What the FUCK are you playing right now???

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Project wingman

I found a copy of Secret of Evermore so I just started that.
B being select and A being cancel is really fucking me up.

Battlefield 4


Nowadays I only play TF2 as there is nothing to fucking play

trek to yomi
inb4 vtumor thread

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I jumped straight into Hard mode for FTL
3 hours in and the furthest I've gotten is the 2nd node on the galactical map(?)
I think I should work my way upto Hard and start from Easy desu, I'm too retarded for this game

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Ace combat 7

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Didn't they make a board for virtual youtuber drones?

>tfw you have a rare peko roommate pic


Why did she do it, bros

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Unless it's a face reveal, there's nothing special about that.

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would have I mentioned it if it didn't had her face in it?

It's funny how she still laughs like a retard even in those old clips.

just started SMTV and I'm loving it so far

You can gossip about vtubers on


I haven't been able to play anything since Elden Ring

Shogun 2 while I listen to my imouto chuuba

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Forza horizon 5

Deep Rock Galactic


I beat Sekiro earlier.

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Oldschool Runescape.

black ops 2 zombies

Murder all vtubers

Also SFV

space engineers rrat

that's kind of how FTL usually works, you start on Easy and work your way up when you feel comfortable

Or here. It's up to me, I guess.


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Everybody acts like you watch vtubers to simp for them but you're doing it wrong if you are
You watch vtubers because they're autistic gremlins

Fire emblem 7 iron man on hector hard mode.
already lost Guy, Lowen, bartre, Erk, and my eliwood is dogshit.

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why would you do that to yourself?
let me guess, shangrila?

lmoa what is this gay shit

Dynasty Warriors 7

what did she do?

Crystal Project. It's a cool game, but I'm angry at the developer because the premise of the game is going on an adventure hunting for Crystals, but there are not enough Crystals to sate my thirst for adventure. Truly a case of false advertising.

shes just a blatant slut who talks about disgusting things, thats it

Divinity OS 2

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shocking, a vtuber who is a whore

You actually can't, that picture of her would get you banned

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Vampire survivors

Fill me in on the hot goss sister!

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Pokemon Unite
Replaying Xenoblade 2

I don't know. I might play Blue Reflection Second Light.

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I don't know yet, I don't know where to go now
Pretty much done with Medieval Dynasty and no clue of what to go with next

Nothing right now, but I did uninstall MTG Arena. Almost considered getting involved in explorer but the format is garbage and I can't have fun off of it anymore. The novelty was fun for a while though

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Ascension wow.
Bundles broke the game, everyone is going apeshit cause people are stupid.

Getting filtered by the outer wilds again

I miss her bros.

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who is this?

What the heck guys he said be frendry

my mom

why is v so absolute shit nowadays?
its worse than summer but all year.

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>people still believe Cover's contract excuse to fire her
>people still don't believe that it's solely because of the mafumafu drama

Samurai Bringer
>It's a wannabe 3D Minecraft pixel hack and slash shit
Okay. Okay but let me shill it for you
>You can literally customize every attack
>You have basic attacks like slash, reverse slash, upward slash, downward slash, and a stab
>Putting slash and downward slash together in one button creates a stronger diagonal downward slash
>Putting 5 stabs together in one button creates a super-fast multiple stab combo that hit more than 10 times
>5 stabs and a jump and a dash create a jumping multiple lunging stabs motion with just on press
>different weapons have different motions depending on which combination of attacks you put in

She got caught trying to scam people (not sure if that's what happened).
Her channel got terminated.
She's a bit batshit crazy though.