Just saw pic rel posted by some user elsewhere. Full-Moon and Dark-Moon. What does it mean bros? How does this connect to Ranni and Rennala?

Attached: moon plants.jpg (1920x1920, 592.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:


connect your foot with my cock and balls tbqh

The Two Finger's said we will become Marika's consort, that was my whole drive for playing this game. I kill two demigods to get to the capital, run my ass to a mountain full of oversized niggers, start a fire, all to find out she's a fucking dude.

Your own damn fault for being a lorelet and not investigating and talking to the inhabitants of the Lands Between. You deserve to take tranny cock up the ass

it means from is the biggest from fan

>Not Grass (1), Grass (2), etc.
Times sure were different back then...

Is this the shitpost lore thread, where's the actually discussion lore thread


So in the earlier thread we were discussing the Haligtree statue of Godwyn with Miq n Mal.
I just looked at it ingame and found that Godwyn’s feet are obscured as you can only view the statue from the front, so alas the mystery remains. Maybe an user can view the statue’s model and give us something more definitive, but I’ve got nothing.

I went and checked it out but yea you can't see anything.
That being said we should really drop the topic at this point. It was funny when nobody had a retort, but now the fish guy is just ignoring every obvious argument against it and repeating "show me legs show me legs" and spamming the thread. Time to stop.
Obvious reasons to not believe it:
>The webbing is new
>The clam head is new
>His body being giant is new
>Therefore, probably, the fish tail is new.
>Golden Epitaph shows a skeleton with legs
Also, you can more or less see the outline of his legs under his robe in the opening cinematic.
So all of that, vs "no they never show legs show me legs" spammed 100x over the thread.
Time to stop. It was fun.

It doesn't, you crouton. Dark Moon has been a recurring motif in modern From games.
I'm more hung up on the parallels between Miquella and the Haligtree and Quella and the Spirit Tree of the Dreamworld from DaS2.
Remember, Miquella is likely St. Trina, the sleepytime saint.

He’s better than the legal laws guy

What was his endgame? Why'd he die?

Attached: THE NOBLE GOLDMASK.png (317x286, 12.43K)

Well, show me some legs.
Until we see Godwyn has some legs, or get any other sort of proof, they only exist in your headcanon

Attached: 1651864714110.png (3004x3004, 3.21M)

The statue is Marika hugging her two children. You can see Malenia, who received the most sacred rune, shared the same crown with the women. Miquella's crown is different.

As for the mermaid stuff, you have already had the Golden Epitaph depicting the wish of Miquella for Godwyn to have a true death in his burial, which would be a skeleton with two legs, meaning that'show Miquellaperceivedhis brother - a normal looking guy before his death and I doubt he would lie. The hands and the feet were cut for artistic reason. Miquella wouldn't have carved his brother to have two legs if he was a mermaid. If people say Marika would have used magic to hide his mermaid tail to brand him as the blessed child from the god, she could have used it on anything, from head to toe.

You can't prove to me you aren't a mermaid.

>The statue is Marika hugging her two children.
As I pointed out last thread, the statue’s hair is long and wavy (same as Godwyn’s as depicted in the intro) as opposed to Marika’s which is long and straight with braids

Attached: gayfish.gif (500x300, 88.58K)

Do Miquella and Malenia share a great rune like Mohg and Morgot?

Mohg and Morgott have separate runes but they’re activated at the same tower
I assume that Miquella’s hypothetical rune would be activated at the same tower as Malenia’s, unless there’s a secret other tower somewhere.

And Mohg and Morgott don't share a great rune, their great runes are just similar.

>Any ending but pic relatedLaffing at you

The statue's hair is of artistic value and not similar to the actual opening art. You can see Miquella in the statue having shorter wavy hair compared to the into art where his hair was straight and longer with many braids.
People change their hairstyle all the time and I don't think it's a credible source of comparison.

Just my theory but I think Miquella put his rune in the Haligtree, just like how the Elden Ring is in the Erdtree.

Of course it’s relevant. Every other Marika statue properly depicts her braids.

Show me the legggs

So she couldn't undo her braid when she was young? Im not talking about lore wise, it's just a simple action of life.

you failed

wait, foot?

Attached: 849aacd50368c54d33e4fe46c4389429.png (1299x1091, 1.65M)

Found a high res image of cocoon'd Miquella's ring.

Attached: FSEg_bEUcAAnE89.jpg (1805x1015, 2.19M)

Where were all the great shards after the shattering, anyway. Were they still in the tree or did they fly off like the golden seeds did.


Sounds like a lot of assumptions to justify your idea
The statue is clearly Godwyn

In case OP or some other retard don't get it, these refer to moon phases. The "dark moon" referred to by the grass is just a lunar eclipse, presumably.
This does not relate to Elden Ring since we can actually see multiple moons in the sky. Terms like dark moon are just going to pop up a lot in different works that give significance to the moon.

But why did Rennala lead Ranni to show her the Dark Moon instead of her own Full moon? Every Carian princess gets a new moon?

This really bugs me for quite a while.
If he had this before the kidnap, did someone made it for him or just simply a culture thing like how Ranni had a ring before marrying us.
If he had it after, doesn't really suit Mogh's style considering the tree branch pattern is very different from Mogh's grandiose raving lunatic style.
The ring looks quite...simple and honest.
Welp, time to dig in the files.

I'm not, the most straightforward thing when you see the statue is Marika. Only a few contrarians believe it to be Godwyn, and trust me, I like Godwyn character as well and I do wish for more lore about him.
Marika has shown to care about Miquella so its far stretched.

Look, Rennala was just one of the best Astrologers in the lands between.
If she can mix up different moons when introducing her moon to her daughter, than anyone can, right?

For real though, they're the same moon. Rannis is just dark because its influenced with Frost

Attached: 1651003592542.png (536x308, 130.74K)

I'd believe this if there wasn't literally two moons in the game. Unless Ranni is like, making a second one appear through chuuni magic because she's an autist dweeb.


Attached: 1632544242355.png (3092x8000, 2.1M)

>they're the same moon
if you check the night sky you can clearly see two giant moons, one slightly darker than the other

nigger those are spells not the actual moons

You may have a point if there isn't a third, black moon, mentioned, and the second moon that shows up wasn't black.

This part of the lore had about as much impact and care put into it as Ace finding out Finkle is Einhorn

Attached: eldenring 2022-04-23 22-34-37.jpg (2560x1600, 1.23M)

Third black moon used to hang above nokstella, and shards of it form the memory stones. Totally different thing. The little balls you fight may be imitations of the original black moon.

Attached: Erdtree explained.jpg (1690x778, 159.37K)

>the lost black moon is Nok-whatever is actually that second moon on the moonlight altar
>the moonlight altar associated with the Carians, where Ranni's quest ends, and where she frees herself from the fingers

Two moons. You cannot refute this.
No. Two. Moons. Nothing any headcanon of yours says can change that.

Attached: moons.jpg (1920x1080, 509.81K)

The moon is a spaceship though

Why is it that only the Carians assign importance to the moons? Since stars in ER aren't exactly stars as we know them, moons seem to be far bigger and more prominent than any other celestial object. So why do the jackasses at the Academy consider research into it heretical?

So does non major boss placement matter lorewise ie overworld non major bosses. Example: Foreskin duo being in farum azala have any implications or is it just a boss placement to be a hirdle?

Heterodox, not heretical. They still get those burger king crowns, so their pursuit is considered worthy.

>Foreskin duo being in farum azala
i still stand by the theory that they're there for the rune of death. almost every place you can find godskin in this game is in one way or another connected to the rune of death, with the exception of windmill village. though someone a few threads back brought up a theory that the celebrants of windmill village either aid in or outright do the skinning for the godskin.

I think the only faction that is meaningfully different, outside of just standard power struggle, is the Primeval Current people. The Astrologers and sorcerers that descended from them all seem to be the same "religion" and worship both the stars and moon.

Attached: 1651553399227.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)


>i still stand by the theory that they're there for the rune of death.
Yeah this makes sense

They study them, not "worship" them. You're thinking of the Nox, not the academics.

Ill keep this in mind thank you i never really thought about it honestly

If you take the Godskins:
Godskin Noble - working with Rykard in Volcano Manor (Carian faction)
Godskin Noble - guardian Ranni's corpse (Carian faction)
Godskin Apostle - Caelid basement guarding GEQ's sword (??? faction
Godskin Apostle - Windmill Village, skinning people like the godskin noble above at Rykard's. (Carian factoin)
Godskin spiritcalling duo - summoned by spiritcalling (Astrologers/Carians) in the mountaintops (astrologer original home)
Godskin duo - Farum Azula, right before Maliketh, obvious motivation to get the Rune of Death but failed/were left behind - still unclear whether they ever work with the Black Knives, Iji's death suggests they do.

Yes. Its notable that everyone at the Academy is more or less normal, but Sellen, Azur, and Lusat go all body horror when they stray from Raya Lucaria safe studies

Also interesting to note that you have adjudicator mages at the Haligtree. Some mages apparently decided to go out and become literal judges to keep the peace between all of the weirdo creatures there.