Is cs 1.6 the most SOULFulL FPS ever made?

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No. The gameplay sucks ass, it's not skill based at all.

>goldsource engine skyboxes

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it is skill based dumb zoomer

That's not golden eye

The franchise forces you into complacency by finding "those few weapons that don't suck ass and have some degree of predictable aiming", spray patterns are a shit pointless mechanic, the game is far more about getting lucky with the positioning and campers have the initiative because whenever you move you suddenly become unable to hit the broad side of a barn, which in turn requires memorizing the map for known camper spots to grenade ahead of time. A lot of zoomers play CSGO, the 30-40yos play the older versions. Worst of all it's sterilized as fuck, took them several games to effectively remove bhopping, and I heard some oldfag Quake players hate the game for being the opposite of Quake in nearly every element.
I do not trust the communities of games, whether it's ASSFAGGOTS or shooters they're all the same; people that think any criticism towards the game is an insult towards themselves, and try to show off their rank.

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What's worse is that R6 Siege was what CS was always supposed to be or the natural evolution from it and actually a good game but then it got ruined by CS fans and the devs catering to CS fans.

I haven't played Rainbow 6 siege in years, what did they change?

god i miss old siege
i joined like a year or so before reverse friendly fire was a constant thing
nothing like droning out a place and watching the enemy team off themselves on the killfeed

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Oh... Where to begin. First they added tranny operator...

R6 was absolute fucking trash, full of bugs, the worst fucking netcode every made and some retarded game design (best sniper/gun being a 100% accurate uzi with acog in a one shot headshot game for example)

it was a meme game

"realism" is kill.

Operation Health was the last good update. I still found spawn peaking to be some of the funniest shit ever. Acing a team with Tachanka's LMG turret on house or consulate was priceless.

Rook p90 lean chads where you at?

It wasn't perfect but it had the potential to be amazing. But we also can't have nice things.

I'm more of an fy_poolday guy myself.

>unfortunately the clock is ticking

>CS 1.6
>Last one alive

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N64 Block Fort
What do I win?

>24/7 cs_office server with 64 players

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This. Siege was never going to be a good game due to instant-ADS with no weapon sway or spray penalties. Played that shit for 2 years and it all boiled down to memorizing the best peek locations and abusing the shit netcode to headshot the enemy before they even see you on their screen.

Fuck Ash and fuck Smoke.

Based office man.
I don't need money, anyway. I just sit by the filing cabinets and dump AK mags down the hallways, haphazardly

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Operators. It's less tactical now than it was 6 years ago and the devs more or less leaned into it. The game was on a high until after operation health.

*pendulum music blaring at 100%*
*30+ people shooting guns with no stopsound*
*low quality voice chat of people arguing and yelling*
Take me back bro..

Based. It’s a completely shit game that only lives on because of sunk cost fallacy where people have literally played it their entire lives and cannot let go of muh extreme competitive shooter with absurd RNG mechanics.

>it's not skill based at all.

the shooting and nadeing aren't skill based, the rest is.

>muh skill based
It's called having fun. Try it.


The force will be with you, always.

CS1.6 was definitely one of the (if not THE) best FPS ever made. CSGO is currently the best competitive FPS with an active scene but they really struck gold with 1.6
In fact, other than CS:GO there were literally zero games that got even close to CS1.6 since it came out, it's kind of crazy how much better than the competition the Counter-Strike franchise is (Source was kind of a flop but the community servers with fun mods were the best in the series so I'm willing to give it a pass. CS:S jailbreak/surf/bhop/deathrun was maybe even more soulful than CS1.6)

play a good game like RTCW or Quake instead

any crackhouse bros?

Top players remain consistent. Your concept of balance is meaningless. Go flip coins if you want a perfectly fair game.

Shut up braindead 4nigger

I'm fy_iceworld cooling, relaxing

what map?

Is this crackhouse

>It's time to choose.
1. cs_assault
2. fy_poolday
3. scoutzknivez
4. as_crazytank
5. cs_office
6. de_rats

no, it's cs_assault.


>people that think any criticism towards the game is an insult towards themselves, and try to show off their rank.
Identity culture is beautiful. Identifying through [PRODUCT], [BRAND], or [CORPORATION] is so cool!

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is it gungame

good place to practice aim
I miss CS before I broke into the amateur pro scene and realized everyone is just a fucking cheater

okay, zoomer.

what is it based on then
>the game is far more about getting lucky with the positioning and campers have the initiative because whenever you move you suddenly become unable to hit the broad side of a barn, which in turn requires memorizing the map for known camper spots to grenade ahead of time
ngl bro you sound like a fucking retard so
- yes you should learn the maps and people who maps better than you will have an advantage
- there is only luck in positioning if you have zero awareness about what's going on and blind peak angles
- spray patterns and weapon inaccuracy based on velocity makes you think about what you are doing and ultimately adds a more tactical and structured approach to your gameplay. as in you can't reliably get rewarded for just holding down fire and you don't reliably get rewarded for being a retard and running at people while firing. it requires some thought to the battles you take. the genius with 1.6's skill ceiling is that you don't have to be that mechanically gifted to be quite good if your strategy is just better than the other team's
the only point you make that is somewhat agreeable is that the weapon design is dumb as there are several sidegrade weapons that kind of suck like the ump or the 228.
it sounds like you enjoy faster, more chaos based shooters and that's just not 1.6

What about counter strike source


>don't have to be mechanically gifted
translates to
>don't need skill
therefore, game is not skill-based

Wow so many old gamers here!

CS and CSGO fucking sucks as a competitive game but for deathmatch it's really really fun.

I LOVE ice cream

>loading a cracked portable version of this onto an IBM thinkpad spawning in 20 bots on de_dust2 and spending an afternoon playing with all the weapons

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>TEACHER user is shooting terrorists!
>get expelled from school due to zero tolerance policy
feels bad, had a dell laptop that you could take out the floppy drive and put in two batteries

>tfw theres a retard saying valve will make a game just called counter-strike and is on source 2
>the main change they're making is just removing the word terrorist

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Devs kept nerfing the best weapons over and over again, ads became very sluggish, hipfire (inb4 some MilsIm fag gets mad it gets called hipfire) accuracy is as bad as Africans during bushwar.
The best you can do as an aggressive player is walk around already aiming down sights with an lmg

I'm a cs_poolday and cs_scout (with lowered gravity) man myself.

I preferred Italy, for my 20 bots with knives runs
Give them nades and shields for the lols.
I played cracked portable CZ in LAN games in the computer lab at school

for me, its deagle5

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Man I used to play that all the time.
Then steampipe happened and ruined all my custom models and textures from fpsbanana. I haven't really played it since.

For me it's Counter Strike Source 24/7 gungame servers

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insurgency comp mode or low player count koth is what CS should've evolved into
too bad theres only one populated NA server at any given time