>decided to waste my life playing video games
>video games have slowly died ever since 2012
>tfw am stuck with a hobby i hate and considered dead
i shouldve gotten a life all those years ago. I have nothing left now
Decided to waste my life playing video games
dedicate your life to making video games
you know you're allowed to have multiple hobbies, user?
Don't care
I got into jigsaw puzzles, if you buy fuckhuge ones (5000+ pieces) they can take you weeks or months to finish
shut up grandma it's time for your medicine you dumb old bitch
Then make a game
You should try making a game OP. There are some piss easy ones you can do. Card games are just about manipulating arrays, you could churn one out in a week
how? i cant code
For me it’s jigsaw puzzles of classique Kombis. I love them so much.
Either pick a language and an engine that supports that language or go with an engine that has a block editor or its engine. Gamemaker/GML is extremely similar to Python
thanks i guess. Just doesnt help me a lot. Im dumb and if it was that easy then everyone would be doing it including anons. Making gaes is a passionate thing
They're super popular in Japan, I bought some cool ones when I was there a few years back but I was too dumb to buy the corresponding frames.
I might still do them one day when I have the floorspace.
You're right, you never said you wanted to make games anyways
>Be dumb fuck faggot frog poster
>Only plays Sony or Xbox shit
>Doesn't understand Nintendo and PC chads drowning in games
but i am a PC and Nintendo guy
What's preventing you into getting into new hobbies?
Video games are THE only hobby that is a waste of time. Every other hobby is worthwhile.
>I'm so fucking contrarian I cant even see that I'm living in the best age of gaming ever
You never liked games. You were a normie then and your still a normie now. You can play any game from any year but all you do is fucking complain. Get away from my hobby.
>doesn't game regularly with friends and family building life long memories
you mean that guy who turned up drunk every night when i was a kid and that other dude who beat me to a pulp for merely existing?
not really gaming buddies if ya get what i mean
>op is the kid
Wow what a sad story. I still have friends at 36 and we play fight games every time we see each other.
I can only have fun in VR now. It's just more fun and doesn't require 100 hours.
Start reading. Read The Ancient City by Fustel de Coulanges, it's the beginning of everything.
i'm a westernized indian so it's completely logical why my life would be total shit
It hws less games than ps((5))*
>blah, blah bl-ACK !
All other hobbies have also been ruined past 2012
Pirates of the Caribbean game sucks compared to real life
No you are just a shit person. You can change if you want to but lets be real you will be here forever complaining about ths most trivial shit possible. Enjoy!
If you don't have a vagina in 2022 you are a shit person
Thank you fellow redditor *tips fedora because that is my humour as an intellectual redditor capable of irony*
Where are the females? My paycheck is in hand
you just sound like a blind consumer who enjoys eating shit and supporting terrible practices while calling others who cant follow ur NPC behaviour “normalfags”
in reality you never liked gaming too. Just consuming whats popular and not thinking for yourself while shitting on the people who dare insult ur shitty hobby that u actively make worse
I should read the brothers karamazov but I feel like Dosto's best work is his shorter stories/novellas so I'd probably be forcing it anyway
Then you have shit taste. I aren't one of those fags that gets a Nintendo console just for Monster Hunter and Pokemon right??
you haven't played every good game
Unironically start reading books, both fiction and nonfiction. I guarantee you haven't read ALL the books, there are multiple hundreds of books written thousands of years before SJWs ruined everything. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, if I'm on my dying bed (alone because no family), what will I probably be regretting?
>I wish I had read more books
That's what I've been thinking lately.
>video games have slowly died ever since 2012
>tfw am stuck with a hobby i hate and considered dead
You're welcome
You had two dads?
Go to college and get a degree. Treat the grades as a game and see if you can get a high score.
I believe in you user, just pick something useful like engineering, teaching, programming, etc.
I'm hella horny for ww1 soldier memoirs. Poliu is one of the best things I've ever read. Made with the old breed look like a bad weekend.
Learning how to hack things is fun! DO IT. ITS FUN.
actually it's retardedly easy to make a game with something like RPGmaker. But the result will be so generic and lame if you don't make new art (that looks good) and new assets that you won't want to show anyone (or you'll publish it on steam alongside 100000000000 other shitty RPGmaker games)
>not worried about anything
Don’t how to feel about this
despair is a meme honestly.
Did you have fun?
yes, but at what cost?
>Not having multiple hobbies
OP is just a loser.
videogame after 2014 went straight to the gutter, should've learned art instead, something that is limited and has a future
>I cant even see that I'm living in the best age of gaming ever
where? as far as im seeing most popular games now are fornite, valorant, league of legends, how is that the best age?
>have hobby based on consuming some media
>grow up
>enjoy it less
>the products got worse! other consumers of the hobby ruined it!! HELP I NEED MORE THINGS TO MISDIRECT MY SELF-HATE AT!!!
She's pretty cute. Is she a whore? if so sauce
Those are all just as lame and gay as unreal and starcraft were. You just play popular shit because you suck and you follow trends
>OP is tired of Hobby A.
>OP can't conceive to even try Hobby B, C, D, etc on his own, to move on from Hobby A.
>OP acts like an asshole to people who suggest him to try other hobbies.
This whole thread from OP is either some shitposting bait nonsense which it probably is, or if he's being legit, he's that much of a whiny lethargic faggot. Either way, fuck him and fuck this shit thread.
You need to get off /pol/ and do things with your hands. Like you know, cut wood, draw, make music, hike, smith some weapons. The only """hobbies""" that have been ruined by women and jews are all consoomer shit (including vidya which isn't even a real hobby).
>as lame and gay as unreal and starcraft were
holy fucking copium, starcraft literally made esports, no other game in 2020+ did the same
Yeah... it was what shit-ass shit fags followed... you are only proving my point. You've played trash your entire life.
what is his quote referring to?
Good job there's enough good games on enough systems already that you would never be able to finish all of them in a human's lifespan then
Get into old music, it's the redpill I swear
linetrap is getting hotter every year I would go gay for him
>shitposting bait nonsense
yes, welcome to every thread on Yea Forums especially those with iphone filenames
Unironically get into trades and make something of yourself.
Spoken like someone who doesn't leave his house.
This, I've mostly been playing retro games from the early 2000s. Old enough to have 3d and look decent, not too old to be filled with microtransactions, lootboxes, and the liberal agenda.
old as in, 70s? 50s? classical? any recs?