Ok yah, I’m excited for splatoon 3

Ok yah, I’m excited for splatoon 3.

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Nobody else?

>already been 7 years since Splat 1 came out
Fuck, I am getting old

I am, I guess. I just hope that the social posts in the hub are less faggy than the ones I saw in 2.

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Testfire soon?

I'm excited but it feels like there's very little Splatoon 3 info out. I have been getting back a bit into Splatoon 2 though.

They would do that at least a few weeks before launch, and apparently it's coming out july according to leaks

Release date got announced, it's September 9.

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Imagine if we got bumped up to August dudes... early September is better than late September at least.

Artwork > Positivity > Memes >>> Politics/Alphabet shit
Also I hate Twitter.

Will i need nso to play the testfire? I don't have nso cause i don't need it but I'll buy one just for this game

Earliest in June, latest by August.

>according to leaks
Is this from the usual batch of Twitter/Yea Forums leaks that begin cropping up every few months, when hype for a potential Direct starts to build up? Haven't seen anything on Yea Forums, admittedly... nor Twitter.

So could we expect new game modes or are the ones from 2 the same from 1?

>Splatoon 1 introduces Splat Zones, Tower Control, and Rainmaker
>Splatoon 2 brings all three back, while introducing Clam Blitz
The real question is whether or not the developers will remove existing game modes, or continue to add more over time. Splatoon 2 did have both an "8 Ball" and a "Rocket" Ranked game mode in the works, as revealed through hacking, though neither were officially implemented. Point is, I would expect more game modes. Those are easily some the biggest changes the developers can add between games.

Would be funny if they just kept adding more modes and kept rank rotation so you wouldn't see particular map/mode combinations for weeks.

Never realized how brutal that would be until you spelled it out lmao. Imagine being a huge fan of one mode in particular, and being unable to play it until, like, two in the morning, when one has to wake up at six for work or classes. Even worse if it happens to be on the player's least favourite stage.
Is there any way ensure every game mode has a fair window of play, while still retaining the rotation system?

Shorter windows maybe? But the window transition is probably the worst and most awkward thing about the rotation system. Or maybe multiple rotating ranked playlists that people can select from.

Fucking hate having all those modes locked to ranked, I'm a retard who has anxiety on competitive games and I just can't ignore that pointless number, how I wish they would at the very least have Turf / Ranked / Casual "extra" modes, I like Splat Zones and Tower Control but don't feel like playing ranked on any kind of game.

Can rotations become any shorter than they already are? Splatoon 1 has four-hour windows, while Splatoon 2 has two-hour windows. One-hour may be slightly cramped, but I am unsure. Having two game modes up at a time seems like it would be a great idea to me.
>Turf War w/ two stages
>Ranked Mode 1 w/ two stages
>Ranked Mode 2 w/ two stages
>League Battle w/ its own game mode and two stages
The third game should have a great deal of stages at its disposal by this point, so it is not like there will be any shortage in options.

Genuinely know that feeling. There is absolutely zero way I will ever care about a "Ranked" or "competitive" mode in any game I play. Ever. League Battle is essentially the "unranked/free" way to participate in those modes. One still needs to achieve B- in at least one Ranked game mode prior, however, on top of having one or three other people to play with.

Good opportunity to get over it then. Hell you could do it in Splatoon 2 right now since it's end-of-life and nobody cares.
Even people that suck should play ranked because that way they can at least get even matches.

They can't really reuse legacy stages without rebuilding them. Splatoon gets memed on a lot for being a rehash, but the details of the game are completely different. Every Splatoon 2 map is fucking massive compared to Splatoon 1 because the games were going for something different. Even the maps that got brought over ended up being a different scale and playing differently. Splatoon 3 will hopefully have its own style too but that means that the maps need to be built for purpose.

I was late to the party on Splatoon 1, and was so late on 2 that I never got it. I'm gonna get 3 day one

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If you're not limited on cash, just by S2 now. You don't need to wait at all. 3 months is plenty of time and there is plenty of content. and you'll have an advantage when you go into 3. If cash or time isn't an issue I don't know why people do this to themselves.

I think people have gotten accustomed to FOTM/annual releases killing multiplayer games early. But Splatoon 2 has been around for like five years already and has two singleplayer campaigns.

Get 2 anyway, the main story is meh but multiplayer is still decently populated and octo expansion is pretty solid

The politics bullshit really didn't start until after they stopped doing splatfests. And yeah I really fucking hate it. Nothing worse than being reminded of retarded shit happening in the real world in your escapism.


Yeah I need to work on that, sames happens with Smash, it is my favorite game of all time but I ruin my own fun, granted I'm terrible at it, was at like 150k gsp and all that number did was sour my enjoyment. I'll finish 2 games on backlog and resub again to play Splatoon 2 and Smash online.

Good luck user. Only way to get over rank anxiety is to play more.

As I was typing my reply out, I did think about that. Nearly all returning stages, if not every one if them, were expanded upon being added into Splatoon 2. Likewise, all of Splatoon 2's stages are larger overall. At the very least, given the time between the second game and the third, I would like to think Splatoon 3 will have the greatest roster of stages.

They haven't been working on Splatoon 3 that whole time though, since Splatoon 2 got a lot more support over the years. We'll see. I think it also has a lot to do with how drastically they want to shake up the Splatoon 2 meta and playstyle, which I'm hoping they'll do.
I'm really looking forward to Rainmaker without Sting Ray.

I hope Nintendo uses 3 as a way to disassociate the plaza artwork from Twitter. It was fine in Splat 1 when it was connected to Miiverse, but when it changed to Twitter in 2 that's when the bullshit started.

In a similar boat myself. Splatoon 2 is still super active though, not sure why everyone assumes it's "dead". Go dive in. Right now. And play Octo Expansion.
Also I want to bury my face into ceph spat crotches and appreciate their midriffs. All of them.

I'm not sure what they could since Miiverse isn't a thing anymore.
Actually Super Mario 3D World used to have basically the same thing, what'd they change that to on Switch?

Let me belieeeeeeve. Pretty sure the developers confirmed development on Splatoon 3 started sometime after Final Fest 2, but I want to THINK that things were in motion even before then. Oh well, no stopping the facts. With all the different Special Weapons introduced into Splatoon 3, I have a feeling the devs want the new game to evolve in a brand new way once again. Stages aside... let's hope no Damage influencing Abilities are introduced. Again.

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I still cannot believe they reintroduced Main Power Up in Splatoon 2. What the fuck were they thinking?

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I want the new music.

>If you're not limited on cash
I kinda am, and I already have 3 full price games that I want to buy including splat3, alongside a few things I want to buy on sale on november.
I had fun with the free trials they released on NSO, but missing out on splatfests sucks. Waiting for 3 gives me time to finish some of my backlog too

The new stuff's been pretty good so far. Maybe less experimental and out there than Splatoon 2.

MPU existing only to improve a specific aspect of the main weapon, such as Splat/Undercover Brella's canopy recovery speed, or the Blasters' aerial accuracy, was one thing. In this regard, MPU was comparable to Sub Power Up, which only serves to upgrade specific aspects of the Sub Weapons and nothing more. Giving flat damage upgrades to specific weapons, subsequently birthing the 99.9 meta, however, was pants-on-head stupid. God only knows why they thought this was the perfect idea to implement. Even Turf War and League Battle are plagued by MPU-spam.

Even that I think is too obviously good. The problem with an ability that increases a weapon's range or painting ability is that it also lets you get more points which lets you get more specials which then gives you a benefit like faster special charge just as a free side effect. Of course people are going to want the best version of their primary weapon.

It doesn't have it at all. I would almost best Splatoon 3 ditches the plaza posts altogether since they have to know how much of a cesspit the non-JP regions turned into.

and meant bet.

Yeah, I guess that is also true. Special Weapons in general are crazy strong. Having more opportunities to pop them tilts the battle in favour of the team that can. So, given all of the negatives associated with the existence of Abilities such as Splatoon 1's Damage Up and Splatoon 2's Main Power Up, we are prepared for Splatoon 3 to follow suit in some regard, yes? It will probably happen again. :\

Maybe we're stuck in a perpetual timeloop where the devs have a damage upgrade, realize it's a fucking terrible idea that massively skews the balance, and take it out from the next game. Then they forget why they removed the ability in the first place and put it back in. Repeat.

How does the bow differ from any other charger? Chargers basically worked like bows in the first place.

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Will we have better specials?

hope he's excited too

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No, we'll have worse specials, but the game will be better for it.

Because the developers are not only Japanese, but hail from Nintendo specifically, I say this is the most accurate explanation in regards to the situation. Also I want off Nogami-san's wild ride, but I am addicted to it for other reasons.

Stringers (official name for the bow class of Main Weapons) seem comparable to "dual mode" weapons from the past, such as Ballpoint Splatling, Flingza Roller, and Squeezer. At least, the one shown off so far, the Tri Stringer, does. If I remember correctly, grounded shots fire three projectiles horizontally, while aerial shots fire them vertically. The opposite may be true, I cannot remember. In any case, the projectiles explode a moment after landing onto a surface. Tri Stringer appears to be more of a mid-range weapon, compared to most Chargers that are instead long-range.

Visit Twitter, and peruse the official JP or NA Splatoon Twitter account. Nintendo has been posting news updates in the form of clips and images there at least once a week since the release date announcement. Among these snippets of information are some Specials. Should Twitter put you off too greatly to take a gander at, try YouTube. People have been uploading clips from Nintendo's sites there. Most of the Special Weapons so far seem better than Splatoon 1 and Splatoon 2's. Scariest Special so far may be the brand new Ink Vac desu. Given the correct circumstances, that thing can shutdown the enemy's offensive push or defensive maneuver.

Splatoon 2 is pretty unique for Nintendo though, since it's maybe the first time they've ever posted extensive patch notes detailing changes. And up until they went full retard with MPU, it seemed like they were paying pretty close attention to the metagame. Though that may just have been because the metagame was pretty unhealthy early on.

well I think it's a single projectile for one instead what basically amounts to a hitscan of Ink for a certain range.


It's been on my mind all day.

Chargers aren't actually hitscan.

That user clearly knows that

God I want to try one of Sean's fried monstrosity sandwiches actually or one of the shakes. I bet they're so good...

if the squid duo arent cute boys then no

This shit looks like a heart attack on a plate.

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user the devs themselves are waifufags. Thankfully they are plenty capable of making cute boys too, but the idols are either Off the Hook again, or a new duo.

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