Oh no, she's cute
Chaos Gate
How much woke shit have they crammed into it?
Lunete is mai waifu. I will fight you.
Game is fun so far, anyone know how to unlock the Advanced classes? How have people been building / equipping their knights?
Forget about the woke shit, they locked several item drops behind gay twitch integration. Thats what you get for letting troons into the dev team.
I got a paladin from one of the random events that you get from traveling around, but I think the normal method is to keep upgrading the knight requisition slot after the grandmaster reports, and you'll eventually gain access to them. That's my theory at least.
I'm pretty sure the twitch drops were the bright idea of Frontier (I watched one of the streams and the guys running it said they were from Frontier), who were the producers. I doubt the actual dev team had anything to do with it.
Well, it made me not buy it, so great job Frontier!
I was already 50:50 on it when I saw the price tag and the ... fairly mobile looking visuals, but this thing sealed the deal for me.
What a stupid thing to do.
I guess I can replay Mechanicus again, if only for the banging tunes.
Is there at least ONE comment that flirts with the Inqusitor?
>45 bucks
>Two of the most boring factions
I dunno. It looks like a good game but it's not really doing anything that would make me buy it immediately rather than just wait for a price drop.
That would be HERESY, user.
>Written by Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Almost bought the game before looking at the mixed reviews. Dodged a bullet.
Oof, I thought it was just few skins only. Oh well, I have the game already and it's fun. Hopefully the items will become available again eventually.
Hey, all you need to do is watch 10 hours of 17 Dollars Sanchez streaming. Doesnt that sound appealing user?
Is the game good? I really like the premise and some of the gameplay looked good but there's not been too much info about it until now.
does the game have DRM? What's stopping someone from just modding this shit in
30 hours in and still having a blast. I really should be sleeping right now. I'm not sure what a big deal these twitch items are. There's all sorts of perfectly good weapons in the game.
It's a nothingburger, twitch drop items are obsolete after five missions.
I'm having fun. There's a few tweaks to the Xcom formula, like how you obtain your gear by actually doing missions, earning requisition that allows you to have access to better weapons/items/brothers by augmenting ranks at the end of the month.
Since enemy pods actually move around quite a lot, you cannot just inch forward with overwatch, the range of which is honestly pretty small.
You usually have 3 AP instead of 2 like in xcom and have to juggle it with willpower that allows you to use power/special attacks. You usually regen willpower by killing shit.
There's a warp surge meter during the missions that rises by 20% at the start of rach turn in the missions (can be lowered by research or raised if you let corruption spread). Once it goes to 100, something happens. Can be debuff for you, buff for the enemy, spawning new enemies, and other stuff, depending on the overall corruption status of the world. The more time you take on a mission the more fucked you'll be.
I play on normal and the game does not fuck around too much. Kind of funny to see a GK get killes by like 3 bursts of autogun from a measly cultist but that's why you bring an apothecary.
The art style is definitely something, I don't mind (I'm just happy my laptop can run it) but it may not be for everyone.
Customisation both gameplay/fashion wise is quite good. Loading times tend to be quite long, using an SSD might be a good idea.
>I'm not sure what a big deal these twitch items are
You know why Mechanicus succeeded? It was a good game, fairly priced, with 10/10 sound design and no horseshit from the devs.
When a game from an unknown studio uses Denuvo, costs 45 dubloons, locks characters behind paying even more and does this gay zoomer Twitch shit ... something is awry. Glad to hear you are having fun. But I dont want to support behavior like that.
Yeah I was glad to dee you can get some really blinged out shit pretty quickly.
Written by ADB and one of the trannies he lusts over.
I guess it works against piracy but I did not know Denuvo stopped modding. How does that work?
Too bad, a 40k game can always use some modding.
Denuvo isnt necessarily anti piracy. Its anti tamper technology, that by extension makes cracking the game much harder. But it also means that unless the devs do official modding support, you are going to have hard time doing anything.
sounds pretty good thx
To be factually correct, the tranny is CTO. Nothing to do with writing.
I don't like trans but there is no point in lying.
For now the writing has been on par with the standard 40k book.
>standard 40k book
Well, considering the black library writing is consistently wildly inconsistent and some of the authors should not be allowed to write user manuals to use a toaster, much less a novel .... Thats not much of an endorsement from you.
Oh shit, I just unlocked the first Reaper boss. No, I need to go to bed. Put the game down and fight the boss tomorrow.
Willpower. Restraint. Responsibility.
Oh absolutely.
It's basically nothing to write home about.
Not great, not terrible. Bear in mind I don't have that many hours in game yet so I have not seen any plot twist.
But there is no tranny pushing if that is what you fear.
Just a hot inquisitor getting absolutely slammed by Andy Serkis every time he appears on screen. Pretry hilarious.
Haha, yeah. Kai isn't putting up with Vakir's shit.
I watched a little of the game on twitch. So the story is an inquistor takes over a grey knights ship? Fucking insane. How does GW ok this shit. The inquisition might as well be the local police compared to grey knights. The hierarchy difference is insane.
>Gay Knights
>Nurgle shits
Hard pass, I'll stick with Final Liberation or Mechanicus
I think they played it off by the fact that the GK's interests aligned with the Inquisitor's. The grandmaster seemed pretty livid that Vakir had the balls to make the request, and he forced her to prove it was a credible threat before granting her much of anything.
Question about events:
Anyone got the Soace Hulk one and were able to send brothers in? Mine were too injured so I could only blow it to fuck and damage my ship. I wonder what you get if you send 4 knights in there.
And what do you get uf you have a valid apothecary to send to Vardan Kai once you have researched the Seed? I assume a requisition bonus or something like that?
To be fair, the tutorial mission litterally has Khorne enemies. Hopefully we get more Khorne aligned stuff in later content, which I am sure will be at a hefty price but oh well. If we can eventually get 4 campaigns against the 4 gods that would be dope but I am not holding my hopes up.
Yes and no. It's power play typical in the Imperium. And justified/explained in the hame itself, appropriately as well.
The Grey Knights ARE the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Malleus. Technically the Inquisitor does have precedence and the "law" on her side to justify commandeering a GK vessel. But it's more of an alignment of goals rather than a pure case of hierarchical power.
For example, if an Ordo Xenos tried to pull this off to counter a WAAGH, he would be told in no uncertain terms to fuck off.
Just requisition I think.
Im not even gonna bother downloading this.
Just from the trailer I can already see it plays completely directed and im sure the design of the game is blend and safe leading you exactly on the reddit tier path the devs wanted you to be on.
That is...very vague user.
>That Borderlands look.
>reddit-tier path
How does that even make sense in the context of a video game?
Not really. It's brighter than the standard 40k aesthetic we are used to but it is not cellshaded.
Medium threat level missions are kicking my ass. This game feels harder than XCOM2 I played just recently
It means, that on the one hand the player doesnt have much agency or room to play the game aside from the very particular ways the devs thought off.
On the other hand it that directed path is cliched and safe(for 40k) story/dialogue.
Kinda in the spirit of those games that specifically advertised that you will die tons of times playing it after dark souls became popular.
Its this kind off annoying commercially ungenuine pandering to some "whats expected" by the numbers completely controlled design.
I've heard this from a few people who play X-Com. I think a lot of X-Com players might be having difficulty because that game trained them to turtle up and play defensively, but you need to do almost the opposite in this game.
Meaning by the book, mainstream stupidity, self repeating, seen it 10 times before crap.
Sounds like a story driven strategy game may not be for you then.
Maybe something more open world, open ended?
Its not only about being story driven its everything that is around, the box ticking, the done this been there design and story.
You can spot it just by how the trailer is.
Not that user but absolutely.
Here you cannot just inch forward and overwatch or you'll get fucked by warp surges. Pods move quite a lot so you almost have to chase them to make sure they don't come back in your rear later. Overwatch is also a bit shit in this game, quite the short range.
Having your special power/attack resource being regen mostly by kills also incites you to play aggressively and to take risks, which fits the narrative.
It is definitely a different way of playing than Xcom.
Just sounds to me like it wasn't the kind of game you wanted to play, so you're down-playing it because you can't force it to be the kind of game you wanted it to be. You just make yourself sound like an entitled hipster.
I'm curious, what game would be the opposite of that then? Trying to understand here since you have not played the game.
I didnt play it, nor did I especially care about it being good or bad, im not dissapointed because they advertized their style of game design and made it clear to me from the very start i would not like it.
Of course im expressing my dislike cause the game is not to my taste but is being talked about.
To me this is simply another souless commercialized release.
Games that feel like they were designed by a committee or by a bunch of dull people ticking boxes.
You mean the tabletop look?
Wow. What a jaded, generic argument. I've seen it 100 times before from jaded people who have lost all joy in their heart and zest for life. How sad and boring it must be to be you, who has seen it all and is mired in ennui. Oh, how I lament for the smartest guy in the room who cries out "Oh innovation, where art thou?" Please, tell us what we must do to save ourselves from stangnancy and repetition!
Go back
In the turn based genre, something like Battle Brothers.
Closer to home in terms of theme, perhaps Mechanicus.
>clearly a dev
this is pathetic, sorry your game is getting mixed reviews.
Maybe hire actually interesting people that will write interesting stories and design interesting gameplay next time.
Fair enough, I think I can see why in battle brothers. But not really with Mechanicus. Hell the original doomcounternand boss mechanism really made sure you were railroaded and did not have time for everything. You were quite genuinely playing the way the devs wanted you to, in order to induce replayability.
Still, I reckon the game is fun. Give it a go once it's on sale and the DLCs are out. I reckon it's definitely worth playing.
Only had a quick go but seems decent enough X-com style game, the Inquisitor is a top cutie.
Thank you mister dev but this is not an efficient way of advertising your game.
You're welcome dear customer. Remember to like and subscribe!
I do not care about X-Warhammer.
I only lust for Darktide 40k.
Gasp! Your eagle eyed has pierced the very veil of my deception! Oh course, anyone who says something in defense of something else must have a vested interest in it. I commend you, oh seeker of truths. I am, in fact, not just the developer, but John C. Warhammer himself, CEO of Warhammer Industries! Here to convince you to buy expensive plastic! Oh, defeated as I am by the arrow of truth you have impaled into my very soul, I must slink away, defeated. What a mighty victory you have won this day! The internet... you have won it! It is YOURS!