Long live the inclusivity in video games

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truly a miracle how diversity commissars all mysteriously agree with the pope

oh yeah, those blizzard employees sure are a bunch of fragile pussy asss liberal motherfuckers haha

now excuse me while im too scared to make a phone call never had a job and havent left my mothers basement in 20 years and blame all of my problems on jews hhaha i sure am a hardened internent badass oldfag hehe

They keep hiring people into positions that will be considered redundant when the Microsoft buyout goes through. Strange.

>make some stupid position up just to stock tacos at the cafeteria, implement mandatory siestas and sombrero celebration days

are you ok?

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i hate how long these companies take to die, even bioware still hasn't been shut down

>eventually Blizzard will be so full of women, non-binary fucks, and assorted ethnic representatives, that a straight white male will be a mandatory inclusiveness hire

your post reeks of soi user
let me guess your weight is either vastly below or above the ideal bmi

Why does the right side of her face look 10 years older than the left?

diversity and inclusiveness are dog whistles for anti white cis and male

Don't you want to do more in life dude? Do you have any drive to be better?


Blizzard has turned into a jobs program for useless women.

How about you hire some people to create video games?

Just a thought, I know, I know

and this is how you kill your business

experimental gene therapy face


Umm chud??? Whites are simply not diverse we only hire darkies cuz were not racist

The Nazis and Soviets also had a "head of culture".

>Diverse, equitable and inclusive
God its literally a cult mantra now

>how you kill your business
at this point it's a mercy kill

We're resisting capitalism by taking 40 doses of ouchie and netting billionaires record profits

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>that projection
lmao sad4u

A post criticizing forced political shit in videogames!?

Uh oh. Can’t have that. Awaiting the thread to be banned.

You must accept and COnSOOM! You can’t criticize anything on v! You must accept it or the tranny jannies will ban you!! (for 2 days so you can’t appeal it of course) You must only support forced woke bullshit in games on 4channel!! (resetera 2.0)

>Head of Culture
Lmao Blizzard is saved!

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We're in the middle of the death of wokeness. The Virginia gubernatorial race of 2021 will be remembered as the beginning of the end, and April will probably be remembered as the month when the train went off the tracks.

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And now imagine chad stevens leaves the company.

why don't these companies go bankrupt already?

It always has been. If you look behind the scenes a bit you can see its just a way to put specific people into positions of power. Why that's happening I'll leave up to your imagination.

so where did diversity actually improve games?

"Head of Culture" is just a cover. In reality she's just a call girl for the execs.

i doubt it desu capitalists love pathological egalitarianism and lefties eat it up like butter

it didn't that's why we need more of it


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I'm sorry that you have so many problems user. Probably should go get some therapy and try put yourself out there more?

They no longer have a company at that point because nobody is doing any work.

A jew typed this.

Blizzard and Activision lost 60 million weekly players in the last year, and this is what those retards are doing? How about you make a game that doesn't fucking suck for once.

It didn't, my bet is that a lose-lose situation. If they refuse to let any diversity shit they may cry bigotry and elevate it to lawsuits and shit, getting even more competent people fired. They can't win kek, we can only hope that a big company goes bankrupt and the others learn from it.

always have good results

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2025 marks the end of this Kali Yuga.

People buying games aren't their real customer anymore, user

>tfw still haven't played this shit
that cover puts me off every time i consider it

>head of culture
gaming is dead
if any of you actually buy triple A games you're a part of the cancer that is killing our hobby

How dare you

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Yet Blizzard somehow manages to live on. Curious.

third worlder here, why is that dude crying over that pic

its for ESG credit points
companies don't care for your pity consumer money, they want endless bank jew money


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Until video game companies stop becoming sexual harassment factories this will continue

he's jewish-american

Jews hate whites.

Uhh... Heteronormativity is a threat to diversity and inclusivity, ergo white supremacy in all forms must go, even minoritorian status recognition. Have you not seen our overlords at Twitter kvetch over all white developers? Das cuz huwhiteness iz rayciss!!!

A Twitter addict typed this

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NIGGA I'M calm

White men don’t have mandatory diversity quotas that apply to them.

If there were no females there would be no sexual harassment
Do keep in mind that a non-Chad looking at or talking to a female is considered sexual harassment nowadays

>head of culture

Okay so she's does nothing?

Inclusivity of all disabilities against the straight males societal dominance

Because it's a multibillion dollar corporation, you idiot. They don't just collapse overnight. What has Blizzard done recently, exactly?

>teehee I posted it again!

>Uses "this" instead of attacking their sex or skin color
You could easily gaslight the nigga into thinking it's their wear or how they're behind a warehouse until you get the guy saying something racist or sexist.

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only good results

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We live in an age where equality no longer means equality, it allows people who are unqualified to work alongside those who are qualified and even worse forces people to work alongside those who don't want to work alongside one another for the sake of "diversity" which is somehow supposed to be a good thing yet all it does, has done and ever will do is drive people further apart from each other. The fact that pushing diversity of gender, race and culture for the good of all people is extremely ironic considering it divides people more than it does bringing them together

People don't pirate enough

Man I can't wait for that fink fund to fucking end so companies can stop pretending to care about people.

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Good bait

she looks like she fucks white guys

>We live in an age where equality no longer means equality, it allows people who are unqualified to work alongside those who are qualified and even worse forces people to work alongside those who don't want to work alongside one another for the sake of "diversity"
They're even not pretending to be for "equality" anymore
Look at the OP. They now talk of "equity"

The week Brack left they promoted a woman to head of Blizzard (co-head, with a man actually in charge).
She bailed a few weeks after that because of how fucked up the position was and she knew she was just a token.

She looks cute. Like the type that teaches dance aerobics in the park.

>White woman with a Mexican surname


Asians also getting fucked

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This will sound super dramatic but could this be this century's version of the dark ages where there's no progress and shit?

There’s a better one where the ‘writes code’ person is a jeet immigrant, and then next to him it has Chad and it says “rewrites the jeet’s terrible code from scratch”

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Let me guess. You think all spics are brown.

Uh... Video games?
Nah, propaganda and far left ideology only, xirs and folx
Now change the way you write, talk and think, for the sake of tolerance and culture, except for your own

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Convenient how all these "diversity" leads are always americans with a foreign name. I guess cultural appropriation is fine if you self-identify as a minority.

It's called decadence, and yes.

dare i say based and truth pilled

Tolerance is for drug addicts.

Could we expect it to end "soon"? As in 10 years from now?

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Funnily enough these are only pushed by those who grew up or worked around areas where there was only one race or culture around. The latino kid down the street who calls everyone darkskin a nigger but everyone lightskin a nigga is way less racist and xenophobic than any sort of diversity lead.

I legit don't even care at this point. They can do whatever they want with their company and include as many races and genders as they include. The only thing that actually tilts me is how much they complain when their next game bombs and blame it all on the customers when it's quite clear that a big portion of the gaming demographic doesn't want their games filled with this virtue signalling.

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meant to type "as they want" ofc. I'm too fucking tired

>always the english speaking countries with the diversity bullshit

>there were more women percentage wise working in CDPR on Witcher 3 than in Cyberpunk
wow chuds btfo cyberpunk had more male devs which ruined the game
funny that CDPR thinks they can make 27% look smaller than 26% if they shrink the bar

It's all fun and games until governments stop being buddy-buddy with you and people of relevance start having questions about your accounting.

I've said many times that when wokeness dies, it'll be like dominoes. The problem for the woke is that they need everybody in the room to agree with their false premises in order to maintain a facade of having the moral highground. If anyone starts pushing back (e.g. a scared board of directors who doesn't want to be next on the list of lawsuits and legislation in one of the red states that they're fleeing to) without cowering under the slightest bit of pressure, they can't withstand it.

Wow... so this... is the power... of autism...

was funny that one of the faggot DICE devs was crying on resetera about how people didn't like their faggot egalitarianism shit in BF5

I'd smash that tho

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more like more divisive, more inverse

And the worst part is that we spics get this shit 3-5 years later. It all started with the fucking emos.

You triggered a lot of incels with this good job

>bricks falling from the church of woke figuratively bludgeoning people to an horrific death all around you
Yeah! Let's go woke! All in! This is gonna be great!

this shit is in every first world country from what i've seen, all over the world.

The chrono cross changes were the last straw for me. Get these worthless woke japs out of the creative process or im not buying their shitty ass remasters.
Its like theyre trying their hardest to make sure i pirate.

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what's with zoomers and shilling for incompetent corporations

kek, destroyed the whole board

To who's standard?

Because they make billions of dollars

objectively wrong

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SJWs love to play a game of "spot the negro" looking for "the blacks" in every photo and event, and then act like everyone else is racist. Because how can you say you want everyone to be equal if you don't specifically make sure you know where every negro is at all times?

What the fuck was her college major?

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