>9 days to go
Hopes? Dreams? Expectations?
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Gunlance buffed so I can play it without feeling bad that I'm not using my SnS instead
Rise already is the most fun I've ever had with MH so it can get only better for me if they don't force any griny shitty endgame in Master Rank
I'm so glad that we were right about the new monsters following the classic western horror theme.
What else could they add?
>spoiling us more things that would be awesome surprises ingame
Why not just give us a demo with the monsters already announced and some new moves?
OP you fucking dumb retard doofus, that's the March dev diary. The one this month is in FOUR days.
It's really fucking cool and gives the roster more personality from the outset. Makes you wonder why they never tried to do overarching themes before and just did random shit
I quit after less than a dozen hours and went back to World. I hope this expansion improves the gameplay because in its current state its lame AF and I'm a Tri babby. Never pre-ordering again, lesson learned.
everyone thought luna would be just some tobi/odo clone. then we see he's literally bipedal and a werewolf, even kicking the shit out of you. it's dope ngl
I just want Gigginox back in.
>going from Rise back to World because of gameplay
Miss me with the buggy clutch and ramps everywhere. Rise just feels like a sequel to MHGU, no clue what they were trying to do with World
I kind of wish that this was coming out in October when I'm already in the Halloween spirit. Late June is like the least spooky time of the year.
we should start a petition for capcom to delay it
but it is the best time to have fun with other people online.
>get to eat the cake sooner than I thought
Sometimes being a retard isn't too bad
It's the worst time, it's hot and things outside are more fun. It's like Capcom wants the game to fail
We need a troll monster
>troll monster that targets female characters much more often
>elderly variant who targets male characters instead
>if another monster appears in the area, Malzeno will fly off and attack it, draining it's blood and regaining health/getting a buff for a time unless you interrupt its feeding
So that's why it's actually good
Cross-save support with Switch
I was pretty underwhelmed with this game coming hot off of world so I took a break once I finished all the content. Might not get sunbreak right away, or at all.
Mizutsune's greatsword is a beauty though.
Why does Rise cause so much seethe? It's fucking Monster Hunter with an optional Spider-Man gadget
>It's fucking Monster Hunter with an optional Spider-Man gadget
So not MH
Months of
>it's a return to classic MH after world!
I also want Gunlance buffed and we need new Shelling Attacks to blow stuff up.
I am curious why they decided to rework Hail Cutter, it still can't compete with Ground Splitter.
It probably causes seethe because it's not a good game.
It returned to classic with the things that matter, like the more arcadey progression, no dumb story bits after every quest, feeling more like an arena fighter, blood is back, no floatly movement animations
>Rise just feels like a sequel to MHGU
This isn't good.
>no clue what they were trying to do with World
Next gen game.
Then it wouldn't be loved by most people and get so much praise. Capcom also wouldn't have released it. Sucks for you if you have no trust in Capcom
>with the things that matter,
Yeah, let's just ignore all the stuff it took straight from world, the gameplay in general and the rampages.
>b-but it splits village and hub again!
>that's classic
>feeling more like an arena fighter
>more arcadey progression
how to tell me you only played GU without telling me you only played GU. bing bing wahoo trying to tell people what classic MH is lmao
For me it's that we are no longer forced to play online like in World and can pause the game again
>This isn't good.
Speak for yourself
Can I get the bugs and their buffs from IB back please?
Just things that attack, generate clouds and you can power up so IG is less annoying to use.
The gameplay loop is back to the classic style though, no retarded padding, just village -> quest -> kill monster -> repeat
>back to hunter arts that gut the actual movesets and put everything interesting on a cooldown
>including moves that were in their base movesets in the last game
Yeah, rise taking cues from GU was super good.
>>including moves that were in their base movesets in the last game
Is there any that requires more than one bug? You always have one bug
This desu I never want to "track" a monster again
No more fucking rampages.
Gore Magala.
>95% the gameplay is monhan
>5% is a new addition
>therefore it's not monhan
with your defintiion no mh is a real monster hunter. every generation added some intrusive gimmick shit, whether it's swiming, mounting, ledge jump spam and styles, mantles, clutch claw, vampirism, monster tracking, story focus
how tf does online work in this game
The funniest part is people can't even agree on what the last classic MH was.
Yeah, it's not like bugs and super moves are big part of the gameplay now or anything.
>No more fucking rampages.
Most games in the series have a ballister fight, at least rampages are more varied than shit like Lao or farming Zorah materials. Feels like people just want to shit on Rise and are grasping at straws whenever they bring this up. It's very easy to ignore for the most part
literally more optional than swimming, verticality and all the other meme gimmicks
Rampages are just incredibly boring because they're nigh unlosable and once you've played one of every layout, you've played them all.
>and once you've played one of every layout, you've played them all.
And don't have to play them ever again unless you are very wasteful with your tickets. So no idea what the big issue is. I see it as a nice change of pace. It doesn't have to be amazing to make me enjoy the normal hunts more afterwards. That's actually 101 Japanese design philosophy and what MH is about since MH1
Most people who hate them just don't really understand them and don't want to bother. The less piss easy rampages are fun with a friend, like, knocking out a bunch of monsters in a row no scope is fun
trash game
series ruined by toddlers
for shame
>Then it wouldn't be loved by most people
Correct, and it isn't loved by anyone. The playerbase is dead.
How do I go back to Switch Axe? It used to be my main weapon in World but in Rise, Great Sword is my main weapon.
>playerbase is dead
I even find quests for Tobi on Switch. What do you back this up with?
>every generation added some intrusive gimmick shit
t. Started this franchise in gen4.
wait 9 days till sunbreak?
>on switch
Just another trailer and more news. Release is still June 30th. Also
Yeah that's its lead platform, love it or hate it
not on Snoy machine and they don't have PCs
Do bingers actually believe this or is it just shitposting?
They are going to give Longsword Judgement Cut, which will ensure everyone only plays LS forever
3 is the one that added underwater which had nothing to do with mh and was so bad and imbalanced we will never see it again
So anyway I played the Iceborne ranomizer. 1st Great jagras was replaced with a fucking legiana. Thank god I'm gud or I would've carted.
Believe what? Rise was developed for Switch first
I'm halfway through a second playthrough on PC so I'd be kind of pissed if they announced that
I hope it's added more than one level area
That it has 2 or more level areas. And at least 20 new monsters
One new area. G rank content for Rise.
>We need 13 GB to play Sunbreak
How are people with no free space gonna play it now?
The event is taking place on may 10th so in 4 days
delete elden ring
>be its own thing
>or try to pretend something you are not and do a shitty job at it
and then in the end you appeal to nobody, lose both your old playerbase and not good enough to grab a new one, then even more ridiculous shit get thrown into just to spark interest from someone, anyone, just to salvage the whole thing, but with as expected no success is gained because there is no integrity anymore
and thats how monster hunter died
say thanks to bing bing
>3 is the one that added underwater which
Was removed the same gen.
Also underwater was based.
Don't really care. I'd rather go into Sunbreak knowing nothing cause it's not like I need anything to help me decide whether I get it or not.
>Also underwater was based.
i'm glad enough people disagreed so we won't see it again
faggotry and elitism, happens with every new entry in the series until the next one comes out. this only happens on Yea Forums though, normal mh fans can see the pros and faults of every entry
And rise is full of faults.
stop being poor
old good new bad
+ console war faggotry
not any more than any other mh game desu
>love the idea of SA
>hate almost every design of it
It looks so bad sheathed, I can't bear to look at it in the Hub
it got rid of all the dogshit parts of world that were valid criticisms but kept some of the gameplay improvements that make le heckin oldfags mad
There has not been a classic MH since the third gen.
In which weird parallel universe do you live?
>one of the best selling MHs of all time
>best selling Switch game of its release year
>broke Street Fighter 2's single platform record sales
>every interview is Ryozo saying how happy they are with Rise's success
>everyone awaiting Sunbreak now
Why not just get a rope instead of doing picrel in every MH thread?
that's actually how i pictured most shitposter kek
World 2 will come out soon
World 2 will come out soon
World 2 will come out soon