ITT: Post a pair from vidya, other anons must choose one

ITT: Post a pair from vidya, other anons must choose one.

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Easiest choice in my life. Xana is a miracle of the universe.

Attached: Xana2.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

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I choose shani

I didn't realize there was a choice, I thought everyone had the demon

Attached: Xana_from_Dark_Messiah_by_DarthTerro.jpg (1920x1080, 393.92K)

Dark Messiah is where this webm came from, right?

Attached: You call this an even fight.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

It is. Tremendously fun game.

I played through this entire game because I saw this. You didn't get to see nearly enough of her. Game was awesome though.

i choose the cool ship at background

I wanted to post more cool Dark Messiah webms for you user, but turned out I've only saved this one.

Attached: 2bf4e376181357cb34a4bdbac37313a27717b4834a79600ab6d080841764a5ff.webm (768x432, 2.12M)

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Tummy tum tum.

Attached: yuffie_kisaragi_by_pgandara_dewrade-fullview.jpg (1024x1317, 227.31K)

Tifa because I liked her in Advent Children. Never played FFVII.

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Cool. I'll be sure to buy it next time it goes on sale. I'm not getting it now because I have other games I want to play.

Is this supposed to be a hard choise?

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>Xana: Loyal no matter what you decide to to do.
>Other one: Throws a tantrum and attacks you if you don't kill the other girl.

Based whoremonger!

Jessie is a stupid thot and not even a real character

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Yeah yeah don't get surprised when you walk into your demon room to find her having demon sex with your demon dad and a hundred of demon demons.

4tana has the worst personality but the best body
hard choice

4 and it's not even close

right wizard or left, much lewder wizard. you decide.

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no wait. it's the other way around. fucking authisms.

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Based and actuallyplaysgamespilled, enjoy

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What game is that? Also, right. Duh.

>What game is that?
take a wild guess

Attached: aaaahhheeeeemmmm FUCK NIGGERS AND FUCK SPICS AND most importantly FUCK JANNIES.jpg (1280x960, 525.08K)

... I shouldn't have any clue, but is it that strategy Rance game?

Tifa or Yuffie

Nah, it is a different Rance game
The one that is dungeon crawler

I chose my dad, fully expecting to get betrayed because 'lol evul', but was pleasantly surprised when he thanked me for a job well done, gave everything promised, and put xana in her place.

Rance VI, then?


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Imagine NOT fucking the Witch.

Attached: sirens.png (877x1237, 2.05M)

I know that DAO was first but these 2 are basically discount Yen and bisexual Triss

left based on that pic, right from ingame videos
top left

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I choose Gaige

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Fucking bitch knows Dad doesn't like fucking unless he's getting pegged, yet she always starts without me. Fucking women.

4 milkers are very great and i don't hate her face, but it does bug me
2 and 3 look mostly good but the hair is out of place, they feel more variants than the realy cortana I know
it doesn't help that 4 has a vibe of a girl i liked in highschool

i like lilith
but highleg swimsuit peeking above pants is my fucking weakness bros



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The great debate

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Werewolf girl because i'm not a necrofag. Furfags are gross too but at least they're actually alive.

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xehanort, ez

Is there any particular reason why they don't share identical models lore wise? I forget.
Obviously Roxas was explained, but every other nobody looked like a cabon copy of their original self.
Xehanort has a shorter nose bridge. Or does Xehanort look different for the same reason as Roxas, and Ansem is Terra's body while Xehanort is his own image.

A vote for Yuffie.