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Oh no, she's going to commit seacide!

>ps2 came out 22 years ago

Kinetica... Armored Core 2... home...

I think that gigachad, wojak and pepe posters are subhuman and should probably be executed in the streets. Anyone else?

The sea is where that whale belongs.

>I think that gigachad, wojak and pepe posters are subhuman and should probably be executed in the streets. Anyone else?

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I had the OG brick and the slim

So did she ?

What is this bitch upset about? Genuinely asking, literally who?

user, anyone who isn't an infant was around back then.

zoomers should be castrated and turned into fleshlights for incels
only if they're zoomers

I remember "disk swapping" on ps1 so I could play burnt games.

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why do millennials think this board is a dumping ground for shit they see on their twitter feed?

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gaystation was never good

>grew up with a PS1 I never used because I already had a PS2
>PS2 was a fucking godsend, used it up until highschool
>got a PS3 near the launch of the PS4
>got a PS4 2 years later, never thought PS4 Pro was worth it, I was right
>still haven't even seen a single fucking PS5 in person, just the controllers
It's weird, on one hand the PS5 only has a single game on it that I want to play and isn't also on the PS4, yet I'm still annoyed that I haven't seen a PS5 as if I would've bought one there and then if I did see one.
Zoomer btw, I grew up on your games and there's nothing you can do about it.

why do zoomers think they can talk back to adults?

Eyyy, me too


I've had 3 ps2s. That fat bitch is lagging behind

Same thing goes for you meme word faggots.

>about 7-8 years ago
>go to local Gamestop to get new Gamecube controller
>guy tell me "Sorry, we don't sell retro stuff."
Hold up, sis, I'll join you.

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Early millennials were cool when they were emos and numetal mallgoths but now are just an embarrassment for the most part.

Are they just bad or are we going to become this cringe when we hit our thirties?

It's so ugly to see when people can't take aging.

>I turn 22 in 5 days

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Don't worry so hard, 21-23 is the best age range to be.

I don't understand, there are children that have seen telegrams in real life, the technology doesn't turn to dust just because it gets older.

Just gonna post this in every thread huh? Well enjoy looking at my wojak then, bitch.

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>Dude time moves on :(

The X360 and PS3 Will be twenty a few years from now. Xbone and PS4 Will be 10yo next year.
Time aint stopping bro

It's so ugly to see when people fully embrace death.

Simply put, those Kingdom Hearts cosplaying, nu-metal listening, mall goths are the parents to zoomers. Then we wonder why the new generation of posters are so brain-dead.

>tfw geriatric prehistoric primordial 27 y.o boomer that had a ps2 in real life

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>be young anonlet
>playing Bugs and Taz: Time Busters on my PS2
>take disc out
>game still plays
Blew my fucking mind.

gigachad is pretty fun since the edits involve a bit more effort than the average wojak, but yeah, kill them all

PS2 is a meme, it never existed
snoy's first console was the PS3

Still not retro
Fuck jannies

>Take FF7 out of the disc tray
>Game still runs in RAM
>Abilities still regen health in real time
>But enemies don't attack

Easiest way to cheat the game

I have a PS1

This never happened.
She's obviously lying for attention.

I saw an original big PS2 in a WEEE-bin outside my apartment. Made me remember my own and wonder when it's going to go bad. I think it was Christmas 2001 or 2002 when I got it.

Good times.

>I was born in 1990

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>We're as far away from the year 2000 as it was from 1978

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I had a Sega Master System when I was little. I don't think people even know that thing existed, almost never see anyone talking about it.

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>a teenager
I'm 23 and I grew up playing PS2 games, the hell?

it doesnt feel that way for some reason

>AVGN posted the Simon's Quest video when the game was 17 years old (1987-2004)
>the video itself is now 18 years old (2004-2022)

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i kind of want to buy a sega saturn

Solid investment, all the games are free with just a little handiwork

user did you the math on that?
The teenager that spoke to her would be around 10 years younger than you

Yeah I know, but it is still weird to think about. If I was 35 I'd be more disconnected but to me being a "teenager" is still a nearby feeling. Oh well.

I never had a ps2 or n64 because back then the emulators were top notch, so that's what I used


to me a teenager is anyone that acts like a retard below my age
]which means almost everyone


The previous generation really set us up with infantilism didn't they

When you're 30 and you still use cringe unironically you'll be 'cringe', yes. Some of you little faggots will develop into normal functioning adults, some will stay the way you are now and become an embarrassment for everyone including other Zoomers without even realizing it.

(((experts))) said that, considering extender lifespans of modern humans, adolescence now lasts until like 25-30, and that your 30s are the new 20s.
Again, take it with a grain of salt. Considering how many manchildren are out there nowadays, I'd agree with the (((experts))) this time.
So You gotta mature earlier to be the better adult.
Go for it v

>PS3 was 15 years ago

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i've been mature since 16 bitch


Get a grip my dude. Best age is 21 to 29 for a dude

haha you did the funny meme where you exaggerate the time that has passed

Gigachad is okay sometimes. Otherwise I think wojack and pepe posters should all be perma banned from the entire site.

Cannot wait until humans have the Mass Effect life expectancy of 150 years. Zoomers then will be 45 and it'll be retardedly funny

>Second-hand modded Ps2 as christmas gift
>Does not come with memory cards, have to beat everything in one go
>Whenever i get good grades dad takes me to the flea market to buy the latest GTA San Andreas hack
I pity you first world cucks who didn't get to experience this

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