I beat the game and there is nothing you can do about it
I beat the game and there is nothing you can do about it
>slots used 1
Are there any spells that take up multiple slots?
fell god fire ball and eden stars
both are complete garbage
>game greatly exaggerates irl effects
What other Dragon Communion miracles should I use, dragonbros?
Aren't they legendary tho?
Is this better than Ezykes Decay?
yeah, legendary garbage
I have 50 faith and they are by far my shittiest spells
Dragon spells have legendary versions too when you beat named dragons
>using this spell to ward off the faggots trying to run at me with the death aura
This game's pvp is broken vs broken and I love it.
don't forget scarlet aeonia which is crap too
Slow cast or shit damage?
You guys are ruining my faith build with this talk
>death aura
wasnt that patched?
fell god is slow as fuck and the damage doesn't make up for it
elden stars does no fucking damage whatsoever. I legitimately think it's bugged.
All of them. If you can get the melee incants to hit they deal big dick damage and all of the jumping breaths are great for pvp
God why is that fireball such trash. Kobe fireball is so good, how did they make it worse.
Faith has plenty of cool spells to use. All of the fire and lightning based shit has been rolled into it along with most of the more esoteric shit like dragon, madness, blood, and the more physical incantations like the Beastial and Crucible sets. I went STR + FAI and it was fun as fuck
Please respond
It was, but I terrorized as many of them as I could before From could save them.
The magma spells are good when chained with catch flame
>see world boss
>walk up behind it
>use this
>run away
>wait for DOT to end
It's situational.
Rotten breath does slightly less damage, but the breath goes out further and you can cast it on horseback.
Ekzyke's decay does more damage but the breath is slightly shorter. You can cast it mid air but you can't cast it on horseback.
Don’t bother with Faith. They literally buffed almost every single Incantation in this game and there’s STILL no reason to build FTH over INT.
This game is honestly such an imbalanced shitshow the devs should be embarrassed.
>he actually went STR/FTH
Shouldn't jumping then casting fix its initially worse range? Which in that case there's no downsides
I only tried it on ng+ but it wasn’t particularly effective. Fun to use but it seemed like my time was better spent attacking with my weapon. Nothing like the people who invaded me and one shotted me with it.
I did too. It was fun. I just did whatever the fuck was fun while my friends used broken shit the found on the internet instead of playing the game.
I don't see how. Casting it on the ground makes the breath go out in a "straight horizontal line" so to say. Casting it in the air makes you cast it diagonally downward.
Does that upset you?
Does it upset you that I went DEX/INT as the devs clearly intended? And beat the game faster, easier, and much more efficiently then you ever could?
Because it should.
What damage type does this spell actually do?
Efficiently? I want my enemies to suffer.
I used fell God fireball and firestorm to kill malenia
Okay buddy.
>star fist
I only play PVE
Why are incantations so shit? And why are katanas the only one handed sword worth using? Why is this game so terribly balanced?
Is normal rotted breath or the one you get for killing the specific dragon better? I don't really notice a huge difference between the two of them
I beat up dragons by using frenzied burst, running away until they forget about me, going back and using it again, repeat
Placidusax's Ruin takes up 3.
The shittiness that is this game unironically inspired me to boot up DS2 again. I'm playing a Hexer and it's nice to play a game that's actually fun to be a caster. Sometimes as I'm playing, a big smirk comes across my face, knowing that Elden trannies would probably seethe knowing that I'm enjoying what is objectively a superior game in everyway.
based, but i like bloodborne too
>jumping breaths are good in PVP
>throws a knife at you and staggers
The standard ones are the best because they get off 1 frame faster
Rot breath does more damage per tick and goes off 1 frame faster than the jump, the advanced dragon spells are all gimped unfortunately no reason to allocate points into it unless you're going to the meme meta of 125 at which point you'll lose anyways cause of rob and moonveil and duel nagitanas
Because from doesn't give a fuck and wanted to milk AS MUCH FUCKING CASH AS POSSIBLE before the depression hits America. Next patch should clear alot of problems like status proc which will nuke a bunch of zoom zooms who can't beat the game without bleed
Elden Stars is funny for PvP if you can get it off because you can bum rush them while they're spam rolling to get away and use the fuckhuge ball of holy on their screen to obscure your own bullshit
>double peelers
>blood infusion
>one jump attack procs bleed on almost anything in the game that can bleed
>go into PvP and call myself The Dentist and give people checkups for not flossing
theres plenty of rob, moonveil and naginata users even in limgrave at low levels tho
is this better than eleonoras on an arc/dex build?
For now. Next patch should clear it up.
I've been having a fucking blast helping people out with this and poison mist and the bleed dagger that throws bleedy blood
>Most of the people who summoned me were shieldless dex/int users
I don't think that's true, I think you're trying to goad him into an argument, internet jester.
Full moon sorceries take 2
Agheel's flame is pretty much outright superior though.
Frost breath is cool too
Guys there are so many fucking builds in this game I don't know if I'll ever stop playing it
Doesn't frost lack arcane scaling no matter what item has arc scaling?
>dragon hearts? yeah, they're all sitting in my item box, unused
I can never commit to anything other than pure melee in souls games. I feel like faith or int builds are just doing damage with extra steps. I understand they have alot of utility but it's just more simple to use a 2h or sword and shield than fart around with spells mixed with melee
Then why are you hunting dragons sir?
spells or any ranged attacks are great when youre expecting an ambush or trying to lure out an enemy
Its just fun. I mean do what you want but it feels good to lob black fireballs and rot people
>strength run
>dex run
>hybrid runs
>gimmick/niche weapons
>theme runs
Just imagine the dlc and mods too, god damn.
There really is shit in the game for every type of build you could think of.
>didn't get dubs
You didn't beat the game.
I like Dark Souls 2 and Oblivion well enough but Fallout 3 is genuinely garbage and the people who keep defending it are the worst kind of contrarian faggots out there
Give me some magic lore please
Frost is fantastic and slept on very good for clearing out ganks and the occasional shitter
>advanced spell
>fire is the highest resistance in PVP
>have to run soreseal AND fire scorpion to dish out decent damage at lower levels in which case a khukri deals 400 damage or goto the meme meta where it won't matter
No its really not
For the purpose of just bleeding people out at high arc levels it will probably be a little less than twice as good, assuming you have two of each, and you can also put on whatever ash of war you wish.
If you're using Eleonora's it's going to be because you like it, because it's an all in one package that doesn't require killing Radahn, or for the weapon art.
How come everyone used this instead of rot pots and rot bolts/arrows? How come no one who plays Elden Ring has any creativity?
Literally nothing wrong with using this as long as you're not just running and waiting for the rot to do your job
I just used it as a nuke for the most obnoxious motherfuckers to fight like Runebears and the screaming slapping faggots
>How come everyone is using the most broke shit in the game to beat the game and win invasions
Gee user it's sure a mystery
People don't seem to know rot pots are just instant rot, and this is way easier to get and very difficult to avoid if in range.
If you don't expect it, it's kind of hard to dodge rot pots at close range too.
Because aeonian butterflies are limited and rotten breath has a much larger AoE
You didn't brush your teeth
Because fuck dragons.
Frost breath is how I beat Melania the first time. Each breath did like 4-6k and the frostbite proc has insane stagger. It even stuns her during windfowl dance.
I noticed that too, but I was using the Ice Spear ashes of war.
Those big stone balls made out of faces are the souls of mages who tried to tap into the Primeval Current, the source of power from which glintstone sorcery was born.