You will play best month ever, right Yea Forums?

you will play best month ever, right Yea Forums?

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looks pozzed

>paying the toll: the game

Meh, this.
The game looks like kikefied pozzed tranny SJW propaganda. Hard pass.

what are you, some sort of bigot?


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why the fuck are SJW's so obsessed with fucking niggers? They will literally just want to be single with a black man's baby or something, and they don't even lbame the father for ditching them, it's even encouraged, just to stick it up to whitey, what the fuck is wrong with these subhumans?

Must be sad to be 14 and lose all your value and female privileges before your adult life even starts

>first scene is the woman glassing someone
>followed by setting fire to a car
Destructive abusive sociopath mother the game.

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they know chuds don't like it so they literally make games that feature as a sort of "haha, take THAT" to the chuds without realizing nobody will buy it regardless no matter how much their butt buddies at kotaku and polygon shill for it

I cant wait to see the vox headline about how I need to pay more taxes because this "game" flopped

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Why do they always look so demonic

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>white woman with le ebin goblin child
>no father in sight

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me playing this game entirely depends on this shit showing up fitgirl rss.

because it is

>Warsaw Film School
so it's not a game?

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Yeah I already played God of War 4

>spics are white now
The absolute state of Amerigolems

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>there are no fat ugly white people with glasses
But you exist

>looks like she's pushing 40

So this is the power of BBC...

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niggers is a good tell-tale sign, can instantly tell whatever product it is is shit upon seeing them

In Fauci we trust
To Floyd we pray

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>this is what the average american will look like in 2050

>Destructive abusive sociopath mother the game.

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>That fucking atrocious voice work
>That shitty stock video tier clips
>That terrible sims 3 looking graphics.

Naw I think I'll pass.

Based on advertising you’d think America was 50% black KEK

Potentially worth a pirate, its not YIIK, but it'll do.

Most whites are average. Most race mixed 'people' are ugly.

theyre mentally ill

hard pass

shit, it is there...

"Jouwrny we mwight nwot be weddy fwor"

What fucking shitty ass accent is this?


That's too low.

I wonder how many of them end up killing the orcoid and themselves

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hell. fucking. no.

Remember, 50% black doesn’t mean the other 50% is all white. I’d say American advertising is 50% nigger, 30% white, 10% spic, 10% asian.


Blacks think they're one upping whites by racemixing but the end result is an uglier less athletic inferior diluted black

I wish steams greenlight system was still around so that crap like this would never see the light of day

with twice the resentment.

>Most race mixed 'people' are ugly
Based on random pictures of babies and chubby normal looking 14 yos. Most Mixed people are average and its a brainrot non-political political opinion you generated to fit in with losers and social rejects.

Literally all people on earth have about the same distribution of uggos and beatiful people, most being normal.
Except maybe the netherlands.

>Destructive abusive sociopath mother
Hey buddy! Coalburner is what coalburner does!

god i hate americans

Post your face then.

Meanwhile IRL

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>normal looking
Americans lmao

No, based on reality. Most mixed people are ugly because blacks are ugly, so when a black mixes with anyone else, the baby ends up being uglier. Other races aren't as affected by this when racemixing thankfully, but the result is often bad.

>Most race mixed 'people' are ugly.

Why are americans like this?

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Come to Australia & check out our coons mate, 99% fucking disgusting.

thot simulator: 2022

Interracial couples are an extreme minority, if you ever see them in media you're consuming propaganda.

I'm mixed race.

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Am I the only one who feels a bit sorry for these roasties?
I mean, yeah yeah toll paid blah blah blah. But it's kinda sad that they now have to raise a creatura that looks nothing like them, all alone with no father in the picture

You are not attractive. You are not more attractive than the average black people. You overestimate your worth greatly, and value whiteness over everything, intelligence, culture, beauty, precisely because you have none, and are in poor taste.

If all black people and mixed people were ugly, you guys wouldnt post the SAME FUCKING WEBMs for YEARS.
True, I have never seen a pretty abbo unfortunately. I dunno.

>Am I the only one who feels a bit sorry for these roasties?

No I find it comforting. These stupid bitches having to suffer tells me there is still some justice left in this world.

No. and you're a faggot for doing so. These monsters would feel zero sympathy for you. You're like the idiot foids who are pro opn -brders and would like hoards are animals into the country to beat your mother to death for 10 dollars. Gat a fucking clue.

I wish you were.

Jesus christ that thing is ugly

You don't know anything about me. And in fact just by virtue of being white I'm better looking, more civilized, and more intelligent than most mongrels, this is a simple fact. Doesn't mean there are absolutely no beautiful b+w racemixed people, just means that the majority of them are ugly as shit. I'm sorry this hurts your feelings.

I looked at that and there's an image of the kkk burning a cross with a knoose in a tree

I feel worse for the kids for having to be raised by a white woman desu


yes, their fathers should have set them up husbands before they became whores. blaming the girls presumes that women can handle responsibility.

true, imagine the mental illness


>you have to pay the troll toll to get into this boys hole

the longest, strongest, and most intrusive propaganda arm the world has ever known

Can't wait for whites to die out lmfaoooo

>put a picture of an interracial couple or even just a baby
>Yea Forums shills your game for free
I'll need to keep note of this.

Why are third-worlder yuros so obsessed with America?

That's moe szyslaks son

>Most whites are average. Most race mixed 'people' are ugly.

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So sorry but you'll always be a disgusting abomination to me. I don't blame you I blame your parents

More like 90% especially when you see advertisements on television

>You don't know anything about me
The fact that you feel that way is indefinite proof you are more cope than man.

You don't even have to post your face. Post your jawline. Post your lips. Your eyes. Everyone who comments will hit you with the reality that youre far more inferior than you think. These are not intelligent, civilized takes, and exclusively ugly people and stupid women think this type of shit, but I know you wouldn't understand that.