Kanye West pitched a game to Miyamoto

>West ended up appearing at Nintendo’s booth unannounced that year, and requested an audience with Miyamoto. He got his wish, and West then showed him the prototype for a video game. This title would have you playing as West’s late mother flying to heaven with a soundtrack created by West. As Ryan stated, “he was shaking his head as he described it, not like he thought it was a bad game”. It was rather “in the way that he just sorta couldn’t believe that Kanye West was pitching him a video game.”

>Miyamoto would go on to say that “it was very interesting.” After taking a long pause, he also said “it was very moving.” Finally, Miyamoto apparently laughed very hard and said “Kanye West wanted to make a game with Nintendo” and lastly, in English, “Wow!”


Attached: kanye-west-nintendo.png (1500x1000, 1.85M)

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Oh. Ok.

>Miyamoto apparently laughed very hard and said “Kanye West wanted to make a game with Nintendo” and lastly, in English, “Wow!”
100% bullshit

Mario vs Ye

Kanye also tried to cancel David Cage when he wouldn't make a game about his dead mom using his music as the OST. He's legitimately insane. I wonder if that's what having lots of money and fame does to you or if he's always been a basket case.

>Finally, Miyamoto apparently laughed very hard

maybe both.

>Haha, funny black man.

>Kanye also tried to cancel David Cage
Wish he had succeeded.

Honestly? As crazy as Kanye West is, his ideas very often turn into money making machines. If anything, his crazy fans would buy the hell out of it. But Nintendo isn't the place for a Kanye game.