Tales thread

Did you like it? Was it a good Tales game? Just beat it and not sure how to feel about it.

Also, Tales thread I guess. Please no Edna spam though.

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Personally thought it was boring as fuck, couldn't even bother clearing the snow area, stopped at the sewers

I liked it. The characters weren't awful.


story is utter shit and designs are garbage, kinda fun to play though, though the game kinda wants you to buy the dlc

I thought the final third was dreadful and kinda soared me on the whole thing.

It's just hours upon hours of cutscene spam then a really lazy final dungeon full of boss reskins with tons of HP, and the ending is a wet fart where you save the world with long and passionate speeches about friendship, peace and forgiveness. And it doesn't even have an epilogue.

Very disappointing, because the first 2/3 of the game were pretty great.


Poor mans persona 5.

Never played a Tales game before. This was my first. Gameplay was tolerable, but it seemed like only one move was good for any kind of serious damage. Plot took a messy shit all over itself towards the end, leaving me very disappointed. Dohalim is best bro. Rinwell is for cuddles. Fuck fish. The end.

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Yes I like it
Second part is rush but I dont really mind it that much
Last dungeon is pain in the ass tho

nothing like persona lol there is at least a semblance of actual gameplay

they need to fix boss combat in Arise 2. no reason to have one type of gameplay for 90% of the game and then a completely different kind of gameplay that utilizes 0 of the systems or skills used in normal fights for bosses. Everyone just winds up walking around giant enemies if they can because they're just a chore

>Arise 2
Tales is dead. Pre-nu-Tales only matters from a gameplay perspective.

I love Shionne!

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>generic damsel in distress

Shionne is strong and independent

Nah boss gameplay and regular gameplay were exactly the same: Jump and spam Tres Ventos. Aqueous Impact if I'm feeling dangerous.

Shit gameplay, shit story, both by tales standards and otherwise. Worst Tales game by far.

They should've used the superior original song.

The producer already said there isn't going to be an Arise 2. Next project will either be brand new or a remake.

It's ok but it recycles Symphonia a lot to the point I was wondering if it was supposed to be a remake, and it isn't nearly as good as Symphonia.

The last hour is also excruciating.

>The last hour is also excruciating.
Gameplay maybe. At least the plot finally got over its oppression grand tour.

Romance plot is the best part. Two of the party members kinda suck though. Last 20% of the game or so kinda sucks.

It's not representative of Tales at all, the battle system was heavily redesigned and simplified, battle systems are usually what you play Tales for, particularly the likes of Abyss, Vesperia, Graces or Xillia 2, that feeling you describe is the developers fucking up and making a terrible system that clearly favors one move above all others and trivializes difficulty by making all enemies damage sponges.

Shionne is neither a generic damsel nor "strong or independent", she's a colossal cunt who takes out her frustrations on those who are way lower in the social structure and then decides to be nice when it is convenient for her.

What gameplay? The last hour before the final boss is literally all text walls and cutscenes.

Is the 3DS version of abyss any good?, i always wanted to finish it but my ps2 died and i didn't get too far on it.

i just want tales to play like a fighting game again, that's what drew me in with tales of phantasia in the first place. Saw the characters in a MUGEN build I had and wondered, "Huh, these guys look neat, wonder what they're from?" and the rest is history. Last good tales game was Xillia 2 in terms of gameplay, Xillia 1 in terms of the whole package. Vesperia Definitive was a breath of fresh air from the shit bamco's been spewing lately, and seeing destiny dc finally get a pretty much completed translation gives me hope for the rest of the games that never made it here. I'd rather play the older games than dumb newer shit.

No it's running through tunnels filled with hp sponges.

It's the exact same game but it puts some of the intrusive UI on the touch screen so the main screen is less cluttered.

Bitchy girls are all the rage in Japanese media these days. Kasane in Scarlet Nexus is basically the exact same character.

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What the fuck am I watching

I'm good then, ty.

It was all right, but I think one of the biggest issues it had was that it didn't really feel like a grand adventure. Basically felt like some sort of world record how to save the universe in 10 days any percent speedrun. What little development each of the characters may have received didn't take into account long enough time frame to overcome some of the deep rooted issues that were the building blocks of their personalities.
And if we don't want to talk about the story I hated the house so much of the combat wanted you to focus on staggering but the number of humanoid enemies that simply weren't big enough to take advantage of the majority of attacks you had didn't make for anything that I would remotely consider engaging.

Bro by like 3-4 hours in she is already clearly caring about the people around her and just pretends not to.

The game's story feels mostly episodic to be totally frank. They have an adventure in each little area and then a finale and that is it. There is no feeling of traveling between these places and all of them feel like they're within 10 minutes of one another. The world actually feels incredibly small despite all of the worldbuilding they do.

Also characters are pretty much just relegated to wallpaper once their little character arc is complete.

recommended tales game for a newbie?

what do you call this sort of mental illness

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Exactly, it just felt very one and done. It also didn't help how many things were basically a exact rip off of Symphonia to where I was able to start calling out plot points by remembering what happened originally.

Vesperia Definitive, Abyss, Graces f (though it plays a lot different than the other games, it's fun as fuck), and xillia 1.

I liked it a lot. Glad to see pure focused romance back in a game.

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Berseria is the only one I actually enjoyed.

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a very comfy wholesome game

Dropped it shortly after getting Law.
>once again making bosses unjuggleable for the sake of muh cinematic experience
Thought they learned their lesson on this after Xillia 1.

The boss fights are more about timing your dodge rolls (because Dark Souls is the most popular action RPG). You basically spam some artes, then back off while rolling on the floor. Rinse and repeat.

Funny thing, there's an actual Asylum Demon from Dark Souls, same moveset and everything as one of the recurring mini-bosses later on, freaking hilarious.

Kasane's sexy

Is Dragon Quest XI S any better? I wonder if I should've played that one instead.

Symphonia is generally considered to be the best Tales of.

lmao, it's the ultimate nostalgia game, entirely worthless to a newcomer

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it's definitely not the best one, but it was a lot of people's first one, which makes it the best in their hearts.

My wife is very cute

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I went to check and it seems Arise's cameo bossess are Edna, Eizen and Chronos.
Now, Chronos doesnt look like Miktran so I'm guessing he's from a different game (Xillia?)
That's cool. That's cool.

how does Bamco Even decide cameo rosters? Whims? Popularity?

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seems like whims, honestly, it's pretty all over the place who comes back.

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I should have listened to my friend who recommended Tales of Berseria over this absolute trainwreck. Why does Bamco have such shit story writers? LiteralTeletubbies toddler-tier dialogue all around. Graphics and character designs were nice but that's it.

Berseria does have way better story and characters, but everything else is worse.

I liked it. Vholran is great and I want to give Kisara the fish she craves.

Boss fights were painful and not in a good way.

Yes, if you ignore the post final boss time travel nonsense.

I liked it, but part 2 is obviously rushed and kind of shit

I don't get it, the first hour was more than enough to ask for a refund. Holy shit, how can you guys take that as an acceptable story? There's no cleavage, no ass, no teasing, and no pretty face saving that plot. It's just pure garbage. Gameplay is beating down HP sponges, regardless of the system mechanics, how can that be fun?