Gaming youtuber reviews a game

>gaming youtuber reviews a game
>his evil twin appears
>skit is longer than the review

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Game "review"
>It's just a long summary vid

>game "review"
>its over 10 minutes long
if you cant say what you need to in 10 minutes your statements have no weight. You are just adding extra fluff to seem smarter

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I disagree, but if the review is more than a hour you can usually tell its mostly fluff.
What I cant stand is the 5 hour plus reviews.

>le brevity is le soul of le wit
Is there a more reddit stance than this?

Isn't that anthony fantano's schtick?

Guess the Irate gamer did it too? I can't even remember properly but Irate Gamer hat some weird ass story arcs

Stay mad, fag

>le brevity isn't le soul of le wit
Is there a more reddit stance than this?

Noooooooo you can't just insult /pol/s newest "smart" comeback

>t. joseph sneederson

People keep posting this meme but are there any examples?

>t. clockwork hanson

I can't imagine reviewing a game taking longer than a minute to explain in bullet points why you feel it's good or bad. I should make a review channel with TTS since my voice is extremely bad.

>Sonic video
>*Green hill zone theme plays* SONIC IN THE 90S WAS THE BIG THING
>*GHZ theme slowly fades away* but his jump to 3D was... quite rough...

>gaming youtuber states that he's too dignified to sponsor Raid:Shadow Legends
>A guy in a suit offers him cash
>gaming youtuber then proceeds to "ironically" sponsor Raid: Shadow Legends

>gaming youtuber reviews a game
>don't watch it because it's youtube

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low iq

>gaming youtuber sponsors Raid:Shadow Legends
>doesn't even have a sponsorship

>game reviewer starts talking about a gripe he had
>takes up 80% of the video just shitting on one singular thing like it's the end of the world
>"so anyways, I give this game like a 9/10 you should buy it"
>never acknowledges that he spent the majority of the review shitting on the game which doesn't reflect in the high score

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>pink lit wall
>gaming© chair
>awful hair dye
>but first let me tell you about Raid shadow legends

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>angry joe
>all of the other avgn clones from te early 2010s
I guess that's it

Did avgn really though? He had clones alright but I can't remember an evil twin


I'm going to start submitting timestamps of skits to sponsorblock. you're not funny, and your skit has no relevance to the review, good bye.

Obligatory SephirothSword57 plug.
He plays the part extremely well.

Who started this?

Ughh I hate this I’ve seen far more of these than I would have wanted


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>game review
>obnoxious character appears and criticizes reviewer/game in a nasally, nerdy voice (bonus points if his comment can be considered politically incorrect)
>reviewer smugly dismisses him

>video starts
>vague as fuck description of the game
>dumb channel logo as a transition
>provides no broader context
>literally just reads a plot summary then complains about an unusual game mechanic that is apparently a deal breaker
>meaningless numeric value
>like comment and subscribe guys, see you next week!

they can't get as many mommy youtube bucks without videos being 10+ minutes

>eceleb talks about game that is in my backlog
>suddenly lose any desire to play it

>review is just recapping the plot of the game

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>MOOOOOM, AVGN depicted me as shitpickle again >;(

untrue. 10 minutes isn't enough for me to make an informed decision. maybe for a $10 indie game.

>he doesn't have sponsorblock

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no. /pol/tards can't handle getting dabbed on for more than 40 words, it's why they dropped out.

>the ultimate analysis of X
>6:00:00 (SIX HOUR) (300 + 60 MINUTE) long youtube video
Yeah. Uh huh. Ok. Yup.

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I like to run those in the background while working or playing videogames, maybe you should stop clicking on them dumb cat.

>video gives you an entire fucking lecture about the HISTORY of the thing and then reaches no conclusion whatsoever
>SO is the new resident evil good?
>IN THE 1960s Capcom was actually bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
>.... So I guess.... Only time will tell we can't know for sure hehehehehhehehehe like the video subscribe hit the bell comment share follow my instagram twitter use my discord subscribe to my patreon by the way MANSCAPED & RAID SHADOW LEGENDS guys
I swear I will knife down any Youtuber I meet in Minecraft.

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>wasting time with someone's stupid youtube opinion instead of playing the game yourself

>unlike our favorite red plumber, the blue blur had a...*sigh* rough transition to 3d.

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Fantano skits usually dont last more than 20 seconds.

listen here you fuckwadface
no point in watching a video if you're not going to look at it
also I didn't click it

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Get a second or third screen you poorfag lmao

what are you on about, schizo?

lol why

>watch me wave my hands in hysteria, do garbage skits and yell at a game after spending roughly 40mins liking on it's box cover
I wish the internet wouldn't allow comments or expression in any way. Why couldn't this whole thing just be a giant encyclopedia without offering retards a platform to personalize themselves in front of a hivemind audience?

Because it always stinks to hell if somebody doesn't get what background noise is and it's usually people that only have one screen and never did a dull task in vincinity of a tv/radio/computer in there life.

I have 2 screens already
I just use them for work and not to zoom zoom open 31 videos and tabs like you fucking zoomers

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>Click on a video thinking its a review
>Its actually a 27 minute long skit
Will this kino ever be topped?

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I'm 35 catposting retard

>game reviewer judges game by his personal morals

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>video game channel
>unsolicited political takes and appeals to support *political movement*

>youtuber uploads a video for skit lore

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>Reviews horror game
>calls it halloween special
>It came out november 5th

>open game review
>a cringey deviantart persona pops up on screen
>close game review

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>brevity is... LE BAD
how to out yourself as a pseud in one simple step