How the hell am I suppose to play video games with sciatica...

How the hell am I suppose to play video games with sciatica? Sitting down at my chair and trying to play TF2 is painful as hell, and don’t say to stretch because everyone knows that’s bologna.

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why not lay in bed and play it, it's much softer than sitting on a chair

Laying down hurts too. The only thing that remotely feels decent is standing.

time to get a standing desk, most people should get one anyway, they are nice

Then play standing

Damn I gotta stack some books because I don’t have money for a standing table

You could try one of those knee chairs or a bouncy ball or just use a standing desk. Don't know if the first 2 will help. Sometimes Thrift stores have knee chairs.

You can get adjustable risers for your regular desk. What's your budget? These are often available used.

>and don’t say to stretch because everyone knows that’s bologna.
Its really not. Its a pinched nerve. How do you figure stretching isn't going to relieve that pressure.
Or are you such an obese disgusting piece of shit that stretching is a physical impossibility?
Seriously though, I had this problem when I was younger and learned a few stretches and exercises that help.
Like try sitting indian style with your soles touching, keep your ass on the floor and slowly lean forward until you feel where its catching.
Also lie flat on your back and bring your knees to your chest, then slowly extend your legs, and slowly lower them to the floor.
Do 10 reps of both together, then with one leg, then the other.

Would one of those hipster Lisa Simpson chairs work?

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I also have sciatica and I work from home. I switch between these three things:
>computer chair
>exercise ball
>kneeling pad

For me, switching up my position throughout the day is the key to managing pain with desk work. Exercise ball is important for building up your core muscles as it is your core muscles that will stabilize your spine and reduce the pressure on your nerve.

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Never tried that but in my experience, kneeling helps a lot. Really anything to reduce the pressure on your lower back and keep it in a relatively straight position.

Are you 4’10’’? you fucking midget

Dont listen to this guy. I sat in one of these 20 years ago and have been trapped in it ever since.
Someone send help please.

I can’t even work thanks to this problem. My budget is null thanks to the feeling that a knife is being dug into my ass cheek. I never cry for anything, not even for my dad’s funeral, but this shit at the age of 29 is exhausting and so painful, I rather cut off a finger along with a single testicle and offer it in trade to never having this problem again.

I’m 6ft tall at 185 pounds. That’s the thing, I’m not even fat, I come from both my family’s sides of horrible back problems. Stretching for hours with my piriformis muscle only helps for a little bit.

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If you have sciatica, buy an inversion therapy table. don't wait, just fucking do it.

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No, I need to stack some books under my monitor kek I would be looking too far down

THIS. It also helps any upper spine issues you might have. Best 100 bucks I've ever spent.

I had pain down my leg, turns out it was because I gained some weight and my pants were too tight.

I have one kek I might actually go use it right now. My grandfather gave it to me about 10 years ago. Forgot about this thing.

It looks small

Does that help unpinch the spine?

You sit on the ball in any special way or just how everyone else does?

that looks like a torture device

If you have severe pain, I find it only helps a little. Rest and not moving much is more important. It works wonders when you feel it start to flare up. I liken it to stretching your muscles when they're tense. It helps when it's starting to get bad and will prevent it from getting too bad.

My fatass keeps sleeping on my shoulder and I sprained it, what do

It actually feels very nice

Just how everyone else does. I try to sit upright and only use my core to stabilize. It's very easy to slouch and use your feet/weight to stabilize yourself, which defeats the purpose of the exercise.

for me, when I feel a sciatica episode coming on (or when I do some shit that I know will set it off, like walking on sand), I take 800mg of ibuprofen, use the inversion table 30 minutes later, and it disappears before it starts.

Based. I got one of those too. Thanks. One thing is for damn sure, my core is weak.

I have an idea for a contraption, either cut a hole out of the bottom of a chair and bingo, or get a deck chair but prop it up to a wall or something so instead of putting weight on your ass you’re putting it on your legs, or get a standing desk.

I think it was Dostoevsky who said the most contented man in the world is one with a tooth ache.
The rest of us have to suffer and blame it on uncaring faceless forces of the universe who cannot be fought against... But the man with a tooth ache is able to name specifically the source of all his sorrows. Those aren't moans of pain, but ecstasy.

How do you sleep? Or rest?

I think Dostoevsky was an asshole full of shit.

Roll up a hand towel and put it under your lower back. It helps a lot when sleeping.

put a table on top of your table

Um sweaty... havent you tried just not being disabled? Its not difficult

My back is positively fucked and when I see someone put on the rack in a movie I just think about how good that would feel on my back.

i have sciatica pain, what cured it was losing weight and strenghtening my core muscles (front back and side) with isometric holds. and finding a chair that doesnt fuck my shit up also helps.
oh and try to stand up and move around every 3-5 hours, dont stay sitting down for fucking 16 hours straight duh

That thing just reminds me of that mangaka with the sexy girls and the light blue haired chick, who went full madman with all his different iterations of DIY "chairs" and "desks".

don't knock torture devices, the rack is actually fun, getting stretched a bit feels nice. Obviously there is a limit.

weren't medieval "racks" actually medical equipment?

I've looked up what's causing my leg/back pain and it says it's either this or a herniated disc but none of the exercises have helped, it's been like 3 months since this pain started and I can't play vidya anymore, or stand up and walk even. And I have carpal tunnel too.

How tf do i deal with back pain? lower specifically
It just hurts so much

Do this
You'll feel better in a month or less

Or you can let your body die.
I'm serious. Use it or lose it

You don't outside of getting painkillers for it. If your back is bothering you at an early age, you're fucked.

I'm 30

rest in piece user

hopefully there's vidya to play in heaven, purgatory, or hell

Improve your posture.
Start doing exercises to strengthen your lower back and core.
Get orthotic inserts for your shoes (if your feet are fucked its the start of a chain reaction that will fuck up the rest of you).
Stop sitting on your wallet.
Drink more water.
When you're in the shower let hot water run on your lower back then use the knuckles on both hands to run up and down your spine and adjacent muscles. Do it as hard as you can stand and keep going.

I go to a chiropractor every couple months. I was kind of iffy on it because I'd heard they were basically just fake doctors, but I went from not being able to get out of bed to having 0 back pain. My guy doesn't do jerk twist pop shit and prescribes posture exercises though so not exactly what you might picture of a chiro

What about claudication? I spent a year without exercise and I get sharp pain in my legs when I walk, no clots

Probably, a lot of the shit they show off when talking about muh dark ages didn't even exist really, they were blueprints, so I wouldn't be surprised if a buncha stuff had original uses totally unrelated to torture. The wheel looks like it could've been an attempt to alleviate back or spinal issues, if you remove the fire and spikes stuff. Maybe the golden pear was meant to assist in dilation during labor.

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that's probably imposible to to someone with sciatica unless drugged up.
he probably needs yoga-like exercises tol get started

looks painful af
Reverse hyper might help. In any case you need rehabilitation, not videogames.

I can play while having pinworms
What's the problem

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That is an early age for back pain.

Doubt it

I'm sorry junkies screwed you over, user
back in the day, you have been on great painkillers

Anyone have any good home remedies for a sore throat + coughing thick mucus. Its annoyting and killing my sleep

This is a nice thread. For someone that works 8 to 6 sitting is literally a pain to get home and game. Dumb as I am, I thought the chair from work was just better because I am fine all day so I got a new one and it didn't change anything. I can't sit for a long period at home. I will try some exercises and techs you guys said. Thanks a lot. Not OP here.