Party Yea Forumsan

It's Friday night! Come hop on and play some TF2!
Password: the usual

We're trying something different this week with nominations. Nominations will turn on every odd hour and turn off every even hour.
In addition, I'm running tf2 on Sunday before variety night. TF2 will now be on for:
Friday - starts at 7:30 PM EST
Saturday - starts at 7:30 PM EST
Sunday - 12:00 PM EST - 7:30
Many people have asked for Sunday TF2, so I'm toying around with what I can run outside of Friday and Saturday. Feel free to make suggestions.

We're playing Dystopia on Sunday! Get the game for FREE here:

>I've never played on the Yea Forumsan. Do I need to download custom content for TF2?
The fastDL redirect server will send you missing files.
Optional custom content archives can be found at the links below.
Saysounds (~50MB, extract to 'Team Fortress 2/tf/sound/')

>I'm interested in hosting a server.
See this paste:

Attached: im_dancin.png (1510x700, 1.35M)

I see bee

could you just leave the tf2 server up for the whole week? rather play with the tards here than other servers


ask the head jannie, i'm juskt the thread master

Server is kill

one moment please understand the janitorial team is a bit retarded

I want this foxy lady to fucking beat me up and rub her hairy vagene all over my penus

>the usual
newfag here. is it literally "the usual" or is this some retarded gatekeeping faggotry


shut up

let's go boys

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OF COURSE the one weekend I want to check this out noone posts password and the archives are acting retarded not letting me search

sauce bump

Attached: 1648712557772.gif (480x316, 3.98M)

>plugins break
>hap isn't around to fix them
of fucking course

>no rtd
>no nominations
>no rtv
>no greentext
>no saysounds
>no votes
>taunt plugin broken
This isn't the Yea Forumsan I used to know...

Attached: ignore the watermark.jpg (1080x920, 123.23K)

uhh my game crashed when I touched that chest

Look we (I) are working as hard as we (I) can just give me some time and this will all be fixed by next week

so fucking wholesome and valid

>this is the nigga dominating me
guess its true that the majority of tf2 players are trannies


Well, seems like this weekend van is DOA, see you next week.

i keep trying subwayspyro but it doesnt work

What the fuck is this?

Attached: Card_Back.jpg (747x1024, 486.83K)

I want to play TF2 Classic.

Attached: 1622421551226.gif (631x838, 246.12K)

Ban flemmeth and the server gets 10x better.

you need to stop making posts about yourself flemmeth(or dont since it bumps the thread)

theres actually one reddit janny fixing them as we speak, hold your horses they will all be back blame bakugo for this fuck up HH

is nominate back?


Attached: Deetloverfaggot.png (1378x1378, 455.54K)

You're right.
I should stop being such a fucking loser that cheats on a casual server with the Yea Forumsros.
I should stop and play an actually good class like the Chad Heavy Weapons Guy.
I should also kill myself now.[/spoiler]

ban Sniper as a class since it kills the fun

>crying and bitching in the thread over a sniper that wishes he had lmaobox
keep it up us SNIGGODS are dominating the scoreboard

Attached: sniggers.png (800x800, 266.43K)

I like Flemmeth, I pocketed him as medic once.

Not even the snipers that are cheating, just had a guy airblast my rocket without looking at me at a 90 degree angle

you niggas really are something else you know that

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Yeah I was too looking at you.

>kill player
>respawns in 3 seconds
>kill flemmeth
>he's already respawned
Yeah not sus at all.

Dude was looking away from me LOL. Common thing in the game now days, in casual queues to. Just kind of pathetic that people are doing it in the party Yea Forumsan too

i bought the fast pass


Attached: flatgrass.png (1225x607, 1.08M)

Let's have a Sniffit party!

Attached: sniffitparty2.jpg (2560x1440, 557.58K)


I bump because I love you all.

Yea Forumsan support hotline?
Plugins aren't working
Yeah, I redeemed

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>he doesn't know the instant respawn trick

>Using exploits to win
Sweaty af
Go play on Fagtopia with that shit.


a classic

If the map doesn't work for you, find it in your custom folder, delete it, and then redownload it

Error your map cp broom closet differs from the servers

suck my flammeth

its not an exploit its built into the game + plugin start coping gaylord (not the user that goes by that moniker)
ALSO we are in cp_broom with 29 out of 33 jannies
delete the map in your tf folder, look it up in the search bar where you're in it with "cp_broom" and delete it, the server will get you the right version

Attached: NEPGODS.png (563x368, 130.23K)

Yeah, I know about that, I'm too drunk though.

Have a bump kind stranger


>server is full

Attached: 587059632d27e00e2e2e137ad8811a69ece28837f8bb7187f1bbe116501f945f_1.jpg (750x768, 78.96K)

BRO! did you hear that?

Attached: Ghost_Adventures.jpg (380x343, 15.45K)

Is it still full?

Attached: 868777775676.jpg (192x382, 26.39K)

mario kart

Bump for interest

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Engineer Gaming

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see for yourself

Attached: hellpower.png (416x165, 7.09K)