Subtle gamer tattoos?

Subtle gamer tattoos

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how embarrassing

>Randy had to clean up his grease and get a tattoo of tranny tina in order for his shitlands to get at least some attention
holy embarrasozo

But shes really cool?

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I would never, under any circumstances, get a videogame tattoo.

You know that's really fucked up that "fans" actually have tattoos like this.

Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like certain videogames will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.

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now we wait

how the fuck is this subtle? are you retarded?

There are no good tatoos. They are 100% retarded.

only acceptable tattoos are chicano style

for a short time I thought you meant that shit seriously. Good copypasta though

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Did you really need some fucking ink on your wrists to understand you can do bad and good things?

I know this is pasta but we can have some dinner conversation at least; I used to think that tattoos need to have deep meanings but now I'm more onto the aesthetic side. I don't think anything needs to have inherent meaning, more just everything as a cohesive whole needs to fit particular aesthetics. I'd like to get some gorey tattoos just because I like that kind of stuff and would like to show that off. They're the same as clothing, hairstyles, and makeup in that it just shows to fit you into a particular community.

how badass

100% a pedo

>bro what if I got a tattoo... But in Asian bro!
Yeah really meaningful. Pray tell, are you Chinese at all? Do you even speak Chinese?

My Turok-tat

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>people itt not instantly recognizing this copypasta

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The classic gamer tat

I have a hard time understanding that some people like Borderlands(?? how?) this much and someone actually likes that character so much that they pay quite a large amount of money to place the character on their arm for the rest of their life

not as pathetic as a bugman

So he's based.

The only thing more embarrassing than that tattoo is browsing reddit and reposting one of the shitty threads here

Be careful with that copypasta, kids. It's older than you are.

That's a bugwoman, Sir

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Oh jesus the cringe why would someone do that?

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I love BrĂ¼tal Legend!!!!!

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inb4 all tattoos are cringe

There are few things I hate in this world more than Borderlands, D&D and tattoos. I hope this guy dies in a fire so his family doesn't have to look at him at this funeral

I did this shit to my ruler when I was 13.

Imagine having to live with this.

>all these newfags falling for that pasta
Yea Forums truly is zoomer central

They don't have a personality, so they just take whatever garbage they played when they were 10 and try and build an ego around it.

if only le zanzibart souls could write this good

>shows to fit you into a particular community.
oh boy
how insecure are you user

That the arm of a man that has never worked, or worked out in his life. Noodle arms.

>They're the same as clothing, hairstyles, and makeup
No they aren't. You can remove all of these easily. A tattoo stains you as an impulsive retard for all time.

Like it or not it's how people make judgement calls on who they want to be around. If you regularly associate with people where tattoos are common you'll be able to pick out who you can get along with quickly by noticing things like that along with dress sense.

Everytime I think "maybe tattoos aren't so retarded after all", people prove me wrong.

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>the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese
That's... not what it says.

Need the full pic

This is based ngl.

Guys shouldn't get tattoos because they're inherently feminine

can't these people get their faggy arm scribbles without pretending it's meaningful?

>Also, she's just really cool?
The answer to this question is no she isn't.

lol, even caveman had tats

yeah it's the same thing, exactly.

If you're going for improved aesthetics then tattoos are a terrible way to go about it since unless you're a pacific islander or an african tribesman getting some warrior shit, they all 100% look like tacky spraypainted garbage.

>1 hour and 41 minutes ago
>47 replies
>nobody's posted it
I'm disappointed in you Yea Forums

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I've made a few incredibly stupid decisions in my time.

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At least the art looks good. Its stupid as fuck but it could be WAY worse.

maybe if you are 14
i actually despise faggots that think they are best buds with me just because they have some tattoos
like some secret club

No doubt. If someone asked me why I liked my waifu, I would, and have, gone on long winded posts expressing why she's actually "cool" and a fantastic character.
If you can't even do that, you don't really like them for any genuine reason. Also ever feeling that way about a Borderlands character at all as if they aren't written to be asinine with splashes of awkward seriousness thrown in.

>Fucking Flamerus Rex
Every time.

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These Yakuza tattoos are getting out of hand.

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literally mugen

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I thought it'd be cool to get the Aquila tattooed but people just think I'm a Nazi now

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YOU are 100% retarded

that's part of the joke, genius

Yeah no shit

Well? Are you?

the two headed eagle is a russian symbol, your friends must be retards

I found the one good tattoo. All others are hechin cringerinos.

Definitely made by a very talented artist.
But holy shit what a fucking turbo retard you'd have to be to get that.

I mean I wouldn't want that on my arm, but if you want Tina on your arm the quality seems good?