Gaming friend gets a job

>gaming friend gets a job
>starts to go online less and less

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>gaming friend
No idea what this means. How do you make friends purely online?

>Everytime they do play they have to get off early because work next day
>To tired from work to play well, ends up feeding
>Wagie job sucked out their soul so they aren't even as fun to talk to anymore

Uhg why do people want to work it's so stupid.

>Uhg why do people want to work it's so stupid.
to pay bills

People work to have food and shelter.

wut is this little birds name?

been there man. enjoy those college online friends everytime you can. soon he will get a real job and he will only come online once a year. likely will be the same case for you too.

things you do and things you want to do are usually not the same things
being an adult sucks

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are you me? used to game with a friend everyday after school. same during college. he gets a job. at first we keep going as usual but start to notice as if his soul is sucked out of him. starts to come online one day less. then two. now i see him only once a week. he says he gets tired so he goes home and sleeps.

my friend went into the marines and now I can't even play games with him now at all, cherish the small bits of time you have between you and your friend

This is me and I hate it, but there's nothing I can do because I have to pay bills to live. UBI when?

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feels good being a trust fund baby. ngl

>gaming friends since 2014
>talk everyday for years
>he suddenly becomes clingy, mean and borderline bully sometimes
>realize he does this everytime I have an important school exam the next day
>realize he has dropped out long ago and is taking it out on me
>one day he ddos'd me
>block him and never talk again

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Don't you think maybe that tells you it's time for you to get a job and not be a scum sucking loser leech?

What kind of berb is that?

ddosd? do you mean doxxed?

imagine not living in a free money country

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>a grafics evil awakens

Dude no, inflation is shit. It's a bad thing. You should be worried
>t. trustfund baby

i mean that he baited me with an ip grabber and shut down my internet. I confronted him about it because i knew what happened and he just started insulting me
this type of stuff happened several times between us but I think this time he won't come back.

>inflation is LE BAD
zoom out

33, last time I had a job it was 2009

Do you guys not have irl gaming friends? My clique is a bunch of normies who only plays league and minecraft but we're still having fun at least.

Why would you not have a job? Even if it's a dead end one? Do you enjoy being completely broke and doing absolutely nothing with your life? How would any girl find that attractive?

wasn't referring to you age, bub

>gaming friend has a kid
>can only game an hour or two at night

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>zoom out


That so petty of him.

what? how can he fucking shut down your internet? does he work for your ISP?

man you ever hear of a ddos attack

you can attack someone's internet just with their IP address, there are websites that do the job for you.

oh man i thought you mean literally shit down as in flip a switch of cancel your service for you. ddos doesn't shut down your internet. it overwhelms your connection which by definition means you internet isn't technically shut down. choose your words more carefully, ESL.

you deserve to lose all that inheritance

If you knew you wouldn't have asked what I meant in the first place, you dumbfuck.

i knew but your broken english mislead me. relax, kid.

Being an adult sucks IF you don't have a skill that's worthwhile to a company.
Right now I've landed myself a new role that's got me a 25% pay increase and now I'm fully remote.
It's fucking great doing work and playing games in meetings, hell I can even take daytime naps.

>Doesn't know how his finances work


that gravy train won't last for you

i wanna touch the bird

Oh that I know, I'll at least mitigate some of the effects of the oncoming recession by learning some Python and C+.
Make it a lot easier to look for work if the worst happens.

>gaming friend gets a gf
>a few years later hear baby's cries over discord while gaming

but it doesn't want to be touched. look how angry it is. would you want to be touched if you were that angry?

You clearly had no idea what ddos meant. Stop trying to save face on an anonymous image board. Literally just stop responding and be no one.

Wish I still had gaming buddies :^(

why are you so obsessed, kid? i know what ddos is. is exactly why your weird sentence threw me off. do you know what sql injection, or xss attack is? don't answer that.

I want to talk with a femanon

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user, that was my first post in the thread. You literally didn't understand the term
And asked if user meant
It's pathetic. You only make your ignorance more clear.

Femanon here. Kill yourself discord faggot.

Lmao youre such a fucking penis

> i thought you mean literally shit down as in flip a switch of cancel your service for you
>which by definition means you internet isn't technically shut down.
Fix your own English before attempting to insult someone else's

because doxxed made more sense. have you ever had you friend ddos you? shit's weird. i simply don't believe it. why do are you trying so hard to convince yourself that i don't know what ddos means i'm curious.

>Have friend who plays games
>He's alright, plays lots of games and is decent at them
>Around time of Xbone release he starts deteriorating
>Plays less and less games
>Always complains when people don't want to play the games he wants to play but refuses to play games others want to play
>Becomes more and more aggressive with people until eventually they just tell him to fuck off and are never seen again
>He always blames them
>He plays FIFA or Destiny 2 almost religiously now and acts pissy when no one wants to play with him
>Only other games he plays are shitty indie games for easy achievement score

There are worse things that can happen to people than getting a job.

my english is fine, ESL. after all it's my native language. you never seen autocorrect typos?

oh so the games you play aren't shitty but everyone else's are
got it

Learn javascript or c#, c++ and python aren't doing me any favors

We've played Destiny 1/2 to the point we're all sick of it. But every few months "new destiny season out lads shit hot you all need to get on", without fail.
Naturally he refuses to play anything else because "u wont fuckin play destiny wiv me" despite us all having hundreds to thousands of hours in it and him having less than 100 hours total in all of the games we want to play.

>knows what he ment
>asks anyway so he could "correct" him later
god I hat people like this

It's Brian

>only 100 hours
yeah maybe it's because your games are shit hmm?

I sympathize with your friend a little, it sucks to find a "forever game" and none of your friends are as invested as you.

>don't become my competition. here's a lie and another lie.
nice try

How do I make online friends in the current year?

Nobody uses c++ or python, I don't either, I use 4d which even less people use, you will never be my competition
C++ is for games, python is for data science