What games do you play with your friends?

What games do you play with your friends?

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None of my friends ever played video games.



my what?

I don't find playing with friends entertaining, just annoying

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Fuck you! I don't have any!

>That chart
... Ah shit.

my what now?

>What games do you play with your friends?

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y-yeah i have those haha

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battlefield 5

wew lad

It hurts to try to make and keep friends and it hurts to not have any. Should I just kms?


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if you kill yourself, those whoresons won

This dog's face is literally my life.

I don't have friends, every interaction with other people is two-faced, everytime I'm out of the room they can only think how disgusting my presence is and how much they regret meeting me, i don't have any proof i just know for a fact that I'm a disgusting waste of space that doesn't deserve anyone's time.


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based schizo

Thanks to online gaming you can find people to play with at any given time.

That's what I am, that's i will die as, yes.

You anons are my friends right?

as long as is not the ones that literally have to pay for them

Only on the weekends

no go kill yourself no one in your life is a friend
we're all self fulfilling apes who would kill you without a second thought if the police weren't a thing

>online strangers actively want to VC
>i decide to not VC and leave the match despite nothing being wrong with my voice.
the life of the autist, stay alone, die alone, it's better that way.
Trust me, you don't want me as your friend.

sure buddy

I have literally never use vc.
Nobody from Europe asks for it.
Only the weirdos.

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Some online friends started playing MH World and it got me really excited because I hadn't ever had anyone to play MH with. But it was lot less fun than expected because they're super casual and don't really give a shit about hunting monsters by itself, so they had low incentive to grind out a bunch of sets or do random hunts or arena. Once they made their endgame set and did the last quest they just hopped to the next game. It was then that I realized that while any old game can be fun with some friends you know, the only kindred spirits I'll ever find are the other faceless autists like me who are doomed to forever wander.

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surely you guys are just larping about not having friends right? surely you have at least one friend to play vidya with...right?

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not a single soul... it always ends up with someone in my list who never responds or worse we get too close
it's never a casual video game buddy to talk to and discuss stuff with

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Keep fucking poking me user. I'm already on the edge.

are you gonna make diamonds from their asses?


Don't worry user, you clearly care about forming relationships. Schizoids seem to have the benefit of not looking for close bonds, whereas you're simply incapable of forming them.

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I wish I was a schizoid. Then it wouldn't hurt so much. I hurt if I do and hurt if I don't. And the feeling only grips me more as the years fly by.

You don't enjoy staying at home on the weekends?

I suffer from my own loneliness every day, but it's easier to be alone, because then it's easier to forgive yourself.

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>it's easier to forgive yourself
Like hell it is, with other people you have the benefit of the doubt. With myself I know there's no excuse for how much of a waste I am.

>get a tulpa
>now you have someone else to call you shit for free

what games do you guys play? if you find someone you find interesting just add them and ask them if they wanna game/stack up later. most of the time they'll accept it and play with you. if they ignore it they weren't worth talking to anyways.

You shouldn't, you should always be sorry for not being "normal" you did this to yourself and no one but you deserves to suffer for this.

I cock tease fags on vrchat just so I have people to talk to and pretend are friends

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i don't like playing multiplayer games. It causes me to much stress from performance anxiety.

I'm even afraid of talking in vrchat.

>surely you have at least one friend to play vidya with...right?
I do have an extremely close friend, but he lives far away and we only get to see each other ever couple of years. We enjoy discussing vidya, but we don't really play games together, because multiplayer is cringe.

My friends don't play video games with me.

>performance anxiety
I used to be the EXACT same way. wouldn't ever queue for PVP without having 50+ hours against AI. believe me when I say this, most people don't give a fuck if you preform badly. especially in the unranked mode. you have to brute force yourself into those scenarios to realize how it isn't all that bad. if you do this for 3 games it'll go away permanently.

cod 4, minecraft, terraria, occasionally halo

Clone Hero
Grim Dawn

I usually play l4d2 or cs go sometimes valorant it's a 5050 if i even play multiplayer games

You will get the occasional cocksucker complaining, but the more you play, the more you realise it doesn't matter

SCP: Secret lab
Genshin occasionally
league of legends


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I stoped giving a fuck long ago. Better build your happiness in things rather than people. It's so much easy make decisions. And do whatever you want whenever youwant.

>want to play fighting games with friends
>they only ever want to play Smash

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Mostly whatever flavor of the month multiplayer game they are playing at the time, which is currently league. My close fried from school plays strategy games and rpgs coop with me from time to time too.

Need a corruption doujin when you slowly get Schizo-chan hooked to sex, until she can't live without you anymore and is cured

>bathed at the start of 2022
>tfw they won't invite me to play anymore

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These charts just gaslight people into taking meds, don't let them get you. Don't take meds. Ever.

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Get drunk and steal jokes from comedians

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No friends I would play games with. Plenty of my friends play games though.

MH, Civ, CK, Diablo, WoW etc etc. basically anything that has co-op multiplayer

Sorry, user, gotta have at least 6 months' worth of gamer grease to hang with the big dawgs.

Schizoids won't be recommended meds actually, I know since I'm diagnosed. Only if you have depression will they give you meds.

10-4 good buddy. I will NOT EVER take the meds. I WILL eat the meat. I WILL live in the house

i play friendly mahjong soul games with my friend group every couple of days

Do Four Lokos count as friends?

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I want meds, but I only want to get high. I've only been to three doctors and they all recommended I see a therapist. But I don't have time for that shit. There are no problems.I just want to get fucked up!

My friends are my game. Like Dragons Dogma or Pokemon.

no, they just play normalfag shit and every time i pick it up to play with them they immediately drop it and play something else and when i suggest something that would be fun they never consider it

Fake chart, isn't that logo in the top left the boy lover symbol?

I recently got into the pokemon TCG with my brother (not blood related) and like 2-3 of his friends. It's actually a super fun game. We got functional casual decks and a ton of side cards to mess around with for like $200 total