EDF Thread

This is the worst fucking class of the game. The only class worth a shit in this series is Fencer and Ranger. The vehicles are weak as fuck for air raider so he is useless beyond measure but the wing suit diver takes the cake. Charging my weapons with my only viable method of movement? No.

>j-just have spatial awareness bro!

You can't outrun ants while flying and they climb buildings in a snap. Your energy charges slow so you can't escape in time. All of the weapons are weak to boot, especially her thunder weapons. Just thinking about it makes me rage.

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just use lances bro

>thunder weapons weak
bitch hasn't been in a cave level yet.

tried it. requires you to be too close. once you need to leave to recharge you cant outrun them

just use cheat engine

>telling OP to cheat

>equip highest level rapier
it's that easy

how can he equip it if he cant beat inferno

Are these games fun solo?

only if you're willing to get good at it, if not you'll be stuck fighting on hard mode

I bought 5 and I'm already stuck fighting on normal. It's over.

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Yeah but they are just better with more people. If you ever get the chance to play online do it.

Is this game similar to Mecha Knights?

this game inspired mecha knights
it's very interesting suffering experience on inferno especially
and DLC will make you their bitch


sometimes class is not just for you, or you have to figure out special strategies to beat the stage.
Turns out when game has 4 distinctly different playstyles - when you are used to one playstyle - adjusting yourself to completely different set of problems is hard.

No, it's good instead.

You can have fun solo, but they were definitely meant to be played with other people.
Nothing more fun than calling in a Pacific Rim type Jaegar to smash Not Godzilla while your bros protect your flanks by killing the lil bugs.

Or re-enacting the scene from Starship troopers where the bugs overrun the troopers as you and your 3 buddies play the Soldier class.

air raider or nothin

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I like mecha knights :(

You want to always have at least one weapon that lets you load energy in advance instead of directly taking energy from your jetpack. Also get a good feel for when it's safe to put your jetpack into emergency mode because even though you can't fly, it charges twice as fast.

The japs are still playing it, no need to play solo unless you just wanna.

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Depends on a game.
I'd say all classes are pretty fun to figure out solo, despite some weapons designed for coop.
Air Raider was hit the hardest in 2025/4.1, but it was still fun to try and come up with solo strategies.
in 5 every class can perfectly be played solo

Solo is better at first so you don't have to deal with constant cheaters.

Then beat the stage on easy and move on to the next one.

>cheaters are such a pain amirite
>oh no it's no fun for air raider to drop bargas for everyone on a map we've all beaten a thousand times before
There's no reason to be angry with cheaters in fucking EDF.

lmao its been a while since I've seen a dumb bait edf thread in an attempt to keep them from dying quicker
just post the vtuber collab in the op bro easy bumps

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cool cool but WHERE'S LOBBY

Enjoy getting kicked and blacklisted by the majority of the playerbase.

Ranger is the most fun
Wing Diver is the most lazy and simple to play
Air Raider is the most hard, especially if you play alone
Fencer is for autistic minmaxers

A good thing about 4.1 is that all the classes have techs that can be perfected; Dash-cancels, frame perfect rolls while also attacking and resources manipulation for Air raiders. Wing Diver is mostly just play well and don't be retarded, compared to the Ranger's roll2win, it's actually easier to do
>armor under 200
newfag gay nigger opinion discarded

>laughs in IDUNN
>laughs in Rapier
game solved, literal roflstomp through 90% of missions on any difficulty

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Fuck off. If you've gotten to the point regular EDF bores you and you need to cheat to have fun, just move onto something else or play by yourself or find a group of people willing to do it together.
The games are plenty fun without breaking them further for everyone else.

i kneel

>Wing Diver is mostly just play well and don't be retarded,
I like wing diver in 5 cause you can be retarder, equip bing bang core, which stops your ability to fly but increases weapon charge speed 200%
which makes every homing weapon shoot twice as often, and you can constantly put up those homing aoe grenades in air

While if I was fucking around with the intent of doing that from the get go I wouldn't have an issue with it but with randoms online my next expectation is to receive a "gift" of 999999999 armor and weapons at the end of the stage so what I will do instantly is leave/kick and try to make a mental note of who did that.

The only ok thing to me is collecting all the boxes at the end of the map instantly but even then I can't trust everyone doing that not to abuse it.

Wing Divers have some of the highest damage output later on
But the tradeoff is you die in -2 seconds if you land in a bad spot on inferno

>The only ok thing to me is collecting all the boxes at the end of the map instantly but even then I can't trust everyone doing that not to abuse it.

collecting boxes is you trading your time to get stronger when you are lacking skill to beat game otherwise.
only valid excuse is 4.1 weapon RNG when you need something for inferno run and it doesn't drop, and even that usually solved by just choosing stages correctly and grinding them a bit.

>collecting all the boxes at the end of the map instantly
I kick people for that all the time.

also collecting boxes is good time to cool down after completing stage and relax a bit
basically a reward and a breather
instead of going from stage to stage as you are in some sort of heat

The main problem I have with them is that only the Rapier and Lance are really viable unless you want to sit down and not fly around. Both of these are short range too.

You can't kick players
Doesn't work.

you can learn the stage and prepare accordingly.
While there are weapons which suits most stages, there are also specialized weapons which work on few selected stages if you plan for them.
play only with friends, problem solved

You can 100% kick people.


if u dont hit everything with the tanks 30 shots on edf v you can't play the game

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You can't ban people, though, and they rejoin immediately. Kicking does nothing if it isn't permanent.
Nobody here has friends, don't be retarded.

From my perspective its very simple
Kill bugs & aliens = fun, yet janitor box clean up = not fun, you can be indifferent to it but you can not seriously tell me its more fun than the meat of the game.
And so when alone or with my group of friends I hit the skip button on that nonsense.

I thought playing solo was more fun
the godzillas take years to kill in mp
what's the point of playing with people if they just multiply the enemies HP?

Most cheaters don't attempt to rejoin unless they're a real salty bitch and it's trivial to kick them again.

If everyone pulls their own weight its much much faster, if you are playing with retards like those who like to do their ebin meme loadouts while they know they will be carried it will be slower

You just suck, back to the gloryhole fag!

Yes, play ranger

I mean if you are desperate in hunting every single box out there on every stage, yes - that will get old fast.
You don't need to do that. It's not mandatory and never was.
Why you are conditioned to collect every single thing?
>but armor
gold ant won't care anyway
>but weapons
aside of separate cases when you can't clear specific stages cause you don't have good sniper rifle for example, it's usually just getting another lottery ticket. It's nice to have but going out of your way rarely matters that much.

Game never was about clearing stage clean, it's an option you have but it's also decision you have to make. Why for example bothering running 10 minutes around one stage to get all the few boxes, when you can spend 10 minutes on next stage and gather same amount of boxes because stage designed differently?

Usually in my case I clean out boxes when it's last mission in a session if I feel like it or there are a lot of good piles in places. It's kinda fun to search for them since I'm not doing it every stage. And I still have plenty of weapons and armor. Only time I actually had to grind and desperately collect boxes - was maybe few hours in machine squad in 4.1 to help friend get his sniper rifle and me get new railgun tank as a bonus.
also refer to - I consider it a good breather

I feel like "oh no, collect boxes" is overblown issue mostly for those who sees uncollected armor or weapon as some sort of waste or criminal act. You like game? Yes. Then you'll collect them naturally cause you are gonna play more. Why the haste?

Do you guys think we will have EDF 6 on Steam in english soon ?

Me and my GF loves to fuck bugs in splitscreen

give it an additional year after 6 release
maybe half of it at best.

You WILL buy it on PS5 and wait a year plus tip for the PC release.

soon? nah. late 2024 at the earliest.

EDF is a /vt/ranny franchise now. Fuck off

>switched from idols promoting it to vtubers cause that's the current timeline
oh no

The box shit comes from two places primarily: the idiots that think the armor limit is more of an armor requirement, and by extension the people that refuse to learn how to play the game and blame their loses on "not enough health" or "no good weapons."

Being able to kite effective is big on higher difficult. It doesn't matter how high your DPS is if you're dead. And guess what classes are the best at kiting? Yes, wing diver and fencer.

The Idunn is overpowered as fuck and is all you need for most levels, while the high-end Thunder Snipers triviliaze underground levels.

If you think the WD is difficult to use on 4.1, don't even try using her in 5. They made her a pain in the ass to use with having to charge weapons and having damage drop-off when weapons have less ammo remaining.

he can play ezmode until like mission 14, which the AI is capable of fully completing on its own.

Try playing the first couple of stage on hard or above to unlock better weapons than you can get in medium.

Seems like it. Kinda dumb.
I can see a good weapon argument, but only if that usually refers to inferno runs of some fucked up stages, solo or with very limited amount of people. Which is rare case and I doubt people who complain about boxes are them.

Its true you don't need to collect everything, because the game's designed answer if you are lacking in power or want a power rush regardless is to farm some specific map over and over and hey I'm not the biggest fan of that, so I take this alternative route to help me along for not doing it.
Mate the person you are describing there farm shit as their answer or straight up cheat the equipment. I've been collecting boxes at the end of every map I go through so far and am in inferno right now with 2.5k armor, people going on about that shit you are talking about go farm to 5K digits.

4.1 final mission (no DLC) was pure FUCK YEAH ino

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