ITT: Post a pair from vidya, other anons must choose one.
ITT: Post a pair from vidya, other anons must choose one
Easiest choice in my life. Xana is a miracle of the universe.
I choose shani
I didn't realize there was a choice, I thought everyone had the demon
Dark Messiah is where this webm came from, right?
It is. Tremendously fun game.
I played through this entire game because I saw this. You didn't get to see nearly enough of her. Game was awesome though.
i choose the cool ship at background
I wanted to post more cool Dark Messiah webms for you user, but turned out I've only saved this one.
Tummy tum tum.
Tifa because I liked her in Advent Children. Never played FFVII.
Cool. I'll be sure to buy it next time it goes on sale. I'm not getting it now because I have other games I want to play.
Is this supposed to be a hard choise?
>Xana: Loyal no matter what you decide to to do.
>Other one: Throws a tantrum and attacks you if you don't kill the other girl.
Based whoremonger!
Jessie is a stupid thot and not even a real character
Yeah yeah don't get surprised when you walk into your demon room to find her having demon sex with your demon dad and a hundred of demon demons.
4tana has the worst personality but the best body
hard choice
4 and it's not even close
right wizard or left, much lewder wizard. you decide.
no wait. it's the other way around. fucking authisms.
Based and actuallyplaysgamespilled, enjoy
What game is that? Also, right. Duh.
>What game is that?
take a wild guess
... I shouldn't have any clue, but is it that strategy Rance game?
Tifa or Yuffie
Nah, it is a different Rance game
The one that is dungeon crawler
I chose my dad, fully expecting to get betrayed because 'lol evul', but was pleasantly surprised when he thanked me for a job well done, gave everything promised, and put xana in her place.
Rance VI, then?
Imagine NOT fucking the Witch.
I know that DAO was first but these 2 are basically discount Yen and bisexual Triss
left based on that pic, right from ingame videos
top left
I choose Gaige
Fucking bitch knows Dad doesn't like fucking unless he's getting pegged, yet she always starts without me. Fucking women.
4 milkers are very great and i don't hate her face, but it does bug me
2 and 3 look mostly good but the hair is out of place, they feel more variants than the realy cortana I know
it doesn't help that 4 has a vibe of a girl i liked in highschool
i like lilith
but highleg swimsuit peeking above pants is my fucking weakness bros
The great debate
Werewolf girl because i'm not a necrofag. Furfags are gross too but at least they're actually alive.
xehanort, ez
Is there any particular reason why they don't share identical models lore wise? I forget.
Obviously Roxas was explained, but every other nobody looked like a cabon copy of their original self.
Xehanort has a shorter nose bridge. Or does Xehanort look different for the same reason as Roxas, and Ansem is Terra's body while Xehanort is his own image.
A vote for Yuffie.