Become Elden Lord

Become Elden Lord
Sit on the throne

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i mend the elden ring with the cunny rune and females in the lands between stop aging past 10

tfw no marika femdom ending

I really thought there would be an actual Marika Marriage ending.

You have to wait for Greater Will to put her back together before baby making happens

>Had Godfrey
>Now has some puny tarnished fuck that can't even survive without her grace
Congratulations you just got promoted to a living dildo now get off the throne.

If we are to believe that you become big in the Miyazaki settings when you have more power the Tarnished should grow to be a multi meter tall chad after the story resolves to match the other God figures

How big was Marika in her prime her bed is as big as the tittymonster sister of Gwyndolin in Anor Londo

this better be instant loss

Radagon size obviously

It is

I see this as an absolute win.

Still annoyed Melina didn't come back after I removed the Frenzied Flame. Seemed like a dick move after saving her life while still restoring the Elden Ring.

the player character becomes more powerful than all of these beings and does not change size in the game.

>Still annoyed Melina didn't come back after I removed the Frenzied Flame. Seemed like a dick move after saving her life while still restoring the Elden Ring.
The needle simply isn't treated as a plot reactive item currently, DLC should honestly fix it but I doubt it will

>"Abandonment of the Greater Will"
>Even if it does come back, it won't be until centuries later, long after you're dead and with no finger readers to interpret the fingers.

Putting her head back on reattached it so maybe you just need to find the other pieces of her and put her back together like an arts&crafts project

She fucks shota peasants


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Tarnished are undying dude. Marika can just bring you back. So as long as you're in agreement things are fine. Unless you got Perfect Order, then she has to do what you tell her, or what the Greater Will tells her, and the Greater Will is totally your bro if you went Perfect Order.


Dude me too! We have so much in common!

That's pretty much any of the four elden lord endings. I mean the Elden Lord is Marikas consort, and you become Elden Lord any way that you mend the ring, thereby probably marrying Marika by default. The other two endings are likely exceptions, since Ranni explicitly replaces Marika in one and everything gets completely destroyed in the other.

If Grace is sent by Marika isn't the entire game just her sending you a "Sexy hot single mothers in your area" advert

The needle isn't a plot thing, it's a gameplay thing so you can still get the Frenzied Flame Seal and finish that questline without locking yourself to a bad end.
They go some ways towards justifying its existence in universe, but ultimately it's just an undo button for the LoFF ending.

I think the problem is locking it behind Millicent's ending which is so long and involved you expect an actual plot/story reward from it and instead it's nothing (Unless you kill her of the talisman)

>Tarnished are undying
As long as they have the guidance or grace. Why do you think NPCs die and stay dead? They all count on (You) to be Elden Lord because none of them can see grace anymore.

Realistically it's not unlikely to have originally involved the ending that was cut from the game, and so DLC may or may not include this as a way to allow Melinas survival.
Still, even as it is right now, in my personal headcanon Melina is just too tsundere and embarrassed after losing faith in you and realizing that you've saved both her and the lands between.

>Radagon size obviously
Poor manlet tarnished, having to become consort to an Amazonian sized queen.

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It feels like content that they didn't complete because they ran out of time, or forgot, or something.
I wouldn't count on DLC to patch the holes either, because when have they ever in a FROM game? They just introduce more shit. The only DLC that actually expands on the story of the game it's for is The Ringed City.

>There's a grace right besides the bed
Tarnished is going to get hammered harder than the elden ring

I wish we knew more about how Marika felt about stuff like the Omen

why hasn't there been any 'Murica Merika fanart yet. Draw her with big boobers and eating a burger in a US flag dress.

Yes I know. But you have Grace. So like I said, unless Marika fucks you over you're fine.

i wish Marika was a boss. Her biggest combat achievement was beating the Fire Giant's phase 2. It would be funny to stomp her face in. Guess we have to settle for the Frenzy Flame ending where we disintegrate her into dust

Marika has no reason to fight the Tarnished considering she's the one trying to call you to her
I do sort've wish there was an ending where you show up as the Greater Will Simp and Marika assumes control for the final boss instead of Radagon who would be ok with keeping things the way they are

Marika didn't fight the Fire Giant she killer their God.

>constantly referred to in-game as a capital-G God
Marika is probably not something you can fight.

The Fell God is phase 2. Gods don't die the same way everything else does and the Fell God is one that exists in the Fire Giants themselves. You fought it and killed it

Why is her head so small?

How do you figure?

Flame of the Fell God flat out states it

>ywn be the elden lord
>ywn spend the rest of your days getting hate fucked to death by an amazonian sized Queen Marika for restoring the Elden Ring

You then get catfished by her husband.

So, is she still a queen in Fias and Goldmask's ending? In Fia's, it sounds like newborn Godwyn is going to overtake her, in Gold Mask's it sounds like she is going to stay stuck in chains, with the GW taking a more direct control.
Hell, is she even going to be anything more than a puss bag in the Dung Eater one?

the Elden Beast fucked her up and crucified her. You go in and defeat the Elden Beast. Why wouldn't you be able to trash Marika as well?

Shame there isn't really a choice with the endings and thou MUST mend the Elden Ring somehow

More like he walks in on you at the last second

In Fia's ending Godwyn becomes the new overgod yes
In Gold Mask's Marika is still probably queen but it doesn't really matter because you just turn over all the power to GW

>the Elden Beast fucked her up and crucified her
She did that to herself by shattering the Ring. The Beast only put her up and apparently not that securely because Radagon breaks out just fine.

Godwyn is reborn in the Rune, not as an actual individual. The Rune is reintroduced into Marika and the Elden Ring so that Death as a concept either doesn't exist or exists in everything. The point being that there is no more distinction, and therefore persecution, of Those Who Live In Death, since everyone will live in death.

Personal interpretation but I think at the time of the Radagon fight he's just a vessel for the elden beast until he breaks and it has to come out "for real"

Daily reminder that the frenzied flame ending is canon and you play as young Gywn.

Not sure why the Elden Beast wouldn't let Radagon beat you up. His thing is that he is a massive Golden Order simp and is defending it.


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Use a sword bro ... he is weak to swords.

her head is tiny and growing out of her shoulder

>Western art
many such cases

This. All the endings suck and we should be able to rekt everyone.

>how does the tarnished become more powerful despite remaining normal size and mass?

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Marika can’t be boss because she wants you to win against radagon.

>Ultimate objective of the main storyline is to knock up Marika
>Third and second to last are her exes trying to prevent you from doing this
Scott Tarnished Vs the Lands Between

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did you try asking melina for help?

>Hey kill my husband for me
>Ill make it worth your while
Game is really hitting that pyscho milf kink

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this bratty queen is going to get the correction of her lifetime once I glue her back together.

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>He doesn't know
You can summon her at the fog door. She's actually very good, I wanted the fight to last longer but we got him second try. Also if you invade on the steps before the fight and the host has summoned her she can fight you.

>fucking Godfrey's and Radagon's sloppy seconds
No thanks.

>Cucking the two most powerful men in history
>Acquire hot blonde schemer milf in the process
You wouldn't understand. The power trip is amazing.

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>divine perfection in physical form
>ridiculously fertile
>ambiguously evil
I am being converted into a Marika simp in real time right this moment.

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>implying either of them care about this slut
She opens her legs for anyone strong. Literally any other waifu option aside from Fia is better.

Tarnished all have a connection to Godfrey somehow, Marika is just your rightful inheritance

>pyscho milf kink

And I don’t blame that,hopefully comes back from next dlcs

inb4 hack writing like the Tarnished goes back in time and inspires Marika to come up with the idea for the Tarnished

you forgot
>Goddess of Cuckqueaning

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She's pretty useless tho outside of throwing the occasional heal

i don't think i can do anything online since im playing a pirated version of the game, i'll give it a try and see where Melina is at

She's based. The whole divine family dynamic is honestly really interesting. I hope we get more clarification on how the Marika/Radagon thing works. It kind of implies they were seperate at first, then Marika I guess ate him? And now they're one person? Overall the lore is cool.

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>eyes aren't gold

>She opens her legs for anyone strong.
yeah but only one at a time and that's the best part

I think the GW put them together because Marika was getting too uppity and Radagon was the biggest GW shill.

She's mostly good because she's very tanky and has the same moveset that Tiche and the other Black Knives do, where she hops around a lot. Makes her pretty survivable, so Morgott gets distracted and gives you time to heal/buff/whatever else.
You should still be able to summon her, she's an NPC. I also discovered you can summon the Prawn Man for the magma wyrm in the tunnels. He's pretty shit but it's cool you can do it.

you can always imagine it

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npc summons operate outside of online play, you should be good. Check right in front of Morgott's door, give it a second to load in.

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Rennala > Marika

Just how good was Marika pussy? Even Godfrey turned away from barbarianism for a taste of it

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