hows that game along /v?
Game Dev
Over a year later and it's finally back to this point.
UE4/5 and Unity are both garbage. Now that we got that out of the way, discuss.
I have a question for you: I'm trying to make a game happening in a city with a calendar system and all. It's an action game with a lot of melee.
I'm trying to figure out the pros and cons of these two concepts:
1/ Having an "open" city. The usual stuff of having a sandbox map where you can roam and explore freely
2/ Making a map that allows you to select different areas/neighborhood. So the whole city is divided between these smaller spaces and you can travel between trough loading screens.
For the divided map stuff, I was thinking of maybe adding to that the possibilty to have an area that'll serve the purpose of a HUB for the player. I like this idea because I can implement some sort of Animal Crossing type of stuff where you can upgrade this HUB by gathering items/objects/pets or whatever. So you can chill there when you want to take a break from the melee action.
The sandbox's pros are obvious. But it's way harder the build and make pleasant to explore.
What do you think?
Maybe I should try to code and stop doing shit like this
I got a programming job so I will probably literally never work on my game again now
not to burst your bubble user but I think your game idea sounds too ambitious. unless you have already released a game you will not be able to make something like that as a beginner. if you're experienced then forget what I said. optimizing for sandbox is much tougher. you can have more objects and flesh out the environment more with instances. regardless that all sounds like a nightmare to make for one person, optimizing etc.
Don't worry about the bubble but I appreciate the input on it. Yeah from the very begining the sandbox idea got me thinking way too much on several aspect. And yesterday, I was watching a dev's livestream and he talked about the HUB thing and I loved the idea. But the thing is that with the sandbox way, I can get away with making a very tiny city when the divided map way require to have multiple areas that are very detailed (so maybe bigger than a whole city if you count very locations)
Okay Yea Forums in what area do I have to put more emphasis when developing a video game simply on the code and make a gameplay that can be enjoyed, create characters that people can recognize and love, history, music or what?
Fixed some bugs today and I'm preparing some code for adding goats. Should take me like an hour max since I already have chickens together with butchering and feeding so I can just copy and paste a lot of stuff.
Trying to figure out how to fix this softlock in our game. There's no memory leaks we could find and replicating it is a crap shoot. It just happens sometimes.
Fixed up the HUD, and added more visuals. Slow, but progressing.
how big is your game user
Haven't worked on my game for about a week, planning on getting back onto it this weekend. I got worldspace UI working as well as a custom warp effect I did.
I had a burnout and havent worked on it this whole week.
But that is all right because my code is clean and I can come back to the developing with the efficiency I have left it.
Dumb Japanese girls can make a game, what's your excuse?
>I had a burnout and havent worked on it this whole week.
I had a burn out that lasted 4 months, Ive went back user. The important part is coming back to it. Tho thats from just asset creation.
It's cumming along~
It is about 1/10th of what I want it to be right now. Doing all the meaningful stuff in the game shoud take about four hours right now if you know what you are doing. You can spend like fifty hours unlocking all the costumes and cheats but I don't really count that since most people are not that autistic.
The game is suposed to be replayed multiple times and single playthrough right now takes about one hour. Full game should be five to eight hours for a single playthrough.
Make games for Playdate, please.
Making every thing modular is a long endeavor, the game must be modifiable, and everything can be load or unload in run time.
It takes time.
You are gonna use your own assets right???
Definitely. But I want to focus on the gameplay and mechanics first. Once all of that stuff is finished and set in stone, then I'm going to work on the graphics and music. I suck at those things and it takes me a lot of time to make even simple things so I don't want to spend time on something i might have to scrap later.
Music and gameplay are the most important. Presentation, tone, story are the next most important things if you care about that. Art style and graphics need to be passable but they don't have to be amazing.
why are they programming in a car
Music and Gameplay. What players will hear and what they'll be doing is important.
anything I can improve with this convenience store? I'm not sure if the space between the shelves is too much or not. if the shelves are too close you can't see the floor so the map becomes very crowded and paths are not obvious. it's difficult in rpgmaker to make stuff align well because of the 48px limit. the entrance and the windows are not done yet.
>But I want to focus on the gameplay and mechanics first.
I did a similar approach. I made basic assets and then started on the core gameplay and mechanics. Before I flesh out the mechanics completely (see: dungeon bullshit, story, etc) I went back and started making all the basic enemies. Mine is just a basic RPG compared to yours tho.
which one am I supposed to use
the one you like
the one you know how to use. It literally doesnt matter what engine you use. I hate to use a food analogy but whats the difference between using Box stuff vs from scratch? Theres barely a difference, its how you present it.
Not working today suck my butt
Well I was able to get images to swap out when characters transform not to long ago. Ive been busy working on basic mobs for the player to fight. Its rough Im gonna have around 150~170 enemies but that includes the pallet swaps that are common in RPG genre.
Let's see...First I have to learn:
>the fundamentals of programming
>data structures
>design patterns
>software architecture
>game design
>linear algebra
>anatomy (human and creature)
>pixel art
>3D modeling
>graphic design
>character design
>environment design
>color theory
>interior design
>narrative design
>sound design
>music theory
>music composition
>music production
>image editing
>video editing
>customer service
>the various softwares required for each of the above
Then I have to make 10+ prototypes to find the game that's actually fun enough to play and sell.
....I REALLY want to play your game now..
>tried compiling my game and windows 10 called it a Trojan virus and deleted it.
What the fuck?
>He tried making a cryptominer
Hahah faggot
I just wanted to test that I can get a window on screen.
git gud
>work on game for months
>got all the mechanics working just how I want them
>little to no bugs
>realize that the game is not fun
A game is 90% assets and anyone who tells you different either never made a game or never made a game more complex than pong
repost from yesterday.
Choose one and run with it. Though Unity and Unreal are probably the most appropriate if you're new due to the large communities surrounding them.
*laughs in dorf fort*
Looks cool as hell user, are you intending it to be an arena-type combat game?
why do you faggots think like this. if you have this approach to life then you will never be able to do anything no matter what skill you're trying to tackle. the expectation of becoming an instant expert is retarded.
How do the controls work?
yea, its kind of like mount and blade with some jedi outcast influence.
>which tool do I use
The appropriate one for the task
If I buy GMS in steam I dont have to renew it after a year, right?
I've managed to learn 3/4 of your list and I've been game devving for about a year. It's fun to learn stuff
a bit like mount and blade with some other influences, don't want to give too much away ;)
its mouse and keyboard only, its pretty intuitive. hoping to get a demo out soon.
do you have to apply the mirror modifier befor UV unwrapping or how does that shit work?
You learn while you make your game you retarded faggot, also half of those take 1-2 hours to grasp if you're not a retard
If you want the texture to be symmetrical then you can UV unwrap before applying a mirror modifier. Mirrored faces will share the same space on the UV map as the original face. I can't remember but you should be able to move the mirrored faces in the UV map to be somewhere else on the map if you don't want symmetrical textures.
Also worth keeping in mind that UV unwrapping before applying a mirror modifier will guarantee that a seam will run along the mirrored axis, just something to be aware of.
>this shit again
go back to /agdg/ and kys, or change the order
All the code is done it's just taking a very long time to make the sprites, who knew a vore game would take so long to create
posted this yesterday but its about a board game piece that escapes the game being played.
I don't really care for the gameplay but man is your environmental design on fucking point. Excellent job. I want to play just so I can look around
good work
could easily be made into a really cool Kings Field type game
could maybe sell it as a "first person dark souls" to the masses, with various monster creatures to fight and environemntal hazards instead of just humans
do you have a twitter or website or anything where people can follow you?
you again huh. lets say hypothetically i've "used" some of your material. you don't use any real images for references do you?
environments are really really good, can definitely sell a game on them
a story about someone escaping their set place is also interesting
but it being about a literal chess piece is lame, and other people will definitely find it lame
should maybe think about it being more metaphorical
or at least make the chess piece more human with a face and facial expressions
I want to add more lighting, but I'm using the URP and it's kind of fucked with realtime lighting.
Doesn't URP have some dumb 12 light limit or something
sorry man, i gotta go with these guys. i know its more niche.
Something like that, and getting real-time shadows that aren't pixelated pieces of shit is difficult. I want to switch to HDRP but I'd be a pain in the ass because I rely on a bunch of URP based shaders I made myself. It baffles me how the source engine, an engine that's 20+ years old now, has better dynamic shadows than Unity URP.
Any of the anons posting games ITT have had previous experience with programming before you started or did you just go in blind and started building your game?
I'm currently proficient in 3D modeling but know next to nothing about programming.
Lmao those other two replies are a joke. Music is absolutely on the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to player focus, and I say that as a composer myself.
Hopefully all the non-retards are still reading, so I'll say this: Music and sound design helps set the tone and is a nice addition to any game, however the absolute vast majority of players don't consciously pay attention to it. Unless your music is absurdly shitty- crazybus style, or you're 8/80ing your sound mixing, it doesn't matter all that much. What players notice first is always the artstyle (not "graphics". You're not AAA with a multimillion dollar budget), so if there's ONE thing you need to focus is on that. I don't say gameplay because I have no idea what kind of game you're making, but in some exceptions (character action/sports games and others), you may want to focus on gameplay instead.
is there anywhere people can follow you? twitter or youtube or whatever
this is why is bothers me when people get so down about having to program
fucking asset making is the cunt of it, just write awful spaghetti code your game will probably still work
I did a quick test and it worked perfectly after applying the mirror. thanks king
This guy knows what's up. Only audiophiles bring up music and those who played a game that was good enough without the music long enough to grow fond of the music itself.
ah, yes, the classic "the one field that i'm actually good at is the least important one, trust me bro" post
grass is greener