Why hasn't there been a good resident evil game in 20 years?

Why hasn't there been a good resident evil game in 20 years?

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because blind fanboys buy anything with crapcom on the cover
why bother doing good games when blind fanboys buy shit?

RE should have stayed as small, isolated outbreaks and mysterious murders being investigated by single detectives or PIs. Trying to go big led to action which led to the matrix shit which led to Chris and Leon basically becoming superhuman and every female main has been virus'd to keep them young which led to the creepiness factor completely disappearing. Keeping the scale of the games small would have helped keep puzzle solving and gathering clues on equal footing with the action parts.

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the original team is long gone. but at least we got remake 2 which was decent. the modern mainline games are terrible tho

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>at least we got demake 2

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There's still a few big players left but they don't really do much. Think Miyamoto and Koji Kondo.

Because Mikami stopped making them.

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5 is fun

It's more dead than final fagtasy lol.

But Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 released in 2004?

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was scanniing real people a mistake

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RE7 launched just 5 years ago moron.
Of course Vothfags have a awful taste

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Revelations 2 is one of the best games in the franchise

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No. 'Improving' it in post-production is where the mistakes are made. I blame Ashley's original model, desu. She has this big huge beak of a nose, so obviously they went in and moved the extra nose to her ears.

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With RE7, they didn't seem to do too much touching up after the fact, and it looked pretty authentic in most cases.

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RE8 sold 4M on 3 platforms. FF7R sold 5M on 1.

and it was shit

RE5 was great

No it wasn't. Is was a demo for 6.

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>REvelations 2
>REmake 2

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we just had one

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1 (ONE) good game
>RE3 remake
Nah fuck off

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user posted 4 great games

>4, 5, Rev 2, 7, 8


Games that you don't like don't invalidate the existence of the good ones which prove OP wrong.

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>having a mini Ada as daughter
Imagine the elation…

It was for classic cucks

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has leon said fuck you before on re2, 4 and 6? i dont remember a single one

You know dude I'd fucking kill for Mikami to come back to Capcom to make one last RE

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RE4 and REmake 2 are outstanding regardless of what contrarian faggots on Yea Forums - Video Games will tell you.

So many Jews.

keep sucking crapcum shit

cope. you can play as becca and barry in mercenaries. that's all I need.

>Resident Evil (1996)
>Resident Evil 2 (1998)
>Resident Evil 3 (1999)
>CODE:Veronica X
>Survivor 2
>Resident Evil (2002)
>Resident Evil Zero
>Resident Evil Outbreak
>Outbreak File 2
>Dead Aim
>Resident Evil 4
>The Umbrella Chronicles
>Resident Evil 5 + DLC
>The Darkside Chronicles
Mediocre (seriously, the camera shaking is too much)
>Operation Raccoon City
>Resident Evil 6
>Revelations 2
>Umbrella Corps
>Resident Evil 7 + DLC
>Resident Evil 2 (2019)
>Resident Evil 3 (2020)
>Resident Evil Village

So, all in all
>15 Good
>6 Mediocre
>4 Bad
OP is a fag yet again

Because Capcom only has one decent series left and the new managament doesnt play video games so they dont know how to make a good one.

Resident Evil hadn't been that since the second game. 1.5 tried to be that, but literally nobody working on it liked the game and Kamiya says his writing for 1.5 was awful, while he says the guy who assisted on the writing of 2 was the person who taught him how to write games.
2 has
>Claire directly looking for her brother and ending her B scenario with a declaration of that as the cliffhanger
>Leon dedicating himself to take out Umbrella in his B scenario ending
>all the surviving STARS in Europe trying to fight Umbrella
Like, where the fuck did you think they wanted to go with it? Add in 3 which retcons Jill into Raccoon City and has the fucking Epilogue Files, the majority of which are pure sequel baits for the returning characters.
I don't even know why you posted an RE4 beta image, as those betas were even more entrenched in the ongoing story of the series, having entire returning organizations like HCF, and TWO supervillain masterminds in both Wesker and Spencer showing up.

People like this aren't actually serious though.

When will Becca get another game/movie

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I remember looking for porn of her on pixiv and laughing really hard when one of the results was of a san andreas mod someone made that model swaps CJ with Natalia.

Never because no one likes her


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i wish Jill actually looked like Jill

>but at least we got remake 2 which was decent
RE2 Demake is unironically the worst example of aggressive take-over of a classic IP, followed by complete butchering of
everything that made the game so beloved and successful in the first place, just to appeal to the widest masses that never
even cared about the title in the first place.
This demake is literally the rock bottom. It's a disrespectful cashgrab, that's far inferior to both the 1998 original, and the
2002 REmake, latter which by all means should have been the mold to follow.

People who defend this diarrhea and the RE7+8 should be euthanized in a bonfire.

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Jill is just Jill

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The people who made the original died of old age and nobody alive rembers how to make a game good.

Resident Evil honestly fucked up when RE2 was still about Umbrella. Umbrella should not have appeared after the first game. Second game should have been about something completely unrelated, on another continent.

based. they are dead as fuck.

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RE4 was only 18 years ago.

>Because Capcom only has one decent series left
and it's not monster hunter shit.

World was excellent. World 2 will be even better.

dumb shit eater.

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The irony of saying that while posting Marie 2.0.

based. i feel like i'm taking crazy pills when i talk to people here that say RE2make was a "Return to form".

kek, i never saw this

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Reddit evil never had good games
RE8 was the biggest piece of garbage alongside all the other garbage entries

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If I remember right, the original, original pitch for a hypothetical RE sequel was about an FBI agent investigating weird shit in a little town in the Mojave that eventually led back to an old abandoned bomb shelter nearby and a government conspiracy. The people who hashed that out left Capcom for Squaresoft before RE2 development began in earnest and it got sort of clumsily wedded to Parasite Eve to make PE2.

based, which is why it sold so bad.

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>dragons dogma
>devil my cry
>monster hunter
>resident evil
>ace attorney
>street fight
all good shit
don't forget series with potential for good games
>lost planet
>final fight
>breath of fire
>mega men

Congrats to REVillage for being the only game with Cassandra Dimitrescu on it

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Zero hype for the dlc outside of the avatarfagging waifufag threads
Zero hype in general
Reddit evil is dead

I-I kneel

Have sex, Chaincel.

>0 hype
stop using resetera with parameter for anything

Because about 20 years ago you became disillusioned with your shit genetics and life and became too miserable to enjoy anything so you hate everything.

There was literally a fucking REfag threatening to rape a woman in the village threads
You incels should have sex

Man 1.5's story might have been a little rough around the edges but it was still miles beyond the cringe garbage Sugimura wrote for the series.

That was you

women deserve it

matrix shit was literally in the first RE you dumb dork
it was campy horror action from the fucking get go

>Single PD cracks down on Umbrella
>to the point where this baclk market big pharma company is almost completely dead
>Umbrella decides to focus its efforts on attacking just that one town and nowhere else
>characters are all incredibly basic archetypes, mostly derivative of the first game
>RPD itself is very bland and unnoteworthy
Great game you got there

>You incels should have sex
that's what the rapist is going to do anyway if he succeeds

His and my post was literally 20 seconds apart
Cope and seethe you rapist REfags