while Julius has been wandering around with amnesia for decades and got no help.

>Japan is 98.5% Japanese
Is inbreeding a problem in Japan?
In fact, I wonder how much immigration is required for a country to keep a diverse gene pool without altering the demographic.

when i was younger i didn't understand why such well adjusted adults would get pissed at weasels like yourself, now i feel it.

Seethe christmutt.
Seethe. 98.5% Japanese and less than 1% Christian. Get back to sucking refugee and nigger toes like the pope.

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>making up shit in his head to run from the discussion

no, you are
shinto has no doctrines, no precepts, no commandments, no hard rules like christcucks do
i know more about shinto than you do about your own religion, christcuck
hell i probably know more about christianity than you do, being born in this country

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>Go back.

Oh look another bunkerchan discord homo. Fuck off you demonic kike.


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You would be shit underneath Nobunaga's sandal and strung out on a pole to be pecked at by birds for trying to cozy up to Based Ethnostate Japan like this

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yeah i get it some old scary guy touched you as a child now you're at war with the bible belt just like every thick rimmed glasses limp wristed trimmed beard cunt

Which is it, is it the dead /pol/ trolling board or is it a Discord you can't prove exists

Hang yourself.

Also FFT. Christianity is centered around Jesus and Jesus is characterized as attempting to save everyone through humble altruism. Which is basically Ramza to a tee. The clarity of the church have been infested with demonic influences, they are basically the Pharisees. I guess that can also apply to the noble families since they have forgotten their purpose and spend all their time warring with each other rather than protecting their people. But Ramza is branded a heretic but that doesn't matter to him because he didn't do any of the things he did for fame, only to save his sister and because it was the right thing to do

>They wouldn't commit brazen sacrilege in a AAA title
Isn't the entire conceit of capital G God in SMT3 that he's a tyrant who enforces his will onto the universe and Louis Sipher is fighting to free the universe of the cycle of destruction and rebirth? Have the Christians even had a doom-esque moral panic for SMT?

what discussion, you shat your pants and threw around words from /pol/'s sticky when christianity having pagan traditions was brought up

t. child diddling priest

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oh so you're just exhibiting the same psycho behavior as troons but against another establishment

I just despise spiritual semites.

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Theologians throughout history who've spent their entire lives studying and understanding the word of God would laugh at you and hold you in contempt.

>unironic japan-loving weebfaggot ITT
hes lucky that he didnt born in China back when they were doing shit like this.

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I'm not sure most Christians played SMT. Including me, I kind of missed the boat on the franchise although I'm willing to jump in

Guess he was over target with that one, huh?

>implying there is anything wrong with this

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They were also porsecuting buddhists.

>thinking pagans look like that
All of you, without exception, are fat, sad, and lonely.

>western dummy goes for the "exotic" eastern belief system.
get a fucking grip you edgelord.
And im not religious since religious belief is irrational and immoral.

based as fuck

worship is a human function, you either do it to a religion, a role model, or a celebrity. pick your stupid emplacement and focus on hating islam because everyone else does and it's the most logical step

>the old testament is not literal
so god didn't create the earth at all, the 10 commandments are completely made up, the global flood and Noah's Ark never happened, etc

or maybe, JUST MAYBE, the whole fucking book is made up nonsense that you are stupid to believe

The great majority of Christcucks aren't even white lmao.

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No I agree, they were prosecuting the absolute shit out of Buddhists, one of Nobunaga's exploits that got him called the Demon King was telling monks to fuck off because they signed themselves as "emissaries of heaven" so he signed himself as a demon king of the sixth heaven

bro your argument? you went from "it tells you how to live your life" to "ur a fukkin baby if u like shintoism lmao gottem"

>sees the word liberal
>immediately accuses of anti-semitism
Really gets the ole noggin toboggan joggin'

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You don't know shit about me, why would you even assume I learned about shinto to become shintoist? I'm not shintoist, I just found it exotic and interesting so I decided to learn about it by reading a few books, talking to people, etc.
You christcucks are insufferable, it's like you're forbidden from learning about different religions because it's a sin or something. For people who don't follow derranged semitic religions, learning about interesting things is the norm.

>its a the only religion Jews hate is actually secretly semitic thread
You'll be talking us about the christian 'dark ages' next.

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>According to Rummel, in China alone, from 1937 to 1945, approximately 3.9 million Chinese were killed, mostly civilians, as a direct result of the Japanese operations and a total of 10.2 million Chinese were killed in the course of the war.

They truly dont have soul, two bombs werent enough.

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the buddhists nobunaga killed were glorified bandits who kept raiding the countryside and hiding in their temples claiming divine protection, the sohei deserved the extra crispy roasting he gave them

Unironically because it's hard to make a game where the good guys are way more powerful than the bad guys and keep it interesting. People inherently root for the underdog.

It's way easier to make games with religious themes instead.

I had this idea about a game where you play the "redeemer". A divine being that saved people from the forces of darkness. But in the end it's basically just a doom clone.

If porn sites are trying to erode "western family values" they're just as retarded as the people trying to uphold those family values, the nuclear family is a fucking joke


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The uncomfortable truth fedoras don't want to acknowledge, because they lose being shabbos goyim.

Put that fence post higher up your ass

As long as you're cool with other gods and myths being portrayed as regular mooks and bosses to shoot/stab/punch with your own squad of those same gods and myths as you go on your quest to punch God really hard you should give it a go. It's basically mythological pokemon with Christianity being the endgame legendaries with stuff like Metatron and Beelzebub being super endgame monsters.

My nigger

Jew also hate Islam. Which is notably the only religion that fights back against Jews.
Meanwhile large sects of Christians actively support Jews.

Kill yourself

Im not gonna argue with some self brainwashed "this interpretation of shinto ive chosen" western retard that thinks his spiritual belief is somehow justified because its "foreign".
Do you also have a tatoo with some japanese phrase somehwere on your body?
Westerners that adopt some foreign spritual beliefs are even more retarded than those that belief in some local bullshit cause at least those were just usually brainwashed as kids into it, you retards actually consciously picked to believe in this nonesense.

>Atheist can't comprehend nuance
It is always so obvious that people like you are outspoken atheists not out of any real conviction, but rather because you think it makes yourself appear more intelligent than you actually are. Yes, obviously, we are still to believe God created the universe and there is some basis to the myths presented. But not every silly story recounted happened exactly as they are or even at all. Its always hilarious to me how angry you people get when somebody believes in something you don't.

Blasphemous was pretty good.
Bayonetta was great
Dante's Inferno was good.
Darksiders uses Christian mythology in it's story.

I think Mario party would be a good format. There could be a mini game where you race other players to pound nails into Jesus. It could use motion controls.

>Im not gonna argue
okay cool fuck off i'm not reading the rest since you're not arguing, tl;dr

Despite ripping it off all the time and ripping off all the christian works of fantasy or general literature, videogame devs are the most tedious faggot kind of atheist who have no respect for historical cultures

The binding of Isaac is all about Christianity

Jesus as an SMT demon with a weakness to pierce skills WHEN?

So about that kickstarter, let me know when it's up

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