Battlestation thread?

Battlestation thread?

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Here's what the setup in that room was before I had disposable income.

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get a bigger rug for the middle. that bath towel looks dumb.


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is that a rem?

Any table recommendations?

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why the bathmat?

pretty comfy outside the incel figures and the ricer red leds

I think the mods got butthurt yesterday about everyone shitting on 41% keyboards.

Here's my setup.

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don't eat beans in kinoplex

>passed through a lens flare filter

the room is fine other than the gaudy RGB light that doesn't really add to anything, but why the fuck do you have that ugly ass shower rug in the middle of the room? At least get a bigger bath towel if you're into the shaggyness of that type of carpet for some reason or at least one whose color goes with the room in some way.

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Best one

Looks more efficient for vacuum cleaning though

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Yeah. Her winter maid figure.

>incel figures
I'm married

It's all I have. Fuck.
New rug is on the wishlist.

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I don't know why, my phone camera might be fucked up.

>New rug is on the wishlist
attaboy, user. It'll do a lot to make the room look better. You don't even need some crazy shit or anything, most anything in a better color or style would make the room look better than the bath mat.


wtf is this? Someone actually eating Jimmy Johns? I thought that place was for laundering money, I have never seen a person eat there ever after they try it once.

here's my depression station the way it looks currently.

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It gets the job done.

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Triple-decker nigger with dick cheese

I'm helping them launder money, chud

That's a pretty cool setup. I like the blue rug

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anyone have pictures of a good setup layout involving gaming pc and electronic drum kit, with a screen behind the drums and the others behind a desk

Very onions

she beautiful


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Post her panties

>forgot to buy a mousepad

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It's not much, but it gets the work done I guess. I might have to add figurines and posters to fill a bit.

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Shit, wrong one, I got new keycaps since then.

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Turns out all I needed was proper lens cleaner.

It's far from ideal, but I'm limited to the constraints of the desk for now. I feel like I'm one of the only anons that likes the look of stained wood. My dream setup is a dedicated study stained in golden oak.

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do you ppl with huge full keyboard and mouse pads eat your meals at the pc desk?

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>those tv legs being so close to the edges on the stand
couldn't be me

Based cyclops poster

Meowie marry me.

Ive been waiting for this

>Ikea desk
You’re goddamn right.

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What do you do if you accidentally piss yourself while shitting in the shit bucket?

gotta buy a new bucket

We speak not of such things

It's Gamer time.

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(X) Doubt

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Is that a M1A Scout? Based, if so.

I'll actually have time to vaccum my desk and clean my keyboard thoroughly this weekend. I finally have it off.

I end up eating snacks at my desk.

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It would be ok if you didn’t have such an ugly ass wallpaper

He's cute

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cute keycaps

>Yea Forums show n tell thread
Man this place is literally an eDaycare.

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Please bully

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>has not felt the touch of a woman

whats wrong with saying something nice to someone else

I have a gf

rich virgin streamer with 1-2 views tops on Twitch

the reddit special, ALEX KARLBY

Rich: no
Virgin: no
Steamer with 1-2 views tops: ..yes

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Close. It's a socom + scout scope.