How does one make friends online these days?

How does one make friends online these days?

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I haven't made a new online friend since the early 2010s, and even then I met them through real life friends. Granted I'm also turning 30 this years and don't even know wtf kids are doing these days. Is 'bussin' still a thing? Just tell some kid in Fortnite he's bussin no cap forreal and send him a friend request.

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We're just too old user
When we were kids we were fine being obnoxiously friendly and annoying and constantly talking about stupid shit and now that we're old we're too afraid of being cringe so we toil in loneliness.
That's why furries and homosexuals have no problem making friends

Not true. I'm a furry and I can't make any new friends

You don't even own a fursuit do you?

Just talk to people on discord. If somebody likes playing the same game as you do then just ask if they want to play together and then play together. You know all this so why ask

This. I grew up out of the majority of online games, and the main online games now are all battle royale which I fucking hate. I've been through all my COD days when I was younger. The games I want to play like Divinity 2 or BG3 etc (when it releases) seem to be more niche. Luckily I have a brother that enjoys the same games as me, and we still play together quite regularly.

I've made most of my online friends on League of Legends. So many times a random friend is playing with a couple of his friends but they have a slot open, and I'm on the game client, so I get invited as well. Play any similar multiplayer game and you'll make friends for sure.

The other way is to be active in a gaming community (discord) but those have always been surface level to me and people are apprehensive about joining voice chat for some reason.

It doesn't help that most new games of old franchises we used to enjoy are utter dogshit. My friends and I would likely be playing Halo, CoD and Battlefield every weekend if it wasn't for the fact that all recent releases are parodies of themselves. It's like what happens with a syndicated TV series that should've realistically ended at season 5 but continued for another decade after that.

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Raven exists to service Trigon cock

Second this, as a homosexual i also have trouble finding friends

Oh, you know where else I've found friends? Dead games. Any multiplayer game with very few people to play with seems to make people very active in interacting with others, because they have to. See: any discord fighter

Discord is garbage for making real friends. I've used it for 5 years now and in the end every relationship i had on there is empty and just people who post emojis and crappy facebook tier memes.

Not a bad idea. If you were a part of a community years ago and then come back to the game when it's dead, you're likely left with the same exact people you were shit-talking with back in the day.

Find an online game you like and talk to people. Hope you have a personality they don't hate. Add them on steam/discord whatever. I don't really like having online friends. It's like I'm only worthwhile as a person if I'm actively doing my best to entertain them 24/7. Just learn to value solitude honestly.

This. This is especially the case with online friends. As soon as you start to bore them its over.

Wanna be my friends anons? uwu

That's the problem with being oblivious and uninhibited, there's a decent chance you'll come off as endearing and make friends, but you're more likely to piss people off and get told to shut up.

This. I made a fuckton of friends on skype because big skype calls were always happening, but Discord seems to have devolved conversing to just spamming emojis or quoting memes.

Yeah the only way to really get past the 'if you're boring me go away' phase is when you start connecting emotionally and getting vulnerable n shit. But this won't happen often and you have to accept that most discord friends only give a shit about you when you are playing a game with them or doing your best to entertain them.


you don't

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Dungeons and Dragons, I'm not kidding
Most multiplayer games are surface level and easy to move on from. Group playing Monster Hunter? You buy the game and they moved on to an MMO within a week. Subscribe to the MMO and you are so far behind that you have no chance of catching up. They then get another game and the cycle of wasting money just to keep up with the people you want to be friends with continues.

DnD though is a game where people have to sit down and play it for hours on a weekly basis. Roleplay and just chatting with other players leads to fulfilling conversations and interactions, and as long as the group is consistent, you can make lifelong friends through tabletop roleplaying games, on or offline

I met someone on Yea Forums's fabulous Yea Forums over 10 years ago and later met them IRL and lived down the street from him. He was cool but one day he disappeared and nobody I know through him knows what the fuck happened to him. He just disappeared

this, it's about time the big franchises stopped fucking around with maxing graphical fidelity and start making fun games again. It's a shame indie games don't ever reach the playerbase to be something as ambitious as battlefield.

bond with someone over whatever gay nerd media you both happen to like

play MMOs

no thanks, I'll stay alone

ive been trying to do this myself off and on for two years now. i bought MonHun Rise on sale and ive been trying to meet people through playing that but it hasnt been very effective, people dont talk much at all and very selectively accept friend requests.

you don't, this generation is terrified of genuine connections

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not only are mmos not good video games they are also very far from social nowadays

You don't.
The only IRL friend I made online ghosted me last year after knowing me for over a decade. I'm still bitter about that.

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I want to talk with a femanon making friends online

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Oh that was me. Sorry, but stay away from me.

is this what rock bottom looks like

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The last generation (ours, I assume) was terminally online by choice. It was a much smaller pool of weirdos with similar interests and personalities, now everyone has a phone.

Use Zoomer memes.

I miss him

I hadn't realized it until I've seen this thread, but I made a fuckton of them in recent years, I have a discord server where me and my high-school friends play games to this day, we also sometimes hang out there just talking about stuff, specially with the pandemic, everytime they are playing with a stranger and they feel like playing again, or that the chat is shit they put them in the server, I've meet about 10 people like that, went to bars and shit with a few of them irl too

E-friends aren't real friends

i had a penpal once.


>he cut out a piece of paper taped it to a pen and drew a smiley face on it and began talking to it.
Which degree of insanity is this?

it's probably best if you just call me schizo

Youre setting yourself up for dissapointment. Instead of finding friends first, you find associates whom you regularly set aside time for to interact with in your manner of choosing and eventually work towards friendship. You dont just play with people day 1 and expect both of you to be friends off the bat.

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I'm just joshing ya man, having a penpal is an ancient art.

What are you idiots yammering about? Making surface level friends is easy. It's deep long-lasting friendships that are hard. Just find someone you agree with on perverted shit or make friends with the guy whose ass you just kicked in a video game.

It was my teachers idea from 6th grade.

It was pretty fun.

I'm sure you acted like a turbo faggot at some point and deserved it.

>tfw never got to do anything like that.
>best I got to do was send a message to an Airforce pilot.
I'm sure your penmanship is superior to mine do to more practice as well honestly.

send him a message, maybe he's just going through a tough time

>tell some kid in Fortnite he's bussin no cap forreal and send him a friend request
pretty much this. you can still make friends the same as you always have

I have chicken scratch; I needed to relearn how to write the alphabet all over again in Eighth grade because I failed too many tests due to illegibility.

So now I guess it's better, but I write really fast. Most great writers have some funny quirk like that so I guess it can't be all bad.

You have to make an effort to connect and talk consistently with people. That's it. Just chat a few times a day rather than ignoring them for days at a time. Say hi, ask what's up to break the ice and start a chat about some mutual interest in nerd shit. Everybody should make friends in life!

Probably was talking to some serial killer

I don't have any friends, like at all, the last time I had an actual conversation with anyone was probably in like 2020.
I'm comfortable on my own, but i can't deny it's fucking hard some times.

It's nice to think the person had some objectives or goals in life, yeah.

Then mines really no better. It's weird how english classes never actually tried to help you improve things like that... I have a sudden urge to go practice now.

You don't.
The old internet is dead and can never come back.

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get a job

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It's the most paralyzing thing. When you write out a well thought out paragraph, and the teacher just puts six red lines through the thing and annotates, "what? write more clearly!"

I worked in a restaurant for years, until covid hit and i was laid-off.
Since then i've been earning a steady income from a game i made during lockdown, meaning i'm perfectly fine financially. But the issue with this, and working from home is that it basically means i have next to no actual social interaction.

>that one time I had a STAAR test (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) for english where we were asked to write a story that had to be at least 250 words and I just wrote down the Assassin's creed plotline.
I didn't get to finish it because we only had an hour but when I got my test back my teacher wrote down in red "I'd like to see how this story would have played out." I got a 73 and laughed my ass off all the way home.

you and I are the same.

Just goes to show, ignorance truly is bliss.