What is this company's best game?

What is this company's best game?

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Nier Automata

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Of course.

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Metal Gear Rising

za wandarfaru wan o wan

Wonderful 101.
Though Astral Chain is my favorite.

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W101 Remastered
>purely based on the combat
TF Devastation
Anarchy Reigns

Bottom 3 are Babylon's Fall (their only outright awful game), Mutants in Manhattan, and Astral Chain.

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You must be brain dead to think Astral Chain belongs anywhere near the bottom, it’s not worse than Infinite Space, or Korra, or Star Fox Zero
I see the contrarianism makes perfect sense now

Platinum Games is doomed to produce shit like Bablyon's Fall and other garbage games because we live in the timeline where Nier Automata succeeded and The Wonderful 101 failed.

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Boatloads of content and things to do, gameplay is unbeaten in terms of satisfaction and the entire game is made with love from the menus to the levels ro the music.

I get why pure action game fags might not like Astral Chain but it is mad underrated.

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>Infinite Space
Didn't play but I had heard mostly good things.
Extremely low on content but the combat itself feels good. Biggest crime was launching for $15-20.
They just did assets and other grunt work, they didn't really develop it.

Astral Chain isn't even bad, I just think it's a 6/10 which is worse than most of their games that I've played. TMNT was 5/10 and Babylon is a 3/10 at best. Nothing contrarian, that's just how I feel.

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Nier Automata

Everything else is shit

Yoko Taro is just incapable of directing anything fun. Automata probably could've been good with a couple of big design changes. Taura really needs to get over his hatred of combos though.

I feel bad for Kamiya. This isn't an industry that rewards depth over immediate appeal.

>liking the Wonderful 101 makes you a contrarian
I wonder how many people have actually seen the production value gone into The Wonderful 101.
Most people probably just took one look at the isometric camera and assumed that it was some small side project without ever realizing that was literally Platinum's next Bayonetta.
It isn't some meme pick, this is easily one of Platinum's highest effort games from an objective standpoint.

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Kamiya is too stubborn for his own good and he's admitted as such multiple times. He's not only idealistic but hates to deviate from his own ideal until he's forced to. I love Wonderful 101 and such but the man needs a Mikami-like figure he respects to tell him to shut up and do something once in a while.

That action game where you play as that hot chick

Kamiya blocked Bayo from being in Project X Zone thinking the first meeting of her and Dante should be more important and he regretted that almost immediately after the game came out. Then the first official meeting between the two was technically in the SMT gacha where they are both guests.

Well PXZ fucking sucked, so nothing was lost.

It's an excellent fanservice vessel with nice sprites. Having Bayo and Dante officially interact in dialogue and combat while having official sprites for her would've been better than nothing.

I find that platinum only does well when they're handed an IP from someone else. They're OC ideas are all shit with very few exceptions.

I see what they were trying to go for with Babylon's fall, a game that people can invest more time into through incremental updates and expansions. However, they killed it, because person in charge of integrating the payment system into the game was a hack. Also they made the unfortunate choice of releasing next to Elden Ring.

However, I think in time if they keep working on Babylon's fall they might have a cash cow that can keep them afloat. I love platinum games stories but they need a long term strategy. Something like a destiny or genshin impact that rewards people for investing in complex fighting.

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>parroting cocksosis
Ok drone

>shallow, braindead simple button-mashing combat
>your dash is not actually for positioning but just gives you a ton of i-frames. It's just a braindead react button that nullifies all damage, just spam it in any direction to prevent damage
>world is empty and soulless, filled with constant invisible walls, random garbage lying around arbitrarily, and bullet sponge enemies (if you run past will just lead to you being underleveled/undergeared)
>quest design is extremely basic and repetitive fetch quests
>camera has constant jarring forced switches
>free camera is terrible even after messing around with the options; really weird angle and constantly gets caught on walls in smaller spaces
>enemies are braindead hordes of harmless trash mobs with tons of hp
>bosses are boring fights against generic robots with basic attacks but absolutely massive pools of health
>enemies and bosses are extremely unbalanced since your damage and stats increase so much with upgrades. If you aren't wasting time wandering the empty world for shitty fetch quests, gathering crafting garbage, or grinding trash mobs, then the enemies quickly become massive sponges
>"open-world" game that is an on-rails linear path with invisible walls absolutely everywhere
>outside of the tutorial, items are absurdly cheap and you can just spam them with no downside
>pseudointellectual snoozefest story with completely unappealing characters
>tons of half-baked ideas like praying for player corpses, shitty tedious hacking sections, acting like saving is core to the story then you can like every two minutes including from the menu after the prologue, copying Souls bloodstain but doesn't matter because you never die and you lose very little if you do, all the half-assed shmup sections, etc.
Nier Automata was never a good game

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Every game needs rocket knees.

Coming from a professional W101 enjoyer it's objectively Bayonetta 1

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Trying saying that again in english, champ.
I played this game and fell in love with it on release day long before some irish dude on the internet made a review on it. Everything I said is true and wasn't even a talking point in any of Matthew's videos to begin with.
Discarding every person who's ever liked this game as just "a mathew drone" ironically makes you the biggest drone of them all.

Sol Cresta


Wonderful 101

No I would genuinely pay full price for a platinum made MMO that I can invest my time into. If MGR:R has 50 hours of more content I'd love that. They make fun characters and stories but they just need to be working with another team to bring out their best otherwise they get distracted.

Also nier was fucking great. 9S' story was very great, a boy denied his waifu. Their should've made a destiny like game using nier automata where you play as yorha soldiers in a perpetual war. They made their amazing frame for a multiplayer game but just left it as a singleplayer story. It's frustrating how little ambition they have to fully grasp their opportunity.

Astral Chain.

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Seems like a solid game overall but for $40? I'm not a big shmup guy but I know there's some fantastic ones on Steam you can pick up for $20 or less.

That's a lot of text.
Would be a shame if nobody read it...

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The problem with babylons fall is that it's just objectively shit. Even if it was F2P the combat design is legitimately platinums worst.

I want to say The Wonderful 101 because I truly believe that, but apparently you can't like that game without people trying to unearth some "secret true motive"..
>you just want people to think you're quirky for picking the flop
>matthewmatosis this matthewmatosis that
I just like the game. Cry about it.

not reading it, take your meds user

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The top piece of bun on the left looks comically small.

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Probably Anarchy Reigns or Vanquish

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All trash opinions
MGRR is the only good platinum game btw

Probably because it was developed during covid. It's sad but hopefully they can come back

Revengeance is probably the best of theirs. Babylons Fall might be a decent game one day if they make it free to play but I don’t know how that shit looks so much worse than the reveal a few years ago

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Marie is cute.

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>vijounne has more porn than immorta

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Astral Chain's framerate alone makes it a terrible action game.
MGR is the best overall game.

My personal ranking:

S tier
>The Wonderful 101
>Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

A tier
>Bayonetta 2

B tier
>Nier Automata
>Transformers Devastation

C tier
>Anarchy Reigns

Haven't played
>Astral Chain
>Star Fox Zero
>Babylon's Fall
>The Legend of Korra
>TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan
>Sol Cresta
>Infinite Space

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Where's godhand you faggot

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That's Clover Studio. I'd include it if I could.

Made by a different company you retard

It's the same shit

>PlatinumGames Inc. is a Japanese video game developer that was founded in October 2007 as result of a merger between two companies, Seeds Inc. and Odd Inc. Shinji Mikami, Atsushi Inaba, and Hideki Kamiya founded Seeds Inc. after the closure of Capcom's Clover Studio, while Odd Inc. was founded by Tatsuya Minami.

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You're right, it is the same shit, but OP specified "Platinum".
Sorry broski, I don't make the rules.

Platinum games is not a town or a company. It's a people. We, are paltinum games.

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Vijounne is the only other character besides Pink that got any spotlight in the trailers so there you go.

Also like half of Immorta's art fucks up her eye colour and it drives me nuts.

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Bayonetta has amazing gameplay.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance has amazing story.
The Wonderful 101 has amazing gameplay and amazing story.

Get fucked Nier Automata.

>Metal Gear Rising Revengeance has amazing story.

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