They're gonna make it a Souls clone aren't they?

They're gonna make it a Souls clone aren't they?

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There's no way it will be good and even if it is I won't play it because I own the original and the thought of giving Disney money for a universe they tossed aside only to steal concepts without paying the original authors anything.

Already did, retard

The bigger issue is if they change any of the voice actors. Which they have to since a couple of them have died. So basically, I'm not going to play it just for that reason. It would like playing a Duck Tales remake without Alan Young voicing Scrooge. Just...don't make the remake at all.

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anything is better than RTwP

>All this seething oldfaggotry
With all the bitching you fags do, Name ONE good thing Nu-Star Wars has done/a change that you ACTUALLY liked.

to copy fallen order be a bold one for them

you don't understand what op is asking retard

Hoping this won't be pozzed

We don't like Disney Star Wars. Why would you challenge us to find something good about it? That's like asking a fan of Star Trek TNG to find something good in the recent Picard show. A show specifically made to shit on TNG and the fans.

It became a joke

there is literally nothing good about nu-wars

If anything, I expect the gameplay will be cinematic quick time events and action RPG. Think Fallen Order mixed with Final Fantasy VII remake.

No one cares, let it go

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You bought the GOG version right?

haha what?

because all you faggots do is whine about it, I never see you faggots talk about something you might like or was a better take.
I grew up playing jedi knight series/outcast+academy and whatnot, and i'm not crazy about some of the shit that disney did, but its boring AF to keep on hearing "hurdur it sux!" or reading 1000 page message post with everything wrong all the goddamn time.
You either gotta deal with disney's bullshit, become ultra rich gigafags and buy up the franchise from them, or kys because we aren't getting the old canon.

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Based frodo.

Amazon is going to shit on middle earth even harder than Disney shat on star wars

I'm looking forward to that shitshow for the reaction

>they're gonna give the game actual gameplay
I fail to see the problem

tranny post, kys disney troon

I'm glad Lord of the Rings chads are a whole different breed and don't take the shit kikes try to pull. 20k comments of Tolkiens quote, all typed in different languages around the world explaining exactly what evil does removed on their shit trailer video. Elves are not black, Dwarves are not black, men of Numenor are not black. Fuck you subverting foreskin eating cockroaches.

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The reaction has already happened. When the show will be live nothing will happen because the average faggot has no critical thinking whatsoever so they will lap it up no matter what

It better be worth the wait

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>I never see you faggots talk about something you might like or was a better take.
We constantly say the EU is better than Disney Star Wars. I have consistently said the Thrawn trilogy is the true sequel trilogy.

Disney threw all that out. So I just quit caring about Star Wars. I didn't even talk about it for two years until you started crying in this thread. The one who should kill themselves is you.

Why do jews keep subverting? Why can't they just be normal?

NuWars gave me hope that the world isn't totally controlled by a cabal of evil tyrants manipulating things behind the scenes. Because if it was, then these movies would've started a new, MCU sized branch at Disney.

>can't even do that

They need to make a KH clone. Those flashy anime attacks would work great for Lightsaber duels.

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isn't that what filoni is doing with clonewars though? basically trying to tie everything with one of his TV shows/things connected to him?

What are you talking about? They tried to make a Star Wars universe. Five films in five years, plus an entire section of Disneyland. And a ton of forced merchandise. And they had over 12 more movies planned. They just did an abrupt halt when their movies and mechandise failed. Now they're retooling the planned Obi Wan movie into a TV series and silently restructuring all the other movie plans. Their Star Wars universe is still going. They're just changing the approach.

Mando was ok. I guess. Too bad it's tied to those shitty sequels.

The quote isn't even real.

I like Mandalorian season 1

Yeah keep saying it isn't a reql quote or how Tolkien never specified that Eldar and Durin's folk were exclusively white only to be exposed and lock your twitter profiles in shame and fear lmao.

I'm talking about that they FACTUALLY didn't plan out the sequel trilogy. They knew they were going to make movies, yeah. But they did not have a story. They fucking WINGED it, man. There ain't no global Illuminati if you're handed a literal billion dollar franchise, and no one in the room says: "okay, let's write the story now."

>Name one good thing about something you don't like
You fucking retarded?

The way Sith make their lightsabers is pretty cool

The quote isn't real. A quick fucking google search shows that to be true.

if they built on top of the fallen order framework and gave us the kotor story as it was, i would play the shit out of that

Oh, yeah. They totally did that. But that's what you get when you hire JJ "mystery box that I'll never finish" Abrams to run the films.

star wars already had its souls clone

we already have old canon. the only thing we need is TCW to be removed from legends so EU chads can have their franchise and the women faggot nigger alliance can have the gay kids shows and all the new trash

that shit game was not a souls clone by any stretch, more of a ripoff of that (also) shitty god of war game from a few years back

Okay, here me out, guys. Let's just throw out the entire EU. Then when we write our sequels, we'll rehash all the worst ideas from the EU. Like making clones of Palpatine and a planet surrounded by black holes. And we'll also copy Mara Jade. But remove everything that made her a good character. Then we'll take credit for all of it, as if we invented it.

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as long as they fix the shitty combat from kotor and don't make lightsabers into giant glowsticks i'll be happy

>as long as they fix the shitty combat from kotor
Define 'fix.' Because we're probably going to get something even worse. Like pointed out.

In Disney's eyes it's good enough to address that market

That's a fairly reasonable claim, my dude.

I don't like Escape from Tarkov but I like the gun autism.

The rumor supposedly is that the remake is inspired by Ni-oh and God of War as far as the combat is concerned. Honestly, I'm not all that attached to D20 system of the original so if it plays like those games or FF7R, I'd be content.

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>Rogue One
>The Mandalorian Season 1
>Jedi: Fallen Order
These are the only 3 halfway decent things to come out of nu-Wars. I would gladly see all 3 disappear if it meant we could get the EU and all it's messy glory back.

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t. Luuke enjoyer

Anyone upset about the combat system being replaced is simply being dishonest. I've played through both KotORs at least a dozen times all the way through since release, I know their combat systems very well. They were archaic bullshit even for the time.

>worse version of things we already had
>oc donut steel rehash of old eu boba fett
>worse version of things we already had

The theme is very real though, Morgoth couldn't create anything, only copy and corrupt.

I never read those specific books/comics, but I was aware of them. 90% of worthwhile lore came out of the buildup to the return of Star Wars with The Phantom Menace and lasted until the aftermath of Revenge of the Sith, roughly 1993-2007. That's where literally everything worth experiencing in Star Wars happened, apart from the releases of the original movies.

I'm going to let you in on a secret.

96% of the EU was dogshit on par with the nu-Wars

The lightsaber is going to be a fucking glowing baseball bat again right? Can they just make enemies dodge or block until they ran out of stamina then die as soon as a lightsaber hit lands?

>96% of the EU was dogshit
Oh I know.
>on par with the nu-Wars

>No, they eat and drink, Sam. The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own. I don't think it gave life to the orcs, it only ruined them and twisted them;

no game made in the west is being inspired by nioh of all things