The fate that befalls every Yea Forums*rgin

>The fate that befalls every Yea Forums*rgin

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What is this supposed to mean?


It's the fate that befalls every Yea Forumsirgin
Can't you read?

Is Samus a virgin?

the fantasy of a female being assertive about her lust over you formed by years of being too afraid to initiate interactions with them yourself
don't ask how I know that

It's to late user, Samus is stealing your vril by milking your cock

I can't, explain what fate will befall every Yea Forumsirgin.

>wh*te hand

Too late*

>no heart eyes
Is she mad?

Nope, not me.

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I want futa cock

Nooo, my precious mana!



>And it didn't change anything

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That's just fucking greek mythology.

I turned 30 without ever seeing a vagina and was not granted wizard powers. Do not fall for the scam.

>being an incredibly off-putting creepazoid, with the 0% chance she'll approach you instead, because of how you're acting
>instead of say talking to her like an actual person and getting the 2% chance she responds positively
>hiding behind excuses like "I'm ugly" and "women hate me"
n g m i

Realistically if this happens and you don't aggressively pull your hand away (and flee the scene in case you don't have video evidence), you're a fucking retard. 3 words is all she needs to ruin your life.

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She probably doesn't even know what sex is.

I'm more of a finger bang guy than touching boobs type

Haha... Oh no...
A strong woman being interested in me haha...
I totally don't want that haha...

No, i wanted you in your armor.

>jam orbital

shame he's a dude

>3 words
I love water?


>women hate me
But it's true. And the feeling is mutual.

I wish I was attractive and confident and could talk to women without spilling my spaghetti.

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>look into my eyes baby
>just say it
>look at me
>look me in the eyes and
>say it
>those three words

Make a power move not a coward move

>spills spaghetti
>speedwalks outta there while staring at the ground
>does his best to avoid her for the rest of time
heh, nice try

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Based palechad



I'm 20 years old and feel worthless because I've never talked to a woman. I don't know how you wizards keep going. I think I'm going to kill myself shortly after I turn 21 and can buy a handgun.

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I am ugly and everyone does hate me
I feel like total fucking trash lately I need to quit my job and just lay in bed for a few months

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damn, that hit me right here

the most virgin words ever spoken

>same age
>have turned several women down because I was unironically spooked shitless
I'm such a bitch holy shit

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based based based

Why wait? You can get a shotgun at 18

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You might need a better job, or you might need to try and improve your life, which you can absolutely do. You might need a good diet, you might need sun exposure, you might just need regular fuckin exercise.
It's not like anyone else can live your life for you.

I'm not scared women send clear signals they're repulsed
>Get called creepy on my first day of work
>Try to have casual conversation with a different girl months later
>Immediately brings up her boyfriend
>Girls try to peak on the soccer team in the locker room after everyone besides me has left
>"Oh well this sucks"
>Girls approaching me to ask me out to insult their friends

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They never sexualize master chief like this
Coomers ruin everything

I wanna hold breasts while the girl is breathing and feel how they move.

Was in your boat, tried talking to a therapist about it and now I am better. Even got a gf for the first time in my life at 24.
I mean if you’re going to die you might as well try it, just so you can say you did.

isn't it absolutely repulsive how men like boobs so much?

Why do you base your self worth on your ability to snag whores?
Real niggas just groom their wives anyway, either start watching shonen anime and work out or kill yourself

I was considering getting a shotgun when I turned 18 but didn't have the money for it and was still a bit optimistic. If my mom found out I had a gun she would call the cops as well so it has to be something I can conceal.

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I lost my virginity at 21, and I tell everyone I lost it at 18

it's fine bro, you'll make it

>killin gyourself over women
you were never gonna make it anyways, please go ahead and do it

Bitches get repulsed, doesn't change your chances with actual women.

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Oh yes, uh I mean oh no

>3 words is all she needs to ruin your life
i love you? that would save my life

I unironically got wizard powers.

I want a scary monster girl to abduct me and keep me in her basement.

>I think I'm going to kill myself shortly after I turn 21
>killing yourself over women
You failed as a man.

I just can't bring myself to do it man, even if I could there are literally no women in my life to try anymore.