Why Trans People Love Touhou
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Because they're secondaries who don't care about lore. Miko was given a brand new body, her old one didn't become female. Only her brain is unchanged.
That video was debunked, chudcel.
I thought its pounced tau-how
because they're pedophiles
Classic Digibro
They don't call 'em tranmaku and pedohou for nothing
>couldn't complete them on any difficulty higher than easy
Digibro is a lolicon. Lolicons are pedos. Pedos are trannies. Trannies are also lolicons. Therefore, Digibro is a tranny, am I right or am I right
I am a straight white dude who wouldn't hesite for even a split second if I knew I could murder a tranny and suffer no logal repercussions, and I love Touhou. What gives?
He already transitioned
>no logal
legal*, even
p#blm debunked the debunk
How dare you misgender pfzher you chronophobe
Didn't May cheat on him with Ethan Ralph?
trannies tend to be masochistic which draws them to games that actually have challenging gameplay which is already better than 99% of gamers' taste
Trannies love the idea of an otherworldly fantasy land where everybody is a little girl and no horrible bully cissy adults exist.
>Pedos are trannies
Pedo has been the default state of being before 20th century feminists (look up "The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon") led by kikes decided to cuck everyone.
You are a cringe male feminist and if anything a part of the incel to tranny pipeline. You'll realise simping for roasties won't get you laid so you'll decide to transition instead.
Look man, I was being ironic, but you need some serious medication
You mean the RALPHAMALE?
the absolute state of leftist cucks
I like touhou and I'm a pedophile but I'm not a tranny
What the fuck happened to digibro? I didnt even realize it was him at first
want a cookie or what?
haldol time
The math checks out, just used my calculator.
Prescribed by Chaim Steinberg, of course.
I find your calculations questionable, but the conclusions seems to be correct so maybe it is I who is in the wrong.
Being a pedophile isn't trad, the best fertility period is at 20 and women married at 25.
lmao where did you learn history from? Your local McDonald's preacher?
yes pls :)
I'd beat this bitch bloody and rape her
Too much weed
This is a standard Digibro video.
You seem confused.
Translation: Yea Forumstendogaf trying to push this narrative to get rid of Touhou threads
Finally, someone said it. Such an obvious astroturf thread
and where did you learn your history you stupid pedo faggot
>muh pedos of the past
no-one cares is people where more open about fucking kids in the past, they're still pedos and your still a fucking loser who was probably molested as a child
good, the games are fun but the touhou 'fanbase' is garbage
Good vid, think I will subscribe
This. Everytime some ip gets too many threads nintendocultist start spamming trannies. Funny because nintendo fandom is full of them
With gacha they just pull the BLACKED meme since obviously why pay 60 for a nintendo game for 2 waifus when you can colectiva 50 of them being f2p.
Btw I saw jannies deleting the black character from Xenoblade 3 x any girl kek
I saw them doing this with FF14 and steam deck threads too
Are nintendo games that bad you get triggered for a few people enjoying non nintendo games?
so true!
seething mutt
you will never be a woman, and you will never be white
You + rope + tree = future.
>300k subscribers
>is lucky to get over 10k views per video
Digibro is absolutely going to 41%
What the fuck happened to Digibro, man? He used to be one of the best people on YouTube. It's amazing how low some people can sink.
it's because gaysokyo is quite literally a haven for undesirables, which is what trannies are
every single good youtuber will either drop or become shit in the future, no exception
We'll see how long weed and bird will last him
But Im a fairycon and Im buff and lift 3 times a week. Max bench press is 125kg
user, most of recognizable western 2hufags are trannies
>le funny fumo guy
>t(ranny) stebbins
>tranny game jam
>yuyuko is tranny-colored, also 41%s herself
>yuyuko is tranny-colored, also 41%s herself
he was talking about 2hu threads on Yea Forums which has nothing to do with any of the items listed, except to make fun of them
Well, considering I want my dick to be devoured by Rumia he might be right
>recognizable western 2hufags
I literally cannot fathom being able to actually recognise an online personality for the fact that they play Touhou. Where do you faggots even come from?
Miss me with that shit tendiewhale, must be easy when Abib deletes posts and threads showing the tranny community nintendo has
While you are correct, I don't believe you used the right formula, I will have to bring this up to a high teacher per review
>What the fuck happened
Autism, unironically.
Orin is fucking pissed.