EVE Online

>almost 20 years of online service
>barely a 30k player base
>still alive
>still doing updates
>still delivering new content
how do they do it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>adam online
>a literal point in click novel
boring ass fuck

Depends how you classify alive.

albion online made me wish less players were playing it
if it's something similar with eve, then 30k is too much

>how do they do it?
What else are they going to do?

>Still delivering content
I heard today's keynote was a massive fucking disappointment though with nearly 0 fucking news?

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30k players is enough to keep a game afloat dumbass

Isn't EVE the Yea Forums of MMO's?

It's were being a complete cunt isn't just allowed, but encouraged?

Attached: Question waifuu.png (706x412, 270.2K)

I remember telling myself over a decade ago that i'd get back into EVE if they added walking in stations.

Did they ever deliver? Also I hate niggers.

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kek no idea, I saw the video on my recommendations and decided to make the thread, guess it's nearly the EoS then

wasn't it 300k 10 years ago?

haven't played for years myself but i think they did and it was fucking nothing because you could only sit in your room and couldn't interact with other players

That's fucking gay as nigger fucking faggot ass shit.

Attached: 000 cute little rascal.png (1369x1080, 1.08M)

where's this gote from


Because 30k ccu is a lot different than a 30k player base.
All that reddit does is bitch and say the game is dead.

thanks, looks fun, might check it out

It is easily one of the cutest shows I have ever watched.

I highly recommend it.


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Anime website faggot.

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>This is not a joke: EVE x Microsoft Excel is happening. Soon you’ll be able to transport in game date directly into Excel. Spreadsheets in space made easy. Crowd is loving this.

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that's a strong opinion, i somehow doubt it'll hold up but i'll see for myself

Its used to launder money for various criminal activities.

"Who fucking asked" in website form. It always attracts the most cunty people from any hobby/interest group

is this game like star citizen?

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yeah, for the rest of the genera, not moetrash

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they really took those spreadsheet simulator memes to heart then didn't they?

Anyone else happen to be waiting for down the rabbit hole?

Iv'e heard that EVE is basiclly a free for all betraying and fucking people over is rewarded.

Can I say the nigger word with impunity?

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>being a complete cunt on Yea Forums is encouraged
Either you're underaged or you don't really understand what free speech is.
Obviously you don't understand, so you should probably go back.

>He's not a complete cunt on the internet 24/7
Never gonna make it faggot.

Kill yourself.

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hika-nee is such a fucking cunt

you're insufferable dude
what a pathetic fucking kid

Wait, you're actually like this in your day to day life?

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Cry about it you stupid faggot bitch.


Attached: 000chad.jpg (822x960, 49.56K)

user, there's a nigger police ingame, a certain corporation that's literally spce kkk but devs just bat an eye when someone complains from time to time

Provide a source for your claims that is way to good to be true.

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this is what happens when american kids dont get shot in school everyone

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yes you can
but dont bitch and cry when someone hold a grudge and camp spawn you until you quit the game or start over

Nothing but Russians and Somethingawful Goons and a few redditors

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russians use it for money laundering

isn't it because this is an expensive p2w mmo?

>cheering for Excel support in your "game"
How does it come to this? What goes wrong in your life to the point where you're making spreadsheets for fun?

Holy shit, you are so fucking mad about someone being rude on Yea Forums.

You don't belong on Yea Forums or on Earth. It's a fucking crime that your mother didn't abort you.

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and where's this one from?

honestly this sort of map annoys the shit out of me
the star systems, the points on the lines, are the places you can actually own and the deadspace around them are literally nothing
so who designed this so you get huge misleading blobs just to have them overlap and make it harder to get a scope of things, especially with EVE where some of those constellations are literally worthless anyway.
Be better putting those blobs exclusively on active battle sites.

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>barely a 30k player base
That's considered successful nowadays even for an mmo in it's first year of release.


The character is Clara Valac. She is extremely cute sadly the manga gets progressivlly gayer and gayer.

once you find a way to make good ingame money it's easy to pay for multiple subs if you just play regularly

but yeah, multiboxing is almost required. most people have at least 2 accounts.

"30k" player base
If all the carebears and bots got shunted over to Elite Dangerous and the servers didn't include multi-box alts it'd probably be one of the smallest games still going
PLEX is too much real money for how few give a shit.

phonefagging on the bus now, I have a few screencaps on the pc from when there was a still a eve general on /vg/

No, because Eve online is actually released.

>Using public transportation
lol ur poor

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Not any fucking more lmao
Their sub fee was already more than most MMOs thanks to funky regional pricing and now it's getting 30% more expensive
the fucking ego on these black desert cunts

they don't have competition

bus here has its own lane on the street so yeah its way faster than being stuck on the traffic, also work is just 30 min away from my place, not getting a car just for that at least for now

Look poorfag we all know that taking public transportation means being around niggers while having a car means not being around niggers.

The only reason why anyone uses public transportation is because they're poor or they live in a 99% white country like Poland. Any other excuse is just a cope.

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enjoy your premature death rush-hour cuck

desu Gmod RP and likes rife with admin abuse seem to be doing much better than corp leaders in EVE so that's not exactly true
The only people playing EVE seriously are the ones who would be socially engineering scams otherwise for kicks if it wasn't for crime and punishment
Or the lucky handful who have double digit friends to play games with.

If you're more a loner or into the space gameplay, you're probably on Elite, or even No Man's Sky at this point. I mean Star Citizen etc. etc but you know a huge portion of the whales backing it got in when it became clear owning planets and fleets was going to be possible, the same types who just can't penetrate the bedrock that is the shitty EVE sovereignty system because they're too late/not ruthless enough.

My name has been AryanNation for 10 years

>public transport in Poland

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No reason to start playing because everyone is maxed out with tons of resources.

Look man I don't have that problem because I don't have a job. I also own a car because i'm not poor.

On another note i'm not going to be the one who's gonna die getting shanked by a coked up nigger on a bus.

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>ametimutts are so used to niggers that they think its the same around the world

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yeah but it takes me roughly 5 hours to earn enough isk to pay for a month

Give EO a try. It's free and fun to play

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Played it a long time ago and wanted to get back into it. It's just been more things to upset the player base and more expensive. On top of the realization it's just a thousand guys with 20 accounts it doesn't feel worth going solo


>having a car means not being around niggers.
>traffic stops
>car on the left is a pajeet taxi driver blasting bollywood songs from his only speaker directly into your window
>car on the right is a chevy full of niggers that smokes you car with a cloud of weed

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you're not wrong. I have so much isk now that I can plex my accounts for a year so I just kinda login and say hi to my internet friends and maybe join some public pvp fleet or something.

i think this game is best played casually. ironically you don't really get to do this before you've played hardcore for a year or two.

These problems can be mitigated by noise cancelling headphones and rolling your window up.

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