What is the best Fate class and why is it Lancer?

What is the best Fate class and why is it Lancer?

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clean it up

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moon cancer because the name is funny

Femdom from Bradamante

>design game
>everyone knows saber is the most powerful before playing
>they're fine with not having saber

Tohsoka was most definitely not fine with that

I WISH I was Lancer

She can handle my lance if you catch my drift

This, there's a good portion in the intro of the VN where she bitches about not summoning Saber

The Archer class, because it's full of Archers

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I've seen pics of Bradamante with Astolfo. Is there any special relationship between those two?
And do all italians have butts that Big?

Berserker, cause it has LANCELOT OF THE LAKE.

They're based on the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne which I don't know much about but Astolfo and Brad are part of

Ah, that's cool.

came here to post this

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>"saber is the most powerful"
>gets btfo every single battle
maybe they all just knew the truth beforehand and nodded along to trick some shmuck into summoning the ultimate jobber class

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Bros, I joined a Holy Grail War and summoned a Saber! I basically win now. This is her btw.

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I prefer the uninstall wizard

Sorry user but you didnt post the best lancer thought

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>best lancer
Let's see her backside first.

Caenis is cool but I I like Bradamante's ass

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She's hot and i like blonde girls but she has too much ass desu.

>best lancer
Let's see her cock first.

Cuchulainn stop posting on Yea Forums

You guys made a tiny mistake. Here, this is the reason of Lancers supremacy : THE STRONGEST LANCER LANCELOT (FAIRY) (KEKING MODE:ON)

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Dunno about Zero but wasnt that because Shirou is a lame-ass Master?

I got her while rolling for Morgan and then found she was the boss of the final farming node, spooky

Yeah and she still wins the majority of fights she’s in

You will never have sex

sex is overrated

Already have, it's overrated. Fapping is way less time and effort

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Isn't her husband a muslim?


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I literally had sex yesterday

Nice whiteboy blockers

you will never, ever be a janny

built for hotdogging



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I like other gachas more.

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I want her to smile down at me while milking me dry


what's an example of a competent saber outside of maybe gawain in fate/extra?

you fucked up

Hey guys I summoned a Saber when do I get my instant win?

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the smartest Saber

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doesn't she die in a double KO along with her necromancer master?

Yes, but that was because the author was genuinely fucking retarded and thought people wanted to read about a generic blank slate "muh homos rights" faggot and his gay French boyfriend instead of THE MAIN FRANCHISE HEROINE'S SON(FEMALE)

did they change it halfway through the series then? I was honestly interested until they benched her and her master for the gay homonculus faggot

with your tongue

She and her master are side characters, 80% of the screen/pagetime is dedicated to the homofaggot, Astolfo, and the worst version of Jeanne in any weeb media. The remaining 20% is divvied between the remaining 15+ characters who are ALL more interesting than that trio.

Saber class gets talked up since they're most well-rounded (sword beams for mid-long range, Magic Resist for mages, and strong in close quarters) and tend to be the most chivalric so they're easier to get along with but there's plenty of heroes who qualify for Archer/Lancer/Berserker that can match them

Yeah Fate's powerlevels are fucked but I always took it as a in general Sabers are the best due to their versatility

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>summon berserker
nice balance magekeks

Pretty much. There's so many servants that range from bullshit to dogshit that it's impossible to gauge class strength, then there's also the hyper-specific scenario where the weaker servant(s) wins anyway

>design game
>make 1 class with shitty stats, a shitty gimmick that never works and a shitty selection of heroes.
Is there any reason why you shouldn’t run to the Church the moment you summon an Assassin?

assassins used well could win the war, obviously "random dude appears out of nowhere while mc's servant is fighting basaka and kills him" is not what writers are going to write

there were a few good assassins but it'd be boring for most people to watch if they just killed everyone offscreen

Kojiro is cool fuck you I don't care if he's a jobber
Also that one cute one in FGO that is poisonous with the short hair

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i like the monk assassin.

Serenity is precious

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Li Shuwen is awesome, love that battle autist no matter what age he is

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This guy? He was cool in EXTRA
I couldn't remember her name but yeah. She has a nice back and some great doujins

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