Master duel

Is the player base smart enough to use this correctly?

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user they can't read

>Triamid players dont exist. You can't trick me.

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You're a mad man.
How do they play?

Threadly reminder
>new cut-in animations added
>Rainbow Dragon
>Mayosenju Daibak
>Armed Dragon Thunder Lv 10
>Vampire Voivode
>Abyss Actor Supestar
>Starry Night Dragon
>Armityle the Chaos Phantasm - Phantom of Fury
>Fossil Warrior Skull King
>GeoMathmech Final Sigma
>Ruddy Rose Dragon
>Windwitch Diamond Bell
>Penguin Brave
>Number C101 Silent Honor DARK
>Bujintei Susanowo
>Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi
>Nephthys, the Sacred Flame
>Reptilianne Echidna
>Danger, Nessie!
>Protecting Spirit Loagaeth
>Flower Cardian Moonflower
>Number C88: Gimmick Puppet Disaster Leo
>Marincess Wonder Heart

If your deck doesn't have an animation you're literally soulless and don't exist, don't bother replying to me

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>>Vampire Voivode
If only we got new zombie support as well but I'll take it

left or right for a semi-serious fun deck on a budget?

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its happening

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Same energy

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You'll actually win games with sacred beasts, and you can do silly things like run true draco sacred beasts or chaos sacred beasts that send the gods to the graveyard for fusion summoning

both are expensive but the sacred beasts are somewhat useful unlike the god cards who are completely useless

They're good at blocking, I need to change a few things up but it's pretty funny to pop dice jar or actually get out exxod.
Priminerals add a good amount of power which is why I pother running fateful hour.
They lose a lot but I'm having fun.

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I can't think of a single deck I play that can use this.

I'm totally paypigging for that, I hope is not expensive.

missing 3
>Ghostrick Alucard
>Celestial Knightlord Parshath
>S-Force Justify

Half the people I play against can't even use designator right

Ok but doko the fuck is new event?

it will probably be 600 considering it's basically 2 mates in 1

Thunder dragon with batteryman solar

With the gem prices konami set everything is expensive!

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Some nigga just sent three Kitts as a cost for Droplet

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>Opponent negates something of mine turn 1
>Tab out and wait for the duel to end
>Get to stay in Gold forever, far away from the combofags

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The speed with which they add these animations is kinda pathetic considering how simple they are and how hard they are outclassed by fucking Duel Links' summoning cutscenes.

>$12 doesn't even get you 7 virtual packs
Imagine paying for this game

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my god

Still trying to make this deck even though I don't have three of every UR.
I WILL make them work one of these days. But fuck me if they don't make it hard.

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No madame Verre

>check new dailies
>accidentally redeem one I didn't want to do again because it wouldn't move
I miss the old menu already

At least they took duel live and login off the same screen as the dailies so you don't accidentally hit the redeem all when you go to get those.

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>DPE/Swordsoul in three days
are they just going to have 3 selection packs now? i was supposed to have another month to save

>fairy tail snow
This wouldn't be so bad if Shadolls didn't dump their whole fucking deck to the GY. Makes comebacks impossible

But yes Aruru
???? the fuck are you doing
evil heel is never used, he's dismantle bait
you need pots
why the fuck do you only have one maxx c

So, How well will they do in the fusion event?

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>see this
>opponent is a drytroon that called bys the ash they would have played through any way
of to a great start today

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Anyone else getting this?

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>dpe/swordsoul in 3 days
>metagame is still garbage and will most likely continue to be garbage after the banlist

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cardiansisters.. we won

I am

Can you even call it a ban list when nothing got banned?
Nothing on that list severely impacts those decks and the ones that did get hit can easily add in more shit to patch those holes

you're deck can probably be made to work with it as long as it isn't some gay no monster gimmick deck

>how will this is trash tier deck do in the same event that will have Invoked, Shaddoll and HEROs/DPE legal

Can you drop out of Diamond?


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Evil heel is absolutely used you idiot.
user you really need 3 Wild Hope and only 1 Sassy Rookie if any. Run 3 Curtain raiser and you don't need Wild Wagon at all.

they didn't hit anything hard in this banlist simply to keep the power of DPE and Adventurer in check

The current tier 1 decks can't easily adjust to run adventurer AND DPE, most can only play 1

can't run any
maybe dpe
>virtual world

theyre releasing too many decks i am interested in at once!! i went from having no interest in new decks to having not enough gems

Only when the ranks reset

You meant to post Floowandereeze, Swordsoul is an honest deck.

Truly limiting Laolao to two was the way to put that nasty virtual world playing VDF on T1 down.

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>People keep wasting their negates on my synchros

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>Ib was tier 1 in a TCG format before Halq came out making her even more broken
Never ever

Duel links cutscense are way too slow for a game like this. And while there are still some archetypes that are missing some like Plunders I think the majority of everything vaguely meta has at least one now. If they start giving them out too much then they stop feeling special.

Red Reboot bros, how do we petition for a better animation

What makes them trash?
That they can't pump out 4+ fusions in a turn?

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>scythe lock vs based birds
ranked is gonna be dumb

>have droplet set
>opponent summons construct
>sends some Shadoll to GY and the effect lets it destroy droplet
>it never let me chain it
What? Why? I know i can't use it in response to the summon of construct because of meltdown but why can't I chain it to the GY effect? This only reinforces me to never set droplet again

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The hilarious thing is that VW would still be top tier even if VFD was banned.

I play machina, I love pulling machina citadel 2 times per turn with one of the most kino animation.

they can't out winda in a fusion-only format
they kneel to maxx c
they kneel to nibiru
they kneel to droplet
they kneel to kaijus
It doesn't matter how hard you can extend if the field you end up making is ass

i mean the banlist didn't even try to hit the obvious shit in the current top-tier decks. you really think the metagame's gonna be salvaged after the banlist on top of having the shit the TCG's been bitching about for how long?

Now that I think about it is it because it's on the same chain as the summon? Meaning i have no valid targets?

>Sawatari decks got animations

Okay but is there any new music at all?
B-bros?!?!? I thought you guys told me Master Duel is souless?!?!

Will they all become irrelevant? If so what sort of new decks will come about that can stop a turn 1 Drytron? I want to believe the hype but I'm gonna need more evidence from people.

>and you don't need Wild Wagon at all.
Really? I always thought that it had the strongest pop effect because it's just drowning mirror force but better.
But I'll try to reshuffle it like you say and see how it goes for consistency.

>tfw you beat a 60 card grass shaddoll

Music is tied to stage, but as there's no new stages no new music....

>New Machina card(s)
>Grandmaster Hanzo mate
>City and desert ruins fields
>More Magikey
>have over 2k gems saved up
I am so ready for this content drop.

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invoked and dpe rely on link monsters for their turn 1 plays