*enhances your vidya*
*enhances your vidya*
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California makes objectively good wine that BTFOs Yurop in blind tastings. Seethe, cope, and dilate accordingly.
I'd rather slowly sip beer.
did you just say something positive about california..... how do you even call yourself a christian
Depends on the kind of game. I can't drink and play anything that involves reflexes or brainpower for obvious reasons, but drinking alone and playing RPGs or TFT have been some of my fondest vidya experiences.
>red wine
>shoulder jug
>no cork
this pisses me off more than it should
>The Paris Wine Tasting of 1976, also known as the Judgment of Paris, was a wine competition organized in Paris on 24 May 1976 by Steven Spurrier, a British wine merchant and his colleague, Patricia Gallagher, in which French judges carried out two blind tasting comparisons: one of top-quality Chardonnays and another of red wines (Bordeaux wines from France and Cabernet Sauvignon wines from California).A Californian wine rated best in each category, which caused surprise as France was generally regarded as being the foremost producer of the world's best wines. Spurrier sold only French wine and believed that the California wines would not win.
>Although Spurrier had invited many reporters to the original 1976 tasting, the only reporter to attend was George M. Taber from Time, who promptly revealed the results to the world. The horrified and enraged leaders of the French wine industry then banned Spurrier from the nation's prestigious wine-tasting tour for a year, apparently as punishment for the damage his tasting had done to its former image of superiority.
Frenchies BTFO
Yes except I get the 4L Sweet Rose
California is also god tier in terms of landscape diversity. And one of my favorite beers comes from there.
I bought a maple syrup thing like this too for like 8 bucks. It is real maple not corn syrup but probably not worth it and is really small amount.
> 32
> can only play vidya while drinking
> eventually get hammered but still manage to be kill leader amongst my friends
> after I smoke weed it’s downhill mostly
I only know this because I am hung over, and didn’t have weed
We can't stop winning, Americhuds
California is also leading the country in AIDS cases, COVID cases - despite some of the harshest restrictions in the country over the past few years, and homelessness.
Go back to your containment board Druk fag
What beer?
>California is also leading the country in... COVID cases
Per capita, they rank below national average in cases and deaths.
Russia's great love machine.
rent free
people play games drunk? it just makes you terrible at them, you reactions get destroyed and so does your hand eye coordination. Stims go better with gaming, but then you probably won't be able to focus on the game either and you will start doing 10 different things at once
That's for mixing not for drinking dumbass. Not even fit to be table wine
I think my alcohol tolerance is too high, sipping on beer or wine barely gives me a buzz. Has to have some kind of hard liquor.
sometimes you don't want to epically own people in competitive multiplayer games. You may just want to play Pyro or Engineer in TF2 and laugh at the silly stuff that happens.
I don't poison my body.
maple syrup?
beer will always be the gamer's alcoholic beverage
no no no, "homelessness"
based Old Rasputin enjoyer
Liquor store user here, I've never seen anyone under the age of 40 buy these
Enhances your drive home
>and homelessness
...because other states literally dump their homeless in California.
by that same french excellence
Only good Californian is a dead one lol
And what does that have to do with the land and soil you stupid faggot?
I love playing drunk because weird shit always happens
Glitches and weird exploits just randomly happen when I'm drunk. When I'm sober nothing ever happens but as soon as the liquor hits suddenly I'm wall clipping and NPCs start acting weird.
I can't drink if I want to play, because otherwise It's just getting boring to me and I go to sleep
i dont play online games but still you can't play anything that requires any sort of reflexes or reactions. Porbably limited to a text heavy crpg or something
Canadian here. I'm marrying my Californian gf and grabbing a green card. I'll see you.ok the other side gentlemen
I've done pretty well on some really intense games while obscenely drunk.
I think my record in the Cybergrind while playing ULTRAKILL was when I was wasted.
>Per capita
so the only number that matters lol?
Don't you chuds get that eternally seething about California makes you look like jealous fags?
>Evil Dead the Game coming out this Friday
>Want to make a Pink Fuck
>No Ketamine
In all seriousness though I've seen a few recipes online and it seems like it might taste alright aside from the crippling diabeetus.
>35 years old
>can barely drink five long necks before my headache starts
being old is shit, i just can't deal with alcohol anymore
hey hey people, what you think of the new video?
America will be infinitly better once Cali falls into the pacific lol
Same. It's quite odd. Especially my phone starts acting very weird
veeyh beey LAWUNG NECK get that up ya
it was good, liked it more than his last review
>Not drinking pre workouts for maximum performance and get hands shaky enough to help you mash buttons in fighting games
I have covid and am drunk. Not sure if I'm even awake right now.
>your average yetard
Don't know what you gamers are talking about regarding reflexes and performance, I've gotta be too blasted to see straight before I start playing anything any worse
Red wine kinda sucks. Maybe I haven't had a truly good red wine but as it stands I'd rather have a white wine or basically any other alcohol(besides rum because that upsets my stomach for some reason).
Alcohol makes vidya boring to me and I just feel like talking, listening to music, or shitposting online.
>have one
>feel nothing
>it’s like 1200 calories per can
I feel robbed
u probably drank the censored version
Yes, if you're looking at California's covid stats per capita, they faired better than the national average.
the trick is to not get too drunk
there is a moment where you enter a state of clarity, it's actually feels pretty amazing
like clearing a clogged nose and you can breath again but in your brain
>being drunk while sick
Why the fuck would you do that to yourself?
>despite some of the harshest restrictions in the country
On paper, but a lot of counties, mine included, said "yeah the state senate can say whatever they want but we're not going to enforce this"
just say you have the flu
covid is the jewed name for flu
They're fairly alcoholic for the size but the real issue comes in that they don't really taste like alcohol to most people so they drink too many too quick as opposed to them drinking beer slower. Plus the modern ones are neutered cause people kept dying drinking them
Alcohol dulls the senses and dilutes the experience. Cannabis enhances vidya if anything