But why is he such a suck-up...

But why is he such a suck-up? Is his life really so bad that he has to butter-up a guy he's never met and pretend like he can do no wrong?

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He needs to get fucked in the next movie

It's a good thing movie Sonic is such a chill dude. I could see anyone else getting a little annoyed and creeped out by how overwhelming he could be. That line at the end where Tails was talking about how Sonic was the most powerful thing in the universe was grossly masturbatory.

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Be quiet with that nonsense and have a wholesome pic

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My vision of Sonic 2 (where there is no Knuckles and it focuses more on Sonic and Tails's relationship) would have Sonic get perturbed by Tails partway through and cause a spat that resolves itself towards the end (since he's not used to being a friend, merely having them in his life).

Hopefully movie 3 injects the "friends fallout" subplot instead.

Ah, the 15 to 30-minutes of ended friendship that obviously never fucking sticks, everyone's favorite trope!

No, we NEEEEEED this. Tails deserves to be more than Sonic's cheer squad.

It's a kid's movie, they pull this shit all the time. Look at MLP 2017

Sonic and knux need to spitroast this faggot asap desu

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This scene made me debate whether this life is actual still worth living or not.

Attached: Sleepy Tails.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

>Just saw this movie last night
>all the fucking easter eggs
>GUN coming out of the helicopter that had SA-2 on it.
What the fuck. How is it everyone who isn't Sega able to make such good Sonic stuff while Sega just keeps being retarded?

>knuckles hand is as big as tails torso
Oh my.

The fans tend to know what they want or at least enjoy most about Sonic
SEGA is just inept at getting a hold on a good thing and improving on it

the things i would do to this little boy


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I'd like to suck him if you know what I mean

i cracked a dumb smile when Robotnik said he can show Knuckles 'the way', i have no idea if it was a dog whistle or if my mind was contaminated by memes but I specifically came in ready to see if they'd reference that, and it happened about 10 minutes in

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Do you think that shadow got introduced too early?
He might be my personal favorite, but his appearance was the start of the other characters becoming irrelevant.
Should we have another sonic, tails & knuckes movie where they work as a team again before Shadow gets introduced?


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Some people are just like that. Nothing really wrong with it, they just don't want to be alone.

I like this combo.

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Okay, so I want to see them steer into that in Sonic 3. Dig into Tails's insecurity or have Sonic take him for granted or something.

Movie 1 had Sanic so it was probably intentional. I guess they have a 'One Meme Per Movie' thing going on.

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Yes, the post credits should have been Metal Sonic.

do NOT look up what this kid's up to nowadays

Where's that DAMN fourth sonic thread?

Probably wouldn't be as interesting as speed-directing your way into most of the major Sonic characters, decent chance to believe that Shadow, Amy and Metal Sonic could show up
As for Rouge, Gamma, Tikal and other characters who exist around the same time as Shadow? Probably won't be seeing them since they're not as prevalent as the former three

Does he work at Nintendo now?

Stop being a pussy.

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ok user, you're clearly a faggot

to clarify i don't mean literally seeing Gamma but instead a pearly white stand-in or something
I don't even know why i mentioned him

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Sneak peak for the third movie

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>troons out
>loses every ounce of soul and enthusiasm he once had

The only friendship failing we'll get is the writers saying the plan for Shadow is that Sonic will have to deal with someone on his power level who's too damaged for the power of friendship to work.

>You will never team up with sonic and friend(s) to creampie this fox,
>you will never watch your collective cum ooze out of tails' butthole as monumental bonding moment encapsulating the group friendship.

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Yeah it's hard to do metal sonic after Shadow considering they both fulfill the same role

Director is a fanboy, even worked on Shadow's game.

A meme every scene would get distracting.

I get the feeling they know the success of these movies are a major blessing in disguise and know that in a heartbeat it can all come crashing down and were back to bottom of the barrel video game movies. So they're going fast before the flame burns out.

Tails confirmed for sitting on a bench in a park next movie.

Star Fox.

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Cast him

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maybe it's a man vs. machine sort of deal? some old kook's hedgehog imitation vs Robotnik's imitation?


that's stupid.

>still up

Tom Hardy

Because it presented a life I can never have. Who wants to live in a world where they don't have a cute fox boyfriend they can cuddle up next to?

Keanu Reeves

Josh Stewart.

Idris Elba.

Christian Bale

Willem Dafoe.

There's nothing they could do with Metal that wouldn't just be a worse OVA so why bother? I'd rather we get Shadow while the Shadow fanboy is in charge.

Gilbert Gottfri- oh wait a minute.

Perry Caravello.

>You know, I'm something of a speedster myself

Director interview said it was not

Bob Odenkirk

Brian Drummond