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Sims 1 was the only good sims.
pedo's favorite game
sims 3 still the best
fuck all the teenage highschool girls and groom them into my concubines
cool been waiting for this
even in fantasy trannys still claim to be their birth gender then pretend to be another one instead of just picking the gender
the fact that this is a thing just shows how much of this is just autism
>that shirt
uh oh
retarded unreal shit, fantasy shit, so fucking stupid, gaslighting society shit, pretending to be a girl as a hairy ass man shit
This is a joke right? Not that I give a fuck about the sims, it's only acceptable for porn and even then it's not that good.
I can't imagine the sort of person who legit plays the sims.
finally my smelly art goblin can finally get xirs pronouns correct
bet you use he/him, right?
Why do you guys spend your days actively looking for things to get angry about?
Why the fuck is Yea Forums so goddamned obsessed with transgender people? On topic threads get derailed into muh trannies shitposting
Just don't play the fucking game if it's an issue, goddamn
Yes and I'm very gay but not that retard to pretend that I'm something that I'm not
I can legit play older sims but the sims 4 is just trash and only good for porn.
>women are getting pushed out of sports by trannies
>women are getting pushed out of workplace by trannies
>women are getting pushed out of whoring apps by trannies
Why do we hate troons again?
user EA doing something doesn't mean people wanted that thing. Why would you think it's any less true for the other side?
for the record I hate tranny/woke/virtue signalling bullshit and will avoid games/movies/shows with it even if I can easily pirate them. Sims 4 is one of the only acceptable bits of media for this because it's actually catering to the vast majority of its player base. having tranny/woke shit pushed in a fucking fps, RTS etc is stupid and the Devs/publishers should hang for it. Sims 4 is a tranny/woke game from the beginning and the Devs aren't going outside the games original appeal/premise to pander to a different audience, they just making their current main audience happy and giving them what they want. Without looking I can guarantee this can be toggled so there is no mention of it and will not be pushed. let the trannies have their game and focus on the woke/tranny/virtual signalling being pushed in all the other games
t. got Sims 4 for free and pirated all the DLC for cute and funy mods
it's gonna be was/were.
>only good sims 4 is for porn
>cant even fuck the dolphins
Imagine if that guy plays LB. Those women will die.
>slender, feminine death
There's really no escape...
>full time transwoman
it's not a fucking job lmao
It's Sims 4. If a penis was a game, that would be the game. It's walk-talking AIDs. Please don't make a big deal out of this Yea Forums
here's your update bro
the monster goblins are relentless in their culture war, but death is a guy made of bones.
>pronouns update
sim language is already gibberish though?
Ignore it, they will go away they said
>Ever giving Electronic Arts money
Reminder: never give Electronic Arts your money
can i make my pronoun "nigger" ?
weird how you literally can't see how an ideology can be invasive and worse than everything you little limp wrists ever could think of to hate
>he thinks I bought the 100+ dlc
dont (You) me
i didn't, dumbass. who buys $400 packs of games? you pirate it, this is Yea Forums i hope all you dumb retards did the same
why is the west so obsessed with pronouns?
There are literally fucking dullards here who buy games user. Assuming there isn't is just retarded.
>With an image with that much purple
You damnable fool!
trannies claim they want to be women and then they refuse to play as women in games
No, I want " nigger ". That is my pronoun in real life.
i like to be an optimist, as you can see
they look fugly tho
Your optimism is unfounded and borderline reckless. Shame. Tsk tsk tsk
included as part of the $29,99 groomer expansion pack I presume?
meh, i've seen worse
Now I can give my DK family the kong/kong pronouns. Absolutely based update.
That's called a mod user
>hurrrr durrrr why dont they just make women
It's so you can make they/them sims or get really fiddly with the gender options on your trans sims. You don't just make yourself and play a sad little wish fulfilments do you?
You mean America
>shebabetelele ''Bé'' tera lo labaa
>Weta shebabetelele ''Dri'' tera lo labaa!
Women will gradually realize their rights were being taken away by trannies.
ugly ass game, just play sims 4 loser
what's the best sims game for cooming purposes?
never played any of these
Couldn't have happened to a nice group of parasitic cunts
Women are dumb. They won't realize this until it's in the point of no return.
This, this is why I still like watching Yea Forums play Sims. You fellas know what fun is.
did that guy wanna download pixels, what a hitler
How did we enter a reality where trannies, a massive minority manages to infest literally everything?
Easy way to get good guy points without much coding work.
>sims 2
>not better in every single way
Who fucking pays for The Sims? You've got to be retarded to pay for $460 worth of DLC(game not included).
Outside of the atf shit it looks like a decent coomer pack and i'm lazy.
who cares about sims 4?
>born too late to explore the globe
>born too early to explore space
>born just in time for this shit
There are some rumors about billionaires with fetishes, funding things that make the fetish that much more fun for them. It's as good a theory as any.
Holy shit my sides
i honestly could write a book about it and it would be a conspiracy theory so it doesn't matter and the west will fall and kardashians will take its place
I did last July.
You are a monster
Literally why?
Why not just pirate it?
>Without looking I can guarantee this can be toggled so there is no mention of it and will not be pushed
That would be consistent with how they've handled other LGBT content. Same Sex romance is off by default unless the player specifically enables it, or tries to actively flirt with a same-sex Sim (they won't make the first move).
This. Sims 3 the best.
You got a lot of money and is very retarded, very cool user
sims 3 hair sucks
tell me at least that what you paid for was discounted
I hope you remembered to tip.
Because I wanted to use the online features for creators I like to follow, managing torrents for that game is a pain in the dick. I did the same for Sims 3 when it hit Steam as well.
Now I just wish faggot EA would give us 1&2.
It was right when it hit Steam, so everything was on sale.
Sure, it's cool that he has money and is wasting it. Not going to deny that wasting money isn't fucking cool. But out of all the things he could wasted his money on...Sims 4?
Face a bit like Nicola Sturgeon
>user posts pic
>meltdown among anons occur
Yeah user, I'm thinking you based and I'm saving this
Do you at least play it frequently?
I wish someone would make a decent sims clone already so that I can stop dealing with these clowns
is that why momcest has become popular in these last couple of years? funding from the higher ups?
in that case, thanks (((bros)))
i hate americans so much
why do you hate americans when europeans failed to solve the first issue and decided to dump it on us
>online features for creators I like to follow
Not as much as I used to.
That's a lot of people with autism, but autistic people have impressionable minds ripe for manipulation, I mean just look at Chris Chan.
Lol nice cope fatty.
good... good.
Oh i mean yeah ultimately i don't give a shit if you waste your money but exactly why for sims4 they're just enabling EA even more it's fucking upsetting, but again that's just me.
it's not about whether you have enough money, but how much your actual perception of value is worth. this means you're just downright retarded no matter what context
Thank John Money, this is his vehicle, we're all just along for the ride.
>twink who thinks he isn't basically a tranny
Nice try, faggot
ultra based, make the poorfags seethe
no u
I mean, why not just buy the base game and pirate all the content packs? You can still access everything online
At least it doesn't say 3k hours or something.