remember to say faggot every chance you get when voice chatting online, it's the quickest way to filter out streamers and soi bois
Remember to say faggot every chance you get when voice chatting online...
how about real-time enforcing the fucking constitution
Works on Yea Forums too. What;
shut the fuck up rightoid
groomer seething lol
Absolute state of Microshit
Bill Gates will fall on his head and die tomorrow, you heard it here first
just dont say bad words. what are you, immature?
>Bill Gates
Holy fuck an actual live facebook boomer on Yea Forums
It's not real time if there's enough audio delay to allow it to know if the word is a swear, all this means is they'll be adding audio delay so they can lower the esrb for online games
Just remove chat in games it’s obviously what they want to do
>1 on 1 card games with no fucking chat
Based Phil saving the industry one chud at a time
They can censor people but how will they censor God?
dont make me break out the wojak folder, tranny
Online interactions aren't rated by the ESRB.
groomers get the rope.
Based phil
The world doesn't give a shit about your meme constitution
There's nothing funny, based, or redpilled about unnecessary racism or homophobia. Its just sad but I would expect anything less from a board full of people who grew up without fathers
No one loves you. Your parents won't give a shit about seeing you get lowered in your grave.
bring back the underground xbox live setting
Kill yourself groomer.
growing up without a father didnt make me racist. it did make me gay tho
>an end to being insulted
Yes I'm sure that's why the multi billion dollar company pumped money and resources into a technology that literally censors peoples speech. To protect your feelings. Totally not throwing retards a curve ball on that one.
Where's the technology that pings every underage faggot's mom a copy of their latest epic edgy internet post so that she can spank them
you will never be a woman
Reported for off-topic. Jannies do your fucking jobs you inbred MAGAts
zoomers literally will never know
Didn't a magatard poster boy just get caught face fucking his cousin? There is a moral high ground but it isn't yours kek
Reported for reporting
Jannies are fucking niggers from hell holy shit
You won't be prosecuted by the law for telling the gamer word into your microphone unless it's directed at someone and coupled with threats. You're free to take up arms and run a Rambo Campaign against your federal government, at any time. Be there change you want to see in the world. Become the real time enforcer
>didn't [schizoid delusion] happen
You like thinking about my cock so much, get on your knees and suck me off, faggot.
>This technology used in real life to greyhound \ static over people saying wrongthink
Fucking your cousin who is also an adult may be degenerate but it's miles better than fucking literal children you groomers.
>this post
>on a website that says the word "faggot" every second. (not to mention words like namefag)
what the fuck are you on?
Groomers are mad as fuck.
The constitution gives Microsoft the right to censor whatever the fuck they want in their platform. Don't like it? The constitution gives you the right to fuck off elsewhere
Reminder, every conservative accusation is a confession.
Oh noooo, like they'll actually do anything to me idiot. Its not in the jannies interest to get this place cancelled should they touch me. They'll lose their payche- oh wait, thats right, THEY DO IT FOR FREE
growing up with a racist father made me racist
The only side anyone should actually take is that sex offenders are bad regardless of their political affiliation, you stupid fuck.
>projecting this hard
>here is a conservative that is guilty of heinous shit so that means all conservatives are
okay retard. The vast majority of pedophiles are registered democrats. Cope harder you groomer piece of shit.
There's really no need to even play this kind of game with conservacucks, they're pathetic enough just by licking globalist GOP and corporate boots in the first place and they know it but they'll cling to their controlled opposition ideology until their heads are completely below water. Conservacucks love it, they live for it, they're programmed to be useless idiots and media scapegoats.
So corporations are going to start taking over parenting because parents today are fucking lousy? Poggies I guess.
But actually this.
How will you ERP with little kids and your fellow faggots, user? Think about it, but also kys.
Factually incorrect.
Republicans are the party of sicko child fuckers.
GOP= Grand old pedophiles.
>around 50 replies
I wonder how bigger or smaller would be this thread if it were another company doing so.
Do you even know what that word means? All you idiots do is gaslight. It's like when lefties on MSNBC or whatever station it was, was trying to state that Republicans were the ones pushing for tighter gun control laws and no one fell for it because we all knew that it was a giant crock of shit. Also
>conservatives are easily programmable
>meanwhile lefties are now pro genocide just because TV man told them
Okay retard
>leftist: "Black Lives Matter
>Also leftist: Blacks need more access to planned parenthood
Yeah... they are dicks, never voting Democrat again.
>some republicans are pedos so that means they're the majority
You are factually incorrect. Democrats are trying to push for normalizing pedophilia you idiot. Literally every leftie shithole like San Francisco and LA pushes for this garbage because it's ""progressive"" and ""woke"". California even has SB-145 which has a more lax view on sex offender laws with minors. They even decriminalized knowingly giving your partner HIV.
Again, kill yourself faggot groomer.
A lot of projection. You're either gay or a pedophile. Probably both.
>fucking constitution
literally made up, doesn't actually exist
""rightoids"" aren't the ones that support shit like this you fucking groomer. Trump was on Epsteins flight log for fucks sake. No one is saying that republicans aren't pedos. It's mostly lefties like you you sick groomer fuck.
Typical, keep feeding into the narrative he's crafting. Doing an excellent job user.
Smart man, smart post, smart image
Your party is in bed with kikes and dems retard. They hate you, they're globalists, open your fucking eyes. All politicians who are part of the system serve its interests, not yours. Look no further than the pearl-clutching over Jan 6th and how both parties decried you trumpanzees for daring to set foot somewhere above your station.
>tell you how and why you are wrong
>accuse me of projecting
Okay groomer. At least people will come to my funeral if I die.
Indeed. These people have a shit ideology and they know it. If your ideology relies on slander, deception, cancel culture shit and censorship, it isn't a good ideology. They ALWAYS resort to namecalling because that's all they can really do because their ideas are garbage.
>wahhh i'm too retarded to underatand the site rules, this is the black mans fault!
I highly doubt you're allowed to be left in the room alone with children. Only a creepy fuck would have so many of those images saved.
None of you fucks care about the children and you just want to shit on the other party more don't you.
>Between 24% and 90%
holy based
There is literally nothing wrong with being racist
Neither of you faggots want to reduce csa, you'd rather they continue and to be able to blame the other for it