The only console between the Xbox One and PS4 that was backwards compatible with both previous generation hardware and...

>The only console between the Xbox One and PS4 that was backwards compatible with both previous generation hardware and software from day one.

>The only console between the Xbox One and PS4 that offered free online multiplayer gaming.

>The only console between the Xbox One and PS4 that offered a unique and original gaming experience instead of being just a generic multimedia set-top box that can play Netflix and Hulu as well as the latest Call of Duty and Madden.

>Ended up becoming Nintendo's biggest failure since the Virtual Boy and was mocked and ridiculed on Yea Forums since day one.

Do you wish that the Wii U was a bigger success than it was?

Attached: Wii_U_Console_and_Gamepad.png (2900x1400, 950.24K)

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i don't really care that much. i just play video games sometimes

They should have named it something else and not bothered with the tablet gimmick.
It performed better than it deserved to.

If it being a success leads us to not having the Switch and consequently Steam Deck, YES, MAKE IT SUCCEED.


>had a mini wireless tv out of the box that could be used to lounge about playing games off the tv or a room away
>Had virtual console
>Had wii backwards compatibility that worked with the gamepad tablet
>Could be hacked for gamecube backwards compatibility? (Citation needed here)
>Could buy games on the wii u store, virtual console games on the wii u store, or go straight to the previous generation's wii store and buy games and virtual console games that the wii u didn't have from there
>Also worked with tv
>Had the option for controllers and didn't force the gamepad on you
>The reason it failed was because millenials couldn't do a simple google search to see if it was a new console or not

>>The only console between the Xbox One and PS4 that was backwards compatible with both previous generation hardware and software from day one.
And it was fucking shit.
>480i only
>locked up priiloader from working
>does not support Gamecube USB thing
>no Wii U peripheral support at all beyond streaming image to the garbage tablet
>oh, but if you buy the games again 3 months away from the console's death you get it :^)

Why do you romanticize something you universally shat on for being garbage. Is it for updoots or just to be contrarian

This failed because of customers, not Nintendo. If you're too dumb to do a google search, you're literally too dumb to exist

No, it failed because Nintendo had too much faith in the consumer's intelligence so it was their fault. Should've just named it the wii2 like a normal company.

Naming it Wii 2 wouldn't have made its library any less shit.

Oh so it was Nintendo's fault and not the consumer's.

That is obvious to anyone who doesn't take dicks for a living, the Wii U was fucking shit.

Oh okay so my point that it was Nintendo's fault still stand. Why did you feel the need to reiterate it? Were you unsure of your own opinion? Was it not obvious to you? Do you take dicks for a living?

I'm not , no.

>naming it Wii 2, where it would not confuse people into thinking it was just an add-on accessory to the existing Wii with no help from the vague marketing not clarifying it as such like the Wii U did, so consumers would actually buy the product, having developers including first party ones see that there's a market so they actually make games for the console wouldn't do anything because the Wii U has a shit library

2012-2015 was a dry spell for vidya. it was the heart of the recession. People had no money, games weren't selling as much. The PS4 and Xbone also came out and had poor launches. CoD didn't hit record numbers, and guitar hero discontinued. The PS4 sold the most but that didn't matter because Sony nearly went bankrupt in 2014.

Things only started to pick up in 2016. The Switch got a huge head start launching earliest. The PS4 was only picking up steam.

Attached: SonysellsHQ.jpg (621x414, 29.34K)

The Wii U had thrice as many games as it deserved to for its sales, all of them shit. And no, there would be no miraculous 3rd party support to make it not shit, its very predecessor is proof of that.

>instead of being just a generic multimedia set-top box

Have you forgotten about TVii

no games

"wii u" was a dumb name regardless of consumers' intelligence. the system had little in common with the wii beyond backwards compatibility with its games. something like "nintendo duo," "dual" or "duet" would have better emphasized the concept behind the system and wouldn't have confused people. play anons.


it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but from what i remember watching the e3 announcement when ever it was. they were a bit vague. should've flat out say that this is our next new home console.
but like said it's not like most potent customers watched that shit so not that important down the line

>Wii U is a dumb name
>nothing fun is done with the tablet
>didn't appeal to hardcores or casuals
>inferior ports of games already on other consoles

This console was doomed to fail right out of the gate. They tried reinventing the wheel during a time they should have focused on making a more appealing products. It's sad that pretty much all of the best Wii U games went on to the Switch anyway, making it more irrelevant.

in some ways,but it had alot of glaring faults.
like a gimmick that was extremely useless and power that struggled against the ps3 and 360.

>480i only
It was the first 1080p console

Attached: wat.jpg (736x730, 51.93K)

On the Wii mode, you illiterate nigger. You want 240p for CRTs.

Why didn't they just call it the Wii 2 or the Super Wii? I remember people being confused on whether it was a new console or an add-on because for the longest time the only thing they kept advertising was the fucking tablet

That's what the original Wii is for. Wii U for flatscreen.

Then it's not good for backwards compatibility, is it you stupid fuck.

i think ps3 might have been first. ps2 and og xbox might have been able to do 1080i in couple of games

The Wii U was the first, the FIRST 1080p console.

Attached: 1605644466606.gif (468x326, 816.42K)

>>The only console between the Xbox One and PS4
That's not how english works fucking idiot

>Stupid name
>Awful UI
>No games until 2014
>Awful online
>Pointless backwards compatibility. If you wanted to play Wii games it was just better to own a hacked Wii
Nha, fuck Wii U apologists, the console was retarded and I'm happy everyone can enjoy better versions of the Wii U games on the Switch or PC

It upscales Wii games for modern TVs so it's really good back comp.

>>The only console between the Xbox One and PS4 that was backwards compatible with both previous generation hardware and software from day one.
Needed it because it had zero games
>>The only console between the Xbox One and PS4 that offered free online multiplayer gaming
Zero worthwhile online games
>>The only console between the Xbox One and PS4 that offered a unique and original gaming experience instead of being just a generic multimedia set-top box that can play Netflix and Hulu as well as the latest Call of Duty and Madden.
Nobody, not even Nintendo made use of this
>>Ended up becoming Nintendo's biggest failure since the Virtual Boy and was mocked and ridiculed on Yea Forums since day one.
Because it sucked. I don't give a shit how bad PS4 and Xbone were. WiiU sucked just as bad if not worse.

>Could be hacked for gamecube backwards compatibility? (Citation needed here)

Some games like Deus Ex forced the gamepad on you. Gamecube games most definitely work pretty flawlessly once hacked.

Nintendo just shot themselves in the foot but it wasn't that bad. They ported all the games to switch

Nintendo got complacent because they were at the top of the world in the Wii/DS era, they were doing so well the PS2 looked like child's play. No company will probably do that well or have THAT much market share again, they thought there was no way they could have anything other than a smash hit with their next series of devices which is why they kept both the DS and Wii naming and as a result they went full retard and both failed hard. They managed to salvage the 3DS after the price cut at least though.

I'm half convinced the reason for Sony's success is that they have the most retard proof naming scheme possible. Your average person heres Xbox One, Wii U, and Playstation 4 and instantly knows what the Playstation 4 is. And the number went up like their iPhone so that means it's better. I could legitimately see the Vita doing better if it was called the PSP 2.

>I'm half convinced the reason for Sony's success is that they have the most retard proof naming scheme possible.
Right, that's why the PS3 wasn't a complete failure that almost got the console division axed.

$600 vs $300 for the Xbox 360 core is the reason there, that's Sony going full retard after the success of the PS2. But the PS3 still came back by the end of the generation once more affordable models came out despite the 360 absolutely decimating it for the majority of it.

Exclusively because of the Kinect years.

What's wrong with the tablet? I can't believe gamers accepted paid online and no BC.

Yeah, the trend seems to be whenever someone makes a huge amount of progress in the industry, they immediately fuck it up and lose all of it the following generation. Microsoft did an amazing job of capturing market share during the 360 generation, they even made a bit of headway in Japan. Then the Xbox One launch following the Kinect years was an unmitigated disaster that Microsoft is still trying to recover from. We're seeing Sony's current fall from grace again now after the success of the PS4. It's so dumb.

>"I can't hack the console to play pirated games, therefore it's shit."

Do people really...?

The only reason Xbox dropped the ball was because of Don Mattrick (massive asshole). Every bad Xbox decision can be traced back to him.
>stopping exclusives
>always online
>no used games

nobody cares about nintendo non-handhelds. this has been the case for a loooong ass time
the wii was the single exception and it will never happen again

Attached: Handheld-vs-home-large.jpg (1200x1200, 938.1K)

i don't think don mattrick has ever made a decision in his life. he was little more than a spokeperson

Is it still worth it getting a wii u and hacking it, just for the experience? never played with a wii u, but I could also just emulate it.

>buypiggy is ignorant
I can pirate just fine, Priiloader fixes the crippling issue of the Applefag dildo menu by replacing it with a fast, controller friendly menu.

Attached: mainmenu.png (853x480, 86.87K)

It has no SOUL

Mattrick absolutely made decision, or influenced decisions at the very least. He was the guy responsible for the kinect shilling.

Soul is launching the games you want to play quick. The cult of iFaggotry is the opposite of soul.

It's a fantastic console if you hacked it. It can play almost all nintendo games and has the only portability that matters (shidding and laying in bed).

Attached: 1651782899488.gif (500x288, 308.55K)

This is perhaps the most unreadable graph format i have ever seen

>the only portability that matters
it was perfectly portable if you were willing to be unfathomably BASED in public

Attached: ldscehmp5kqfytaku3bv.jpg (1000x667, 176.4K)

I knell to this sperGOD

To me it was a success. I still dont have a switch because why would I? I have a PC, a WiiU and PS4. Anything else is gay as fuck right now. I actually even play my New 3ds often still I bought 5 years ago, fuck I bought two actually because at the time they where like they are 300+ but I wont sell because I play good shit. Like the WiiU. I do miss the WiiU plaza bullshit..Sunk about 30 bucks in the eshop for my 3ds and modded another few hundred dollars worth of games.


If you could select one to succeed which one?

What a based King. Also fuck the haters. The Wii U was everything it needed to be, except it should have been a deluxe version of the Wii instead. It has backward compatibility with the Wii, its virtual console makes it one of the perfect nostalgia machines, it's also a lot more compact than you'd think. I don't even use the gamepad for anything and can boot it up with a wiimote. That's not even mentioning what it can do with modding and hacking, it is a very stable beast

Attached: Absolute Madman..jpg (499x512, 46.43K)

as someone who still uses a Wii u you get used to it but it's bafflingly required to have it going even if a game doesn't require it. You can't properly use the system without. It's to the point that some autists turn it on and take the tablet into another room so you can turn the tablet off (or block the signal in other ways). It just feels clumsy and unnecessary

Vita. It's shit, but there's nothing worth losing from it succeeding as Sony is incapable of doing a good handheld. Wii U failing was a two gens late wake up call.

Fun fact: the fucking tablet is region locked.