What do you drink while gaming?
What do you drink while gaming?
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I fucking love milk so much
>150 calories per 8oz
Monster Energy Green
Water or pic related as of recent.
>ice cream
guess I'll just get fat
My boyfriend's semen
Water, the only beverage for self respecting non degenerates.
Just water
vol of halfvol?
Impressive. But why?
Raw milk, black coffee or water.
Hey! I like it too, and i despise myself.
Niet die user maar rauwe melk is het beste. Volle melk van de supermarkt is een miem, half volle nog een grotere miem.
Greek yoghurt specifically is like 15g of protein per 90 calories.
What deer milk tastes like?
wait really?
Ive been fucking guzzling milk since I was a kid, like almost liter a day sometimes, Im not even fat even though I rarely excercize
Water if during the week alcohol on weekends
What brand?
I eat liberte and it's 8g per 80 calories.
Milk doesnt make you fat. It contains good fat anyways
Black tea sweetened with maple syrup and four cloves thrown in.
>dis nigga don’t know what calories are
Cheap lipton tea. It could be 90 degrees outside, I am still drinking it hot.
Depends. 90% of the time it's water or tea. Sometimes it's a drink my wife makes me. And on weekends it's a beer or two desu.
But it's mostly watta
water and kratom shots(kratom + water)
Milk straight from my pregnant wife’s titties
>stealing your future baby's milk
milk coffee
neger ik ga niet naar een boerderij om verse melk te halen, naar de supermarkt gaan is al vervelend genoeg
I carry a 2.1 liter water bottle on me at all times
Be it at Uni or at Home
Water is all you ever need
Nothing ever comes close to the taste of cool Water
Milk gives me chest pain for some reason. It started when I became 23. Can Lactose intolerance begin at a later age?
Water and a LOT of seltzer water.
please tell me that's futa...
Yes, it can.
probably like cow milk but less fat
Thats really weird. Eh I take can take the pain. Milk tastes too good to avoid it. Thank God it doesent happen with cheese.
What does human breast milk taste like?
it's sweeter, than cow's milk.
like cow milk but warm and better
this shit costs more than gas, you'd better not fucking waste it
Taste like sweet almond milk. I am a schizo and buy some from this chick as well as her panties for muscle gain.
Blue Diamond almond milk is superior in every way (especially in taste and calories).
>panties for gains
how does this work?
read the article I linked
I disagree, it's still good though. I like their chocolate milk.
The iron leftover from her pussy blood and the salt from her sweat helps exceed modern day muscle building. Not to mention the protein from her pussy hairs. It's all chocked full of essentials
ive been drinking milk for a couple weeks now with my dinner, but it makes me fart so fucking much.
>test increases with axilla smell
I just pin test bro, way easier
if you're not american then that's understandable, milk anywhere outside the states is healthy enough to drink daily
Tea or water sometimes dr pepper
alcohol if playing fighting games for fun
coffee or energy drinks if playing fighting games to try and win
water at all other times
>filters out shitskins and mutts
Where do you buy the milk? Sounds hot.
Depends, modern milk loaded with carotene. Most white people are intolerant to that but not the milk it self. Try fresh milk from a farmer.
he buys panties for gains, not breast milk