i just finished 6.1 MSQ i was wondering what to do now ? also have no friends playing atm do you have any linkshells to make friends or even find a qt femboy gf. im on lich, any advice ?
Ff14 thread
Grind out all your Relic weapons
I hope we get glowing versions of the level 90 equipment. I hated that they skipped that in SHB.
i finished getting my blade relic some weeks ago. im kinda burned out of farming relics
Did you do The Warring Triad, Four Lords, and Sorrow of Werlyt?
mmm no i don't think i did,
il look into that. this is my lovely relic T_T btw
what do they do?
I got stuck on late ARR content, it's unbearable. Maybe I'll come back to it in a few months.
Those DSL hnnngggghh
sorrow of werlyt is pretty good if you like au ra abuse
it's literally a stick with some glowy shit wrapped around it. gross
i got lucky i had friends to level with so was a little bit more bearable. i love this game but with no free company i find myself unsubbing more often
Yeah it's difficult to find a free company that speaks English. And I don't have friends who play MMOs.
it's not :( i love my glowstick
oh wow yaaaay another guy playing as a hot girl
it's FF14 bro. that's very expected.
you sir are a pedofile, im playing as a cute girl not hot
unbelievably cute would holds with and sleep on discord call with
Clear the savage tier in Party Finder so you can pug Dragonsong Ultimate just like the rest of us.
Group chat for people in different free comapnies basically
that hud is special, in the arm slapping chest kind of way
Once you finish the MSQ, you should try to go back and do all the blue side quests you passed by.
Once that is done, the game is basically a collectathon of mounts, titles, glamours, housing items, triple triad cards, and fish earned by various means.
You can also try to challenge savage and ultimate content, including the newest utlimate but that will require best in slot gear which will take you some time. This is also a good way to make new friends while playing since you will be spending a lot more time with the same players compared to duty finder content.
PVP is also an option.
If none of the above appeals to you what you can do is cap yourself on poetic tomestones then unsub until the next expansion then do all the MSQ content released from 6.2 until 7.0. You'll spend your poetics on whatever the highest ilvl gear is being sold at Radz at Han when you resub
If you like relic weapons the anima line of weapons is really good for white mage. Sindri is still one of the best canes
I unironically want to, I only cleared turns 1-3 in party finder during first week of savage so I've just been re-clearing those fights since. Seeing just how hard it was trying to clear P3S even during the end of the first week in PF is making me discouraged to try and PUG P4S now.
P3S is unironically more difficult to PF than P4S. Just go for it.
Do the side quests.
Man I'd love to do the ultimates and savages and etc. But I feel like PF would be hell as a newer person to those trials.
once i hit 80 yesterday i accidentally blew all my poetics on the ilvl 500 gear instead of the 530 at eulmore, i will never financially recover from this
You will very easily recover. MSQ roulette gives 450 or 500 a day depending on what you get.
Crystalline Conflict is also a good way to grind for them.
>Eureka is the worst content in the game
>Has some ok story stuff at the end
>Looks nice in a few areas
>Bozja still sucks ass but is less ass than Eureka
>Has fucking meme hroths as the story while any mildly interesting character gets thrown into meanwhiles and flavor text
>Blown out wartorn assholes
>Anything with the good characters scrapped after how much people hated its story
Why can't they just make this shit good for once
i have been capped on poetics for like a year
I like eureka. I also think pagos is the best area, but hydatos is pretty neat as well
>MSQ roulette
you couldn't name 2 more objectionable things if you tried
>Can skip the entire snail paced ilvl grind if your not a raidfag
Nothing felt better than the day I said I don't care anymore.
how will you get that 99% parse on story mode raids then
go get it
>Eureka is the worst content in the game
Unsub and wait for 6.55 to be out then resub.
Do people really?
Cancel your subscription and wait for the next patch
Lets hope you're right, I saw that stupid virus mechanic and my brain hurt
heh, you're speaking to the sigma gamer, im somewhat of a big deal
>run 3 expert dungeons
>tomestones get capped
>run aglaia once
>upgrade gear with coin
what grind
>No Godka
Nice story mode parses.
>normal mode
>dick sucking lips
>choker a.k.a. "the black belt in fellatio"
What did Yoshi mean by this?
the savage raids. Also why are you even doing that? Run Aglaia for the glam otherwise run crafted unless your locked out of a dungeon or alliance raid.
>parsing normals
But why
>what did Nomura mean by this?
Fixed that for you. The man has a type, and he sure fucking uses it every chance he can.
someone post it, nomura's waifu he's put in like 10 games
>qt femboy
Leave my fucking server tranny
Everyone agrees late ARR is a garbage fire, don't worry.
He's like Kubo Tite and black women.
dungeons give you more tomes and are faster, I don't care for glam, I already have what I need. I'm just there for the weekly coin.
>still no kissy mark Gaia smut
Who must I commission to fix this injustice?!
>static lining up buffs
>solo queuing, playing with the absolute dregs of the ffxiv community on a daily basis
we are not the same
>schedule is too shit for a static
>when pandaemonium came out decided I was gonna finally try to pub savage
I cleared P2S and I'm not going any further. It's been months and I still can't even summon the willpower to play the game regularly, let alone savage. I can't take this shit. I always assumed that you people were just exaggerating when you talked about how retarded PF is but if anything you were understating it.
I cannot put into words how much I want to LOVINGLY FUCK Lyse.
It's pretty insane what a difference it is, my static is half gray parses but at least they don't frequently wipe the team and mostly learn mechanics.
Though it is fun to learn that as a DRK, I outdamage our RPR every time.
last time I had a static was in 2.0 for twintania, ever since then I pugged everything as long as I was playing, the one thing I noticed is that once you get past certain filter fights you get the pick of players with marginally higher skill level.
Also if a group advertises a voice chat requirement, that's a bad sign.
I haven't played since Stormblood though so I can't comment on the current state of the playerbase but I've met with the worst of the worst before, to be any worse than that would be like playing with single cell amoeba.
communication is huge. on the fly organization is pretty tough to overcome without it
Only zodiac and anima weapons are soloable these days, eureka is still hard as balls especially when you need a CE to level and nobody's around to help. No amount of buffs or nerfs is going to make that easier and that armor you can get off the MB only gets you so far.
Since EW haven't been able to find a full CLL or Dal group. Every time it pops there's either not enough people in the zone or just no one wants to do it. I hate to see what DR looks like.
Got most of the SHB relics done I wanted but wouldn't mind finishing the rest, just looks impossible right now.
Take a break
Play flavor of the month game
DR is 5 people runs with echo now that take too long.
I don't know but please do it. I now need this too.
ff bros...we won
he's back /home/