Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chickenshit bureaucrats

Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chickenshit bureaucrats.
Fuck this 24-hour Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit!
Fuck American pride!
Fuck the media!

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You're gonna need more rubbers, Senator.

Only small brains would vote for him, big brains would take his dream and do it themselves.

>might makes right
>gets beaten by mightier force

>war hungry psycopath
>everyone loves him
Is Armstrong proof that politics is all about charisma?

Why does /pol/ identify with him so much when his plan was to just cause chaos for the sake of it and arbitrarily measure whos “strong” and whos “weak.” Considering everyone who posts on /pol/ would most certainly fall under Armstrongs weakling designation it makes it ironic.

i mean he call Raiden his successor

He spared Raiden like 3 times

>He loved that he got punked by Raiden...

possibly the most based scene of all time

Everything is about charisma, user. What is or isn't "based" is 100% just whether people like you or not.

pretty sure that's the point

>Get stuck on chainsaw dog at the very beginning of the game
>Dont touch it for 4 years
>Play yesterday and beat it instantly

He was totally okay with the outcome

It's a video game bro

>armstrong wants to overthrow the corrupt status quo and create a world of might makes right
>after the corrupt status quo is gone the average man will be defenseless against armstrong and people like armstrong because they have significant power than can no longer be gained by anyone else due to the system that created it being destroyed

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/pol/ is suicidal

/pol/ would clap at economic collapse and Yellowstone erupting because they enjoy chaos and misery and death for the sake of it. They’re like Rick and Morty nihilists except they have none of the brains or life experiences to derive a true nihilsitic outlook on life.

>gets proven right

a fraction of those people only pretend to want it as a way to cope with the chaos of the world
t. used to be one and saw someone say that, realized it made sense

All that matters anymore is what is on the camera, and everything else stems from that. Armstrong was right about the trivia and celebrity bullshit, and the media. And basically everything else he said.

>/pol/ out of nowhere
They live rent free in your head son.

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Where? If you are posting here then you're from a first world enough area that you can basically have whatever you want within reason and go anywhere you want as well. You're individually better off and more free than even nobles 200 years ago.

I don't think you understand what arbitrarily means.

>freedom is the ability to consume

He passed on his memes to a worth successor

You can consume, create, explore, and whatever else you want.
If you removed consuming then you'd objectively be less free.

>Freedom is when you're poor and can't eat
I hate white libs like you so much its unreal.

Try not paying your taxes.

Police can't handle vietnam-era traps

So what was his problem? The way I remember it, I thought his thing was more self-determination and self-effacement for the general populace. I thought his shtick was to cut through the supposed bureaucratic bullshit to effect some real change? Y'know, for the story parallel to Raiden's use of violent means to do what's right? Using the war economy to end the war economy?

Or did I just fall for some politician's sales pitch?

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>I thought his thing was more self-determination and self-effacement for the general populace
Not exactly, self determination for the "strong" the weak are nothing but slaves to them.
>Using the war economy to end the war economy?
Nah he was just using war to boost his support, he doesnt care about ending the war economy

>I thought his shtick was to cut through the supposed bureaucratic bullshit to effect some real change?
It was, but that "real change" was for ooga booga times

The latter
Every line of Armstrong's speech sounds like it might have merit until you remember who the fuck is saying it. He only wants a might makes right order because he would be at the top (with his paid for might). He wants of strength not committee cause he doesn't want to have the rest of the government countering him. He dislikes having to play ball to get votes. He wants the law to change to suit the individual because he wants it to change to what he wants. His line about being a badass because he played football in college is a joke, doubly so in MGS universe. Everything he says is something that directly benefits him or could easily be double backed on.

And he would like that.

Chaos is a necessity. Sometimes you have to burn the forest down to help the plants grow. Chaos is change when things stagnate.

hmm I wonder if the music reinforces this idea.

A lot of them, (similar to pro-chaos SMTfags), think that in a uncontrolled world where "might makes right" and "the strong make the rules" and other things of that nature, they'd be on top for whatever reason.

Sure, tons of people falseflag and meme about it because they know it'd unironically be shit in almost every sense, but there are also people that unironically think they'd be able to live like kings, their own harems included.

He is literally a chud

Fuck those people. If they no longer want access to clean running water, electricity and gas then they're more than welcome to fuck off into the middle of nowhere and "live". But I for one am not prepared to go back to shitting in the woods and finding shelter from the rain under a tree.

i see that a lot with anprim types.
>you don't get it, you think i'm some schizophrenic neet but actually i'm a gigachad waiting to break the chains of society holding me back from my full potential

>live like kings, their own harems
That last bit sounds like projection to me.
The majority of chaosfags are not cityfags to begin with. Cities burning down does not hurt them, and most of them already have access to clean running water without the need for the intervention of "civilization".
>shitting in the woods
>shelter under a tree
>he can't even build a one-day shack
>he can't even dig a shitpit
lmao my ass off

>24-hour Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit
>American pride
You can really tell this game came out a decade ago.

>/pol/ out of nowhere
You are mentally ill lol

>You're individually better off and more free than even nobles 200 years ago.
Nobles 200 years ago had to work zero hours per week while you and I have to work more than medieval peasants and roman laborers did, so that definitely is not true.

We have electricity, seasoned food, modern medicine, don't have to worry about peasants rebelling against us, or other nobles plotting our deaths for their own bids for power

off the bat we're doing much better

Modern medicine is a fucking joke.

Armstrong is both unambiguously evil, and a far better person than any American president in decades.

Yeah. He lost but was still right. He knew that you can't "prove" that the world he wanted to bring about was best, he only knew that you could enforce it with might. Raiden was in denial of "might makes right" and as a result was a self-denying hypocrite. The game is about him learning the accept the nature of the world, but also holding on to his principles. He was never going to talk-no-jutsu any of the bosses, he simply had to fight and beat them to achieve the world he wanted.

Tbh the closest to any politician is the child brain thing. Other than that he's way cleaner. That child brain abducting man, it's a bad look.

Yeah, he was based. Raisin was the ultimate zogbot when he stopped him.

We have more advanced technology, which comes with big upsides and downsides, but modern people are not particularly free, especially not when compared to aristocrats from basically any time period.

The majority of chaosfags are cityfags who think reading random copypasta on /k/ and buying a bunch of guns they barely use if ever has adequately prepared them for life without any convenience or safety nets.

Right but it's not like any American president in living memory is against third world child slavery or war profiteering.

We have to pay the government mafia taxes or we go to jail so, yeah. Shackled.

Aren't people are getting stupider? Aren't we over-compartmentalized, and don't we know less skills to survive if things go tits up? We'll be fine.

That's what i'm saying, that aspect is the most real politician thing he does. Everything else is really pro active and passionate.

Society has been engineered to make it as difficult as possible for an individual to survive self-sufficiently and one consequence of this is that the great majority have to work for someone else and then get to keep only a fraction of the wealth they produce.

>itt Antifagots mad cause the most popular American politician in video games history is a turbo ancap crossbred with a social darwinist

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>use corrupt politics to get nanomachines that make you nearly invulnerable, a personal army of cyborgs who can effortlessly kill regular humans, and global bases to launch attacks anywhere on earth
>destroy the system that made all those things so nobody else can get them to oppose you

At least he left a worthy successor

You'd be surprised how quickly people adapt in survival situations. The war in Ukraine is just a small example of desk jockeys turning into soldiers into a matter of weeks. We didn't get to the top of the food chain for nothing.

My government gives me 1200€ monthly for being a jobless loser.
Its more than enough for me to fuck around with

because most /pol/tards are losers/wagies who think that le chaos world means they could coast off being an epic war lord when in reality they'd get their teeth kicked in. The irony being they hate black people but desperately want a world where it's okay to act black so they could "safety" live our their fantasy of acting like black savages