Which series fell harder?

Which series fell harder?

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Gears just fizzled out, Halo is currently self destructing like a Sony exclusive.

Halo 1000%.

Halo for sure as 343 repeatedly found ways to fuck it up when they took over from Bungie. Gears just kind of petered out after Gears 3 when the Coalition took over from Epic.

halo continues to get woker and woker and woker so that

Gears of War never 'fell'.

Gears of War 1 still retains that old skool cool that Halo CE never did, probably because its been dragged through the mud by so many youtube reviewers that we are all sick of hearing about it.

brainlet post

Gears is still semi-based
Halo is a two-flush corn log


I'm a fan of both series and it's Halo. Imo I think no matter who Microsoft got to continue the series, it wouldn't match up to Bungie's games.

>by so many youtube reviewers

How many youtube reviews are you watching faggot? lmao fuckin zoomers

Gears last installment was at least ludo xcom kino, but, gears 4 & 5 do not exist for me

I want to say Gears. As terrible a state as Halo is currently in, people at least still care. Gears of War seems to have completely fallen out of the public consciousness.

Did Bungie actually do anything special after Halo 3 though? I mean, beyond implementing the basic features of the game, which 343 seem incapable of doing?

Halo for sure.
Gears is just... there. Gears 5 is just a meh game. Halo Infinite is a dumpster fire.

I only had Gears 1 and I didn't like it. Was boring to play desu

Halo was always more popular than gears tho

I really enjoyed Gears 1, but I can respect that you came to the thread and gave your honest opinion in a civilized manner. Thanks user!

Was it though? I remember Gears being a huge deal for 360 when Halo hadn't made it out yet.

I've only really played Gears 1 and 5, and I have to say that, for what it's worth, I think 5 is a very enjoyable game as far as the multiplayer goes. It could definitely be improved by adding some bonus mutators to multiplayer matches, or even just the ability to pick which bots to use, but that's a small issue.

Not relevant. The point is Halo fanbase still largely exists, while Gears you can't really say the same thing.

Gears held a respectable second place spot under Halo but that gap fell even wider as time went on even when Halo continued to spiral negatively

Nah, Judgment was to Gears what 5: Guardians was to Gaylo. That's why even the mediocre GoW 4 managed to give the franchise a second wind and Epic sold the IP to M$ in the first place

Halo rose higher, so the fall was greater.

Halo. I prefer Gears and hate what Gears has become after 3, but it's still a mercy compared to Halo.

Play Her game.

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343 cannot stop embarrassing themselves fucking halo

Gears had that XCOM game worth playing, sad that the best games are still stuck on the 360

>Gears 3 gets 60FPS Multiplayer update on the SeX
>Still no PC port

>many youtube reviewers
>youtube reviewers
I fucking hate this zoomer infested shithole so much.

Halo is trying to compete with Star Wars and Star Trek for hardest fall from grace, so Halo.

I hated playing Gears even if the aesthetic was cool

The aesthetic is a product of its time
No wonder Zoomers don't care for it

Halo, Gears judgement/4/5 were meh but halo 4/5/infinite are shit

>Gears of War never 'fell'.
>reddit spacing

Is there any reason to still be a fan of these IPs?
Not even secondary content?

Gears Tactics and Halo Wars 2 are both fun.

halo, it's a zombie franchise, it died over a decade ago and they're still trying to milk its corpse.

>reddit invented double spacing
Meds. NOW.

Probably waiting for a gears remaster collection ala MCC.

Zoomers grew up in that area.

New gears is pozzed fucking garbage.


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Halo for sure. I've not played Gears 5 but have heard it's actually not bad. Comparatively both series "ended" after 3 and then had a prequel come out afterwards followed by a sequel in the hands of a new developer with key people from the previous. I played both Halo 4 and Gears of War 4 and felt that GoW 4 was better overall. It played it safe, but it still felt like Gears. Haven't played GoW 5 like I said, but I'm sure it was probably better than Halo 5. Now we just need to see what they do with the next Gears to compare that with Infinite. If the rumors about an MCC style Gears collection are true then I would love for that to happen. And I hope it comes to PC.

Halo without a fucking doubt.

One franchise is completely irrelevant
The other is being actively shat on

Wonder which fate is worse...

fragile poc user get help pls

Something remembered can still have some hope

Legacy of Kain was forgotten for a decade before they briefly dragged it out of the grave just to give the corpse a cheeky rape.

Gears, anyone that says Halo is a retard, Gears's campaign imploded on itself, replaced Marcus and his son with a feminist bitch and went full woke. Meanwhile, Halo saw everyone hated Halo 5 and Locke, dropped that shit, went back to Halo in campaign, and will now stick with only the Master Chief as far as campaigns are concerned. Anyone who thought it was a great idea to replace the Fenix family with Kait should be shot.

She's a cunt, kill yourself, reddit faggot.

Not him, Gears is woke shit, reddit tranny and Halo will always be better than it and you will always be forced to play as the Master Chief in Halo campaigns, now go back.

Infinite is just taking 1 step back and rehashing the old shit, it's even worse than Gears

Seriously Infinite was fucking boring

>Infinite is just taking 1 step back and rehashing the old shit
Good, you're a retard if you prefer Halo 4 or 5. Gears forgot what it was as far as the campaigns are concerned. It's clear that the 2016 elections ruined the series.

Halo 4 was better
5 could have been better if they didn't rewrite it half way through

you dont know shit gears fell after 1 and got worse with each release.

reminder to hide and ignore all of cheef fags posts.


Gears of war was never good

couldnt stand the women strong bs when i just watched 5's cutscenes


Because MS literally made studios solely designed to make more installments

They're the Overwatch/Fortnite generation