Only those with a 3 million eq can post in this thread

Only those with a 3 million eq can post in this thread.

Attached: D3_Mao.png (725x1026, 419.98K)

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dont know what that means



Attached: maolaugh.png (250x242, 66.89K)

I am evil enough to sell my brothers for a whiff of Etna's pits, dood


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Thread theme

Worst Protag

remember kids, those of you with nice big TVs, make sure to dim the lights and sit as close as possible!

what did she mean by this?

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Wasn't it 1.8 million EQ?
When did it become 3?

Adjusted for inflation.

he's become smarter (and more evil) since then dood

If only she wasn't straight.

It merely means /ll/ makes the world go round.

disgaea 3 is the game that made me fall out of love with NIS and disgea 4 is the one that actively made me stop buying their games

Just finished the main storymode for the game the other week and am on to power leveling. I'm not sure whether it's worth leveling the base generics I already have or starting from the improved generics I've unlocked since. I can't wait to see what the cultural fair scenario is all about.


For me it's Priere!

Attached: LPT_Priere.png (505x995, 403.12K)

Not liking Disgaea 3 is common enough, but usually I see people say that Disgaea 4 is one of their favorites. What'd you hate about it?

God i wish that were me (left)

Attached: 84189246_p0.jpg (724x600, 163.56K)

That is a fat fucking tail. No wonder Kyouko wanted to knit a warmer for it.

suffocating inside prieres asshole..

fat, puffy tail

Rate your favorite Disgaeas from most loved to most hated

for me, its the necrololi

Attached: majorita muahahaha.png (1776x1420, 1.1M)

Forgot 6 but it doesn't matter as it's last anyway

anyone got some of those "why am I so flat" comics?

Infinite > Prinny > 3 > 1 > 4 > DD2
DD2 is the only one on this list that I didn't like and that's solely for the story regressing from 1

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Of course

Attached: flat5.png (800x400, 107.43K)

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All I've got on hand

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I always fuck up when I upgrade my computer, thinking that I don't need all the old memes and formats my HDD just to later realize that I miss some comics

why is she so flat?


she didn't eat her hell pepper and touches herself at night
Why is it so good?

it's what disgaea 3 could have been

1(Etna Mode)=2(Axel Mode)I've only played 1 and 2.

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God fucked up and accidentally forgot to give her any flaws

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I didn't care for the story becoming even more of a joke then the previous games where it was just an excuse for the characters to spout the same catchphrases/gimmicks over and over in every single scene and make references to stuff.
I didn't care that they made another game with more dlc then it cost to buy the game itself
I didn't care that they didn't actually fix any of the stupid changes disgaea 3 made, they just tried to improve them. disgaea 1/2 were cool because you had the actual game and then the meta game of coming up with out of the box ideas to get past actually playing it, but disgaea 3/4 felt more like they were just a game that you grind stuff in with a lot more restrictions on character progression tied to stuff out of your control instead of being able to jerk off in the item world for half an hour at the start of the game and already be way ahead of the power curve.

I had always felt like their non disgaea games were better anyway so them only making disgaea was a real shame. labrnyth of refrain was ok but it kinda felt like the same thing where what sounds like they could be cool meta mechanics (breaking down the walls in a drpg, every character being their own entire drpg party) ended up just being gimmicks

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its a question not even science knows the answer to

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>every main disgaea even 6 is on pc but 3

Why wont they release it on pc?

This is the last one I have that hasn't been posted.

Attached: Flat.png (750x390, 229.33K)

Of all things in D3 I keep forgetting that Master Big Star exists

sorry but etna is for flonne (this is official art btw)

Attached: etnaxflonne.jpg (1000x1395, 492.87K)

I hated

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thanks dood

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Yeah that's all pretty fair.
>so them only making disgaea was a real shame
I mean, they still make plenty of other games but none of them seem as good or catch my eye as much as their PS2/PSP era catalog

Etna might be for Flonne, but Laharl is also for Flonne as shown in this official art.
Really, Flonne is just greedy.

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Disgaea 3 Vita version
Worth playing?

was good grinding for me while I was traveling

It's the definitive version of Disgaea 3. If you have any interest in D3 then play it on that.

I really liked 6's story but the gameplay really held it back. Still havent done post game

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Me in the background
I've yet to play 6, what's wrong with it?

To be fair most people probably do, he really doesn't have that much screentime

You mean Master Bigster

well, they removed a bunch of classes and a lot of the skills arent very well animated. it's a symptom of their transition to 3D.

Definitely. It's a big improvement over the PS3 version and makes the grind fun when you can pull it out on a whim. The new storylines and characters are cool too.

It added some nice QoL features but got rid of other things like classes. The DI system is interesting but having the game based around using the auto grind wasnt a good feeling. It wasnt the worst game ive played but you could really feel the budget this time around. Zed's cool though

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NISA is too busy with trails right now from what I can tell, then porting other games like Makai Kingdom. You can emulate the PS3 version, but the Vita version of 3 is what makes it actually good IMO.

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>her clammy eyes are her charming points
harada is based

>since she's yellow she loves curry

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