Where do you download H games from

Where do you download H games from

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your local gamestop


the internet

Whats that

i WONT spoonfeed you, lurk more


Tell me now nigger
Whats that?

okay user, Im sorry, I WILL spoonfeed you, im talking about allthefallen


>Whats that?
A relaunch of Nyaa.

mangagamer DOT com
>being a nigger

seek christ


its a honeypot dont go

Just did
What should I expect


fbi in a couple of days

never let me down

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This. What a strange timeline

what you degenerates playing?

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>hey a new release, let's check it out
>Language: English (MTL)

this game looked alright but finding the events didnt felt intuitive for me.

Its gotten really bad the last year or so. I dont know why its not filtered.
I also dont know why people even make them

Want to download a game cant find it tho

i'm enjoying this atm

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third worlders think they can make some patreonbux from zero effort mtl trash

I understand a real translation requires work but most MTLs in there seem to be just putting the text through a translator and nothing else with most text being unintelligible, usually breaking the way the text is displayed and sometimes even breaking the whole game. Some of them were good enough though like the one for mission mermaiden or pandora's forest.

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Is there poopoo or pee pee in this?

This is NTR isn't it


This is false advertising, the game should be called Warlock and Cocks.

yes and yes

Nyaa, f95

Can it really be NTR if you know from the start that all the girls are whores who tell you they will fuck anyone and anything?


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Damn near all of Sei Shoujo stuff past Bible Black has it and I know all of his stuff in English that isn't Bible Black has it.

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Uncensored when?

but it has all the girls there and plenty of porn with them

it's unironically not a problem if you've played/read enough japanese stuff

Her game just got translated yesterday

Futa route is best route though I love Edna scenes.

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NTR is the LEAST of your concern with that lmao


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Yes, it also have even more cocks in there, for example the major, fourth girl from left, have two scenes, 1 titjob and 1 where she rail you in the ass.

I mean
I could just mtl it myself though???
I'd understand if they were actually editing it, getting rid of the sentences that make zero sense. Or if they were using more than one translator and that one wasn't google translate

But as it is it feels pointless.

so you don't actually know the game?

If I don't know Japanese then I could just MTL it myself with a tool that I know will work on my machine rather than waiting for someone else to put all the files through a translator and just bake the resulting gibberish into the game without checking if it breaks scripts in the process.
If I already know Japanese, why would I pick up a mangled version that's considered "good enough" by someone who doesn't know the language instead of just tracking down the original, untranslated game?

When a game needs a fucking pdf document to make it slightly less convoluted it's a bad game.

>weg shit
you should kill your self

actually makes it better

That would be the case if the document was simply explaining all the different things you can do like an old school manual, but with this game it's more of a "do these exact steps in the correct order while it's full moon and conduct this esoteric ritual or you'll miss this content".

Man I miss MK

Well what do you want? Unless you there is a translation, you are not going to get non-MTL anywhere else. This is not the forum's fault. Now if for some reason there exists a real translation but they don't want to update, you could have a reason to complain.

nailed, so much potential but having to read a 3 pages guide to get a single scene is no fun at all.

Give you all your best mommy nukige. Right fucking now!

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just mark the thing as MTL on the updates page itself so there's no bait and switch when you check the forum post, not that hard

This is what it's like.... to live in America

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>living in america

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