This scared boomers

>this scared boomers

Attached: DWZOb8.gif (320x240, 1.06M)


I miss that lo-fi surrealism.

I had nightmares for weeks

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And godzilla scared everyone in the 1950s. King kong before that. Times change.

That's because boomers have souls, unlike you.

That wasn't so bad. That one-way mirror room though...

Godzilla '56 / '54 is still the best.


Attached: re1dog.jpg (540x405, 31.14K)

Attached: the door to safety is shut.png (366x285, 74.25K)

The part in RE1 that scared me the most as a kid was the first person cutscene of the Hunter running all the way to the room you're in from the waterfall.

Boomer and Zoomers why must we fight! Lets be frens...

Attached: Screen_Shot_2018-02-06_at_3.37.14_PM.png (1600x948, 609.86K)

>and now
>I present to you
>the epitome
>of zoomer horror
>a hallway
>plz fund my totally original proof of concept if you'd like to see thjs released and have your name in the credits, and make sure to smash that subscribe button and ring that bell guys!

Attached: istockphoto-184618876-612x612.jpg (612x438, 45.71K)

You have to look at it within the context of the era. For 1997, a game like this was spooky. The first time you played it, anyway.

spoiler alert
I'm actually a boomer, I just thought this would be a fun thread

Low poly graphics are unironically peak of video game aesthetics and look a thousand times better of purple teal algo shit today.

Vs Gigan is actually the best but the OG is still great.

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>this scared zoomers

>Politely opens the door
Such menace

Lol the fucking hand popping up to open that first door always gets me.


better than what zoomers get scared of working a full time and walking down small hall ways


real op here, disregard this thread, I suck cocks

>Pretends to have seen, experienced, and met real zombies.
>Pretends: Yeah this isn't scary to children. I am not afraid.
>*claims Arthas was wrong* *is zoomer*
>*killed Han Solo so he can make way for zoomer characters instead, like Harry Potter, which came from a femnazi author who is terrified of le homophobia*

>this shatters a zoomers sanity

Attached: zoomersterror.png (1908x1772, 3.63M)

Is that coomer?

Is bottom left also kings field? Looks gud.

why wouldnt it? its a fucking corpse looking dude eating your team mate.

You zoomers niggers are literally scared of empty spaces.
lmao losers

Looks like KF IV yeah.

Oh wow what a great thread. Now let’s repeat it another 2000 times with a different image.

OP here
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

lol looks stupid now but this unironically gave me nightmares

>1946 - 1964
So you’re, at minimum, 58?

>this scares zoomers

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Anybody over 30 is a boomer now, keep up

To be fair lo-fi is much more unsettling than high fidelity realism

Well there's been a trend in recent years of lo-fi horror games, so you're in luck

Zoomer misuses greentext, many such cases

Delet this

Gah at least put that in a spoiler I'm tryna have a good friday with this kendama and flipping this bottle bruh

This scares boomers too because most of them never had to fill out this much bullshit for a job. They just talked to a manger and did an interview.

Who was he before he became a zombie?

watching a first timer get to this room was the best

Attached: 1626154219600.png (336x448, 151.46K)

No Im not. Dont you EVER tell me what luck Im in.

>some fag had to push his fucking "that 30yo boomer" wojak variant here for literal months until it finally took and now the entire internet is in on it
You really can force any Milhouse-tier garbage if you're persistent enough, huh?

There are like 100 resident evil 1/2 clones on itch but they all feel soulless. Dino crisis is a good example of an interesting RE clone.

Unironically yes. Politicians and coporations have caught on to this and just take an "information flood" approach to everything now.

Meanwhile zoomers are scared of animatronic stuffed animals.

I only just recently discovered they don't spawn as long as you don't go back into this hall from the north door.

Yea, pretty much every wojak on Yea Forums these days was just one dude spamming it until other people picked it up. I'm going to make up some insult and start using it in all of my posts until it sticks.

Yep. Just spam Yea Forums long enough and the retards here will start posting your shit "ironically", and then eventually "unironically".

Yes, those boomers were children once
Do you seriously think that people currently at the age of 30 were suddenly 30 years old in the 90's?

As a child, a lot of things were spooky in video games, games like Time Commando, Requiem Avenging Angel, King's Quest: Mask of Eternity were actually fucking scary, even the point & click adventures like Putt-Putt and Pajama Sam had these surreal moments where you had a looping ambient sounds or total silence and the characters would repeat their lines when you try to apply random items on stuff to see what happens, a weird kind of loneliness to the whole thing

It's easy to say that something isn't scary, when you completely disregard that said game's graphics were never before seen and top of the line, and you hadn't been desensitized to horror and violence by the age of 6 from all of your baby sensory and spiderman elsa videos on youtube, watching gore clips on Yea Forums and playing grand theft auto fortnite santa claus flossing ADHD shovelware garbage on your 16 inch iPad

Pic related is the brain of every modern zoomer, you don't even need rose tinted glasses to say that things back then were better.

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Zoomers don't have the attention span to be friends with anyone. All relationships to them are pump and dump.
There doesn't have to be a fight, we could just cull the zoomers.

Unironically fucked me up as a 6 year old.

Thats like saying all Boomers are bitter people who dislike new things because they cant adapt to change. Throwing everyone in the same pot is wrong.

>Time Commando
Suddenly I got a flashback to PS1 demo disks.
Speaking of Flashback, that game was unsettling as fuck too

Nah, fuck the boomers too. Only leave the people with tested +130IQs, remove any with tendecy for depression AKA suffering their own intelligence and we have the master race.

Isnt lack of empathy a disorder too? Should we get rid of you then? Plus very few people have 130+ IQ and let us not forget that IQ in itself is a flawed measurement. Your idea seems far from ideal im afraid.

That's only in the remake version. The fake-out window crack was for the returning players from the original.

>Isnt lack of empathy a disorder too
Yes. Sociopaths and psychopaths both lack empathy.