>circa 2014
>be brazilian
>don't have enough money to afford an actual mouse
>every game i played demanded incredible reflexes and flexibility on my wrist because i was playing everything on a tiny laptop trackpad
>primary fire on z
>secondary fire on x
>voice chat on u
>12-28 fps on TF2
Such is the life of a brkek, it's pretty fucking funny looking back on it now
Third world gaming
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So glad I grew up in a first world country
I once bought a $1 mouse because it was the only thing I could afford. I played about 10 hours of Europa Universalis IV on it, but the click stopped working and I decided to retire from gaming who needed comfortable and decent mice.
A year later I discovered my talent for creating porn RPG Maker games and became rich by my shithole's standards. Today I always have at least two Microsoft mice as a backup in case my current mouse breaks down. Too much trauma...
You get can pretty good at platformers and super smash bros when you play it with z and x
Why didn't you just re-roll?
>spawns in africa/india/best korea/middle east shithole
Great idea!
i'm gonna keep rolling until i'm born in japan or canada
>wanting to be japanese or chinese
My first real console was an N64 but I also played chinese bootlegs preloaded with NES games so My childhood was a mix of contemporary games and ten year old games
>be seamonke
>every rich kid has a gameboy
>ask for one
>get gifted the brickgame with the 999 games one
>cherish it regardless and beat the racing game up to 70 difficulty
>didn't have a memory card
>had to complete every game start to finish in a single run
he said jap or cad?
the only way to be happy in japan is to be a complete lobotomite and live in a wooden cabin near the mountains and forge katanas. that's my goal.
>No money to buy a mouse
you gotta be fucking kidding me mate. A mouse, as shitty as it is, was 15 reais MAX in 2014. You couldn't possibly be that poor and still be playing TF2 online.
I used to pirate basically every single game when i was a teen until i got a ps3 and was able to play games online, then i would just import the games for cheap on play asia.
Too bad the economy is fucking awful and will remain awful for many years, I can't believe a single pastel is R$ 8,00 where i live, it used half of that.
uh huh
i don't understand how people break mouses so often. i play often on pc and i use the same mouse for work and have been doing so for 5 years probably. The last one also lasted throughout my entire college years.
>beat the racing game up to 70 difficulty
no you didn't you fucking liar
haha imagine being south american and having outlet plugs where the wires are in an open-space plastic shell where if you cut the ground wire off it can fall into one of the other wires and short out.
By the time you get it, it'll be as bad as Brazil, go japan or bust.
what the fuck
You dont need expencibe razor meme shit to be good at games just git gud
>everyone in the chat actively encouraging her to plug that in
>Break the ground pin
>Stick it into the wall
>Doesn't seem to be near any sort of utility room where you can shut the power off to that room easily
>This is the plug's fault
Katana production is controlled by the government, stupid weeaboo. Stay out of my country.
>Buying new $60 games for 120 reais around 2010.
>Traveling to Murica when the dollar was less than 2 reais and coming back with a bag full of games.
God, those were the times.
that is why i never do that shit.
>controlled by the government
don't care.
i'm coming to steal your swords, hideo kojima.
i used to buy games from play asia by 5 to 10 dollars and buy then i n bulk. i used to have 200 + ps3 games + some other stuff. had to sell everything later but it was worth it.
those were the days, too bad the economic grow went to shit and we will probably never recover from that shit
It's a useless extra pin one of our useless presidents invented to make importing harder, but everyone just uses adapters because it does nothing.
>she's already belched 21 times!!!
Imagine the smell
>wants generic government controlled swords when all the mystical god slaying ones are made secretly by a hidden cabal of blacksmiths
It's not even a ground? It just does literally nothing? Goddamn, how retarded.
Where are you from
>you can see the cable instantly deform as it melts
my fucking sides
It is ground, but poorfags houses don't have proper grouding
It's supposed to be, but no one actually changed their wiring or outlets, so unless you live in a new apartment or house, it's worthless. Pic related is basic equipment in any Brazilian home.
I've never bought a single game in my entire life, and I never will
i have to buy a new mouse every year or two. if basic mouse settings let you set a lower bound to the double click like it does for the upper bound so it ignores a double click that takes place in under 2ms i'd probably never need to buy new mice at all.
Hell, a pastel when I was a kid was like 2.50 reais, the economy is shitfucked beyond all redemption
Fucking Morrowind broke my mouse of like 6 years because of all the button mashing RNG. Yes I'm still mad
when i was a kid it was 1.50 lmao
the pasted you used to eat had more air than filling
>live in an apartment which is a subdivided old house
>most outlets are two prong
>plugged a surge protector into a three prong
>It doesn't detect a ground
Oh this whole place is just a fire hazard, cool
A pastel where you live is 8 REAIS??? That's really fucking cheap, bro
There's got to be more of this
>Lives in the third world
>Doesn't dig around in trash find shit to fix
come on, what the fuck happened? Back in the day you thirdies were badass.
oh no
Shit, same, I remember finishing Shadow of the Colossus, Black, some CoD game and getting really fucking far in DMC3.
Eventually I got a memory card so I could actually play games.
Are you worried?
This isn't even the dumbest misuse of an outlet I've ever seen, though it's maybe dumber than the time I fucked my thumb up from sticking a bobby pin into one when I was a kid.
Get a GFCI. It will save your ass from getting shocked
Not third world gaming but I bought Borderlands 3 for PC and was playing it on a controller and using sniper rifles felt really weird in game and then I tried with M&K and the shooting felt better but movement felt weird so I ended up playing with a weird hybrid of using the controller in my left hand for moving around and using the mouse in my right for shooting and aiming.
Where are these porn games you speak of?
Has anyone posted the “totally safe” shower heaters yet
not really. The surge protector is an old industrial thing i've been using for years. It'll take whatever short happens. I'd just rather the short not happen
Yeah. Already have one on my microwave. Should get one for the fridge and the outlet all my cool electronics are plugged into
Just play runescape
They're fine, I've only got shocked once and one exploded on top of me once too.
It was paperclips for me. I was smart enough to wedge it between the cap and body of a plastic pen, though. Knocked out the power in the science lab and delayed the test, so definitely worth it.
>for Yea Forums, Brazil is "third world"
Nigeria have most videogame users that all brazilian population
South America is the worst continent, below Africa.
its more degenerate (highest percentage of trannies) as well as high prevalence of plastic surgery.
Zero impact on history the native peoples were shit and so were the colonists, If it didnt exist history would continue on exactly the same, provided the UK and France still colonised the good America.
Next level incompetency in politics, not even Africa has it this bad.
Brazil and Nigeria are both 3rd world.
You clearly don't understand the term.
Brazil bros, what is this?
Does Brazilian society truly run itself according to this rule?
>A year later I discovered my talent for creating porn RPG Maker games and became rich by my shithole's standards. Today I always have at least two Microsoft mice as a backup in case my current mouse breaks down. Too much trauma...
fucking brs, never change