Name the game

Name the game

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Gothic, deus ex, arcanum, kings field
Satisfied? Your thread is shit

Super metroid after playing the gba ones and dread

Ninja Gaiden

You're baiting for Elden Ring.
So, Elden Ring.

I've yet to play a game that was too clunky for me to enjoy

Backyard Skateboarding

Guilty Gear XX

Unironically the first Super Mario Bros.

Mega Man 1


I cant name a game because im not a zoomer

megaman 1 isnt any more clunky than the other 5 OGs, although X1 and X2 can feel a little slow compared to 4 and 5

Fuck off to twitter now!


cant cuz im not a tranny schizo.

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Making fun of nerds long predates Twitter.

Not to be rude but, retard.

>im not a tranny schizo.
uh huh.

No, you.

i’m a 21 year old zoomer and beat all of these as a teenager

I fucking hate zoomers

Tenchu 1 and 2. I beat them back in the day but the draw distance aged like Millie Bobby Brown.

alien soldier

Baldur's Gate. The implementation of the tabletop mechanics to a video game was too literal and ill-fitting.

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Wow user you deserve a prize
Maybe every person in this thread can leave a (you) for the biggest bestest gamer boy of all

Even if you're joking I hate you.
All three ninja gaiden games have ruined all other action games for me, past present and future..

Currently experiencing this with Dark Souls (PtD edition) after Elden Ring, still gonna finish it though.

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based fellow zoomer fuck this faggot for being wrong


I mean, older games can be clunky but so long as it's still fun I don't mind. I enjoyed the original Metroid and Zelda games. I imagine that a ball bustingly hard game would be less tolerable but I have yet to play one like that.

Fucking hell this, I only played Zero Mission and Samus Returns but going back to Super after that felt like shit, still haven't finished it.
I get that it was revolutionary for the time but dunno how anyone can prefer it over the newer ones.

dark souls 1


master of orion 2
I love Conquer the stars just wish it was optimized to not run like shit

It has clunk but also more freedom compared to ZM. Variable move speed and weird tech like machball make up for the gap in handle ability, for me anyway. What really made me enjoy super was the atmosphere provided by the music/art, and the map which I found at least to be better than fusion and SR.

dragon's dogma

Donkey Kong 64 is actually unplayable

>winged spear
You are my nigger

Dark Souls

final fantasy. you get stuck in the corners so many times trying to get to some place

>literal tiktok meme spam

final fantasy vii*

This place really does have the same goddamn threads every day doesn't it

Same here, my fellow 21 year old zoomer.

System Shock 1

Wouldnt a hardcore nerd like tryhard games with clunky though?

Maybe it's because I've never really played much in the way of Metroid games, but I honestly thought Dread felt a bit clunky. Granted, clunky may not be the correct word, I just thought it felt bad that you had to be moving to preform a double jump.

etrian odyssey 1 and 2

Lula the sexy empire.

I played it on xemu with save states and beat it.

Ratchet & Clank 1
it's so inferior to R&C2 when it comes to overall gameplay that it's astounding

stop reposting this you loathsome dung eater

I will never call super bad but goddamn is going from 360 aiming to only straight/up/45 degrees awful.

Super Mario Sunshine, feels like I'm slipping around on wet dogshit compared to the smoothness and weightiness of 64.

Most 32-bit era stuff and anything earlier. I'm well over 30 and my first vidya was Mario 3, but I guess I got used to being spoonfed along the way.

You can usually get used to "clunky" games after a while if you're set on beating it. Unless it requires insane grinding.
At least this thread is discussion of video games. Like 50% of this garbage fire board is politics/race bait.

For me it means unintiuitive AI. I started playing Outlaws recently and the game itself is fun, but the engine when handling non-game functions it starts showing its age. When you go to adjust the mouse options, it takes several seconds and minimizes the game to bring up the configuration for it. To change more advanced graphics settings you have to exit the game and dig around in the game files for a separate config application and change it there. Even going to save the game takes like 10 seconds for it to bring up the main menu. If you die and restart, even that is a hard cut to black for just long enough to worry something went wrong.
>wow user are you really nitpicking about seconds?
Shit adds up.

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How would you know its from tiktok? I dont use that so i wouldn't know mr angry zoomie

>knowing your enemy bad
Tired and worn out comeback. Also someone else said it in a previous thread since this meme is being spammed.

This is such an unfunny and forced meme
Go back to all of you
>inb4 unfunny wojak spam

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This outrage might have been valid 10 years ago but if you think Yea Forums is any better than those places now you are new or delusional.

>who cares, Yea Forums bad anyways
Nice, I haven't seen this one in a while.

Okay teenaged user, you can have the last word. But it is really embarrassing when you do free quality control on this cesspool of a board. Because it blatantly shows you were not here when it was good. I won't see your reply by the way. :)

>Played it on Xemu
You didn't beat it.

Anybody who played Monster Hunter starting with World

why is this gay twitter meme from months ago getting spammed here suddenly

Codename 47 and Silent Assassin

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It’s a common complaint for Monster hunter, predominantly among those that started with world or rise

someone said it is in this same template thread earlier today and i believe him

games with locational damage?

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I loved silent assassin, when i was a kid and discovered you could smuggle weapons in through the groceries it blew my mind. Also the sniper mission being told the characteristics of your target. So cool at the time as a kid.

Monster Hunter 1 and 2

Niggers 3

Risk of rain
God I hate ror2 only fags

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